Step 1: Define User Rights for Human Resources
Define the users to have access to the Human Resources module by changing the desired users within the User Security option and adding new users if needed.
Step 2: Set Up System for Emailing Notification Messages, If Desired
In order to use the Select Email Criteria option, or send email notifications from within the Sick Bank Deposits option, the Training Events option, or the Checklist Instances option, do the following:
1) Open the Email Manager option and complete the following: 1) complete the General Options tab (if not already completed) by selecting the Enable Email Manager field and completing the remaining fields; 2) if needed, on the Email Addresses tab, add an email address to use when emailing notifications in Human Resources; and 3) complete the Default Email Address ID field in the Notification Options section on the Human Resources tab, if desired.
to Complete Email Manager
2) Verify that the employees who will be sent emails from within Human Resources have a valid email address entered in the Employee File with the Other Communication field selected. If needed, email addresses for employees can be imported; also, the Adjust Email Addresses option can be utilized to update the usage field for Other Communication for employees.
Steps to Import Employee Email Addresses
to Adjust Email Addresses
Step 3: Complete Human Resources System File
Complete the Human Resources System File.
Steps to Complete the Human Resources System
Step 4: Complete Maintenance Files
Set up the various Maintenance Files in Human Resources. Depending on the information you will be tracking in the Human Resources module, complete the following files:
Benefit Information: Benefit Types, Benefits, Benefits screen in Employee File, and Dependents screen in Employee File for Benefits (if desired)
Steps to Complete the Benefits Screen
Steps to Complete the Dependents Screen
Note: If desired, utilize the Adjust Benefits option to quickly add a benefit to a group of employees all at once.
Certificate Information: Certificate Types, Grade Levels, Endorsements, and Certificates screen in Employee File
to Add a Certificate Type
Steps to Complete the Certificates Screen
Custom Field Information: Custom Fields and Custom Fields screen in Employee File
Steps to Complete the Custom Fields Screen
Demographic Information: Demographics screen in Employee File
Steps to Complete the Demographics Screen
Dependent Information: Dependents screen in Employee File
Steps to Complete the Dependents Screen
Steps to Complete the Education Screen
Employment History Information: Employer History and Employer History screen in Employee File
Steps to Complete the Employment History
FMLA Information: FMLA screen in Employee File
Steps to Complete the FMLA Screen
Military Service Information: Military Service screen in Employee File
Steps to Complete the Military Service Screen
Position Information with Evaluations (if desired): Evaluation Ratings, Evaluation Types, Sites, Buildings/Rooms, Departments, Position Titles, Positions, and Positions screen in Employee File
to Add an Evaluation Rating
to Add an Evaluation Type
Steps to Complete the Positions Screen
Training Information: Sites, Buildings/Rooms, Trainings, Training Events, and Trainings screen in Employee File
Steps to Complete the Trainings Screen
Workers' Compensation Information: Sites, Buildings/Rooms, and Work Comp screen in Employee File
Steps to Complete the Work Comp Screen
Step 5: Set Up a Sick Bank, if desired
If desired, set up a sick bank in Human Resources for use with one or more leaves (as defined in Payroll) for tracking deposits and withdrawals to a sick bank.
to Process Sick Bank Deposits
to Process Sick Bank Withdrawals
Step 6: Set Up Checklists and Checklist Instances, if desired
If desired, create checklists and checklist instances to track a list of tasks to be completed for various processes (for example, New Hire Checklist).
to Add a Checklist Instance
Step 7: Utilize Select Email Criteria, if desired
If desired, use the Select Email Criteria option to send email messages to a selected group of employees based upon certain criteria, such as birth date, hire/rehire date, certificate expiration date, a benefit, or a custom field.
to Send an Email Using Select Email Criteria
Step 8: Complete Negotiation Lanes to Integrate Human Resources to Negotiations, if applicable
If desired, complete the Negotiation Lanes option to integrate Human Resources with the Negotiations module (if applicable) in order to place employees in the correct lanes based on their degree and additional credit hours (for example, BA + 6 additional credit hours) or position title (for example, Head Football Coach).