Completing Email Manager

  1. From the main School Accounting System screen, select the Maintenance menu and then Email Manager.

  2. Click the General Options tab to enter the general information for sending emails from within the School Accounting System, including the mail server name.

Note:  If this field is unselected, emails cannot be sent from within the School Accounting System, including test emails.

Note:  The Use Hosted Mail Server field is only enabled if the Enable Email Manager field is selected and the organization uses the School Accounting System-Online version.  

Tip:  If using the School Accounting System-Online version and sending emails using the hosted mail server (at Wizmo), refer to the Configuring Email Manager for School Accounting System-Online Version topic for more information; or if using a Google® mail server to send emails, refer to the Configuring Email Manager for a Google® Mail Server topic for more information.  

Note:  If the Use Hosted Mail Server field is selected, this field will be selected automatically and disabled.

Note:  If the Use Hosted Mail Server field is selected, this field will be completed automatically (with and disabled.

Note:  If the Use Hosted Mail Server field is selected, this field will be completed automatically (with 587) and disabled.

Note:  The Backup Options section is not available for organizations using the School Accounting System-Online version with the updated database configuration.

Tip:  Multiple email addresses can be entered in this field by using a semi-colon (;) between the email addresses.

  1. Click the Email Addresses tab to define the various email addresses that will be utilized when sending emails within the School Accounting System.

Note:  There must be at least one email address defined within the Email Manager option.

Note:  To have the system automatically assign the ID using the first 10 characters (letters and numbers only) of the description, leave the ID field blank; once the record is saved, the ID will be assigned.

Note:  If using the hosted mail server (the Use Hosted Mail Server field is selected on the General Options tab), this field will be completed automatically (with and disabled.

Tip:  The email address entered in this field will also be used when the system sends rejection emails if the Use Hosted Mail Server field (on the General Options tab) is not selected.

Note:  If using the hosted mail server (the Use Hosted Mail Server field is selected on the General Options tab), the User Name and Password fields will be disabled and blank; when emails are sent, the proper information for the user name and password will be automatically included.

Tip:  The email address entered in this field will also be used when the system sends rejection emails if using the hosted mail server (the Use Hosted Mail Server field is selected on the General Options tab).

  1. Click the Save button.

Tip:  If desired, click the Test button to send a test email message for the newly added email address.

Steps to Test Email Manager

  1. If applicable, repeat these steps until all the desired email addresses have been added.

  1. Click the General Ledger tab.

  1. Click the Accounts Payable tab.

Steps to Test Email Manager

Tip:  Regardless if this field is selected or not, an alert will appear on the Accounts Payable screen if requisitions are pending the approval of the user currently logged into the system.

Note:  The notification emails for approvals use the verbiage as entered in the Approver Message field, while the recalled requisition emails use the verbiage in the Requisition Recall Message field.  If applicable, notification emails to approvers for requisitions awaiting approval are sent each time a user in Accounts Payable exits the Requisition Entry option after submitting requisitions or exits the Requisition Approvals option after approving requisitions; in Web Link the notification emails are sent after submitting each requisition and processing each requisition approval.  If the Send Email to Approvers field is selected and the Send First Email Only to Approvers field is not selected, a notification email is sent to approvers each time requisitions are pending their approval, whether from a user submitting one or more requisitions or from requisitions advancing through the approval process.  For example, if User A enters and submits 10 requisitions (all for the same approver) in Accounts Payable and then exits the Requisition Entry option, and User B enters and submits 1 requisition (for the same approver as User A) and then exits the Requisition Entry option, 2 notification emails will be sent to the approver.  However, if User A had closed the Requisition Entry option in Accounts Payable after entering and submitting each of the 10 requisitions, 11 notification emails would have been sent to the approver instead (10 from User A and 1 from User B).  If the Send Email to Approvers field is selected, notification emails for a recalled requisition are sent right after a requisition is recalled, and are sent each time a requisition is recalled, no matter if the Send First Email Only to Approvers field is selected or not.

Note:  If the Send First Email Only to Approvers field is selected, the Send Email to Approvers field will be selected by default if not already selected.  Also, if the Send First Email Only to Approvers and the Send Email to Approvers fields are both selected, and then the Send Email to Approvers field is unselected, the system will unselect the Send First Email Only to Approvers field by default.

Note:  If applicable, notification emails to submitters are sent only for requisitions which received final approval or were rejected, and are sent once a user in Accounts Payable exits the Requisition Approvals option; in Web Link the notification emails are sent after processing each requisition approval.  If the Send Email to Submitters field is selected and the Send First Email Only to Submitters field is not selected, a notification email is sent to submitters each time a requisition has been processed, using the verbiage as entered in the Single Requisition Approved Message field or the Single Requisition Rejected Message field.

Note:  If the Send First Email Only to Submitters field is selected, the notification emails use the verbiage as entered in the Multiple Requisition Changes Message field.  If the Send First Email Only to Submitters field is selected, the Send Email to Submitters field will be selected by default if not already selected.  Also, if the Send First Email Only to Submitters and the Send Email to Submitters fields are both selected, and then the Send Email to Submitters field is unselected, the system will unselect the Send First Email Only to Submitters field by default.

Note:  The notification emails to submitters for requisition changes use the verbiage as entered in the Changed Requisition to Submitter Message field, and if the Default Requisition Form Report field is completed for the applicable approval tree (within the Requisition Options option), the updated requisition will be attached as a .PDF file to the email.  If applicable, emails to submitters for changed requisitions are sent each time a user in Accounts Payable exits the Requisition Approvals option after approving requisitions; in Web Link the notification emails are sent after processing each requisition approval.

Note:  The notification emails to prior approvers for requisition changes use the verbiage as entered in the Changed Requisition to Prior Approvers Message field, and if the Default Requisition Form Report field is completed for the applicable approval tree (within the Requisition Options option), the updated requisition will be attached as a .PDF file to the email.  If applicable, emails to approvers for changed requisitions are sent each time a user in Accounts Payable exits the Requisition Approvals option after approving requisitions; in Web Link the notification emails are sent after processing each requisition approval.

Note:  The verbiage in this field is only used for requisitions that are fully processed and approved if the Send Email to Submitters field is selected and the Send First Email Only to Submitters field is not selected.  If desired, enter #### in the message to include the requisition number.

Note:  The verbiage in this field is only used for requisitions that are rejected if the Send Email to Submitters field is selected and the Send First Email Only to Submitters field is not selected.  If desired, enter #### in the message to include the requisition number.

Note:  The verbiage in this field is only used for requisitions that are rejected if the Send Email to Submitters field is selected and the Send First Email Only to Submitters field is also selected.

Note:  If desired, enter #### in the message to include the requisition number.

Note:  If desired, enter #### in the message to include the requisition number.

Note:  If desired, enter #### in the message to include the requisition number, or enter COMMENTS in the message to include the comments of the user who changed the requisition.

Tip:  If the Default Requisition Form Report field is completed for the applicable approval tree (within the Requisition Options option), the updated requisition will automatically be attached as a .PDF file to the email.

Note:  If desired, enter #### in the message to include the requisition number, or enter COMMENTS in the message to include the comments of the user who changed the requisition.

Tip:  If the Default Requisition Form Report field is completed for the applicable approval tree (within the Requisition Options option), the updated requisition will automatically be attached as a .PDF file to the email.

Note:  If applicable, receiving notification emails are sent each time a receiving is saved in Accounts Payable or Web Link (if applicable).

Note:  If desired, enter #### in the message to include the purchase order number.

  1. Click the Payroll tab.

Note:  This field is not applicable for direct deposit stubs emailed to payees, or for organizations using a check-writing software.

Steps to Test Email Manager

Note:  If this field is selected, only the employee reports (those with a parameter for Employee ID) in Payroll, Human Resources, and Negotiations that are emailed to employees as a .PDF file attachment using the Email Recipients Individual Pages option will be password protected (reports emailed as a .XLSX file attachment or using the Email Entire Report to Selected Employees option will not be password protected).

Tip:  The Password Protect Employee Reports (applies to PR, HR, and NG) field displays in the Report Options section on the Payroll, Human Resources, and Negotiations tabs and if the field is selected on one of the tabs, the field is also selected on the other tabs.

  1. If applicable, click the Human Resources tab (only appears if your organization has licensed the Human Resources module).

Note:  If this field is selected, only the employee reports (those with a parameter for Employee ID) in Payroll, Human Resources, and Negotiations that are emailed to employees as a .PDF file attachment using the Email Recipients Individual Pages option will be password protected (reports emailed as a .XLSX file attachment or using the Email Entire Report to Selected Employees option will not be password protected).

Tip:  The Password Protect Employee Reports (applies to PR, HR, and NG) field displays in the Report Options section on the Payroll, Human Resources, and Negotiations tabs and if the field is selected on one of the tabs, the field is also selected on the other tabs.

  1. If applicable, click the Negotiations tab (only appears if your organization has licensed the Negotiations module).

Note:  If this field is selected, only the employee reports (those with a parameter for Employee ID) in Payroll, Human Resources, and Negotiations that are emailed to employees as a .PDF file attachment using the Email Recipients Individual Pages option will be password protected (reports emailed as a .XLSX file attachment or using the Email Entire Report to Selected Employees option will not be password protected).

Tip:  The Password Protect Employee Reports (applies to PR, HR, and NG) field displays in the Report Options section on the Payroll, Human Resources, and Negotiations tabs and if the field is selected on one of the tabs, the field is also selected on the other tabs.

  1. If applicable, click the Fixed Asset Inventory tab (only appears if your organization has licensed the Fixed Asset Inventory module).

  1. If applicable, click the Web Link tab (only appears if your organization has licensed the Web Link module).

Tip:  Regardless if this field is selected or not, an alert will appear on the Payroll screen if leave requests are pending the approval of the user currently logged into the system.

Note:  A notification email is sent to approvers each time leave requests are pending their approval, whether from a user submitting one or more leave requests or from leave requests advancing through the approval path.  The notification emails for approvals use the verbiage as entered in the Approver Message field, while the recalled leave request emails use the verbiage in the Leave Request Recall Message field.  If applicable, notification emails to approvers for leave requests awaiting approval are sent each time a user in Payroll exits the Leave Request Entry option after submitting leave requests or after processing each leave request approval within the Leave Request Approvals option; in Web Link the notification emails are sent after submitting each leave request and processing each leave request approval.  If the Send Email to Approvers field is selected, notification emails for a recalled leave request are sent right after a leave request is recalled.

Note:  A notification email is sent to a submitter for each leave request which received final approval or was rejected, and is sent after processing each leave request approval in either Payroll or Web Link.  The notification emails for submitters use the verbiage as entered in the Leave Request Approved Message field or the Leave Request Rejected Message field.

Note:  A notification email is sent to the specified user(s) for each leave request which received final approval, and is sent after processing each leave request approval in either Payroll or Web Link.  The notification emails for users who edit substitutes use the verbiage as entered in the Edit Substitutes Message field.

Note:  The reserved words available to use with the Approver Messages are:  EMPLOYEE to include the first and last name of the employee requesting the leave in the message, LEAVEID to include the ID of the leave tied to the leave request (for leave requests submitted using the Leave Request Entry - FMLA option, FMLA will be included in place of the leave ID), LEAVEDESCRIPTION to include the description of the leave tied to the leave request (for leave requests submitted using the Leave Request Entry - FMLA option, a leave description would be included only if a leave was specified for the leave request), STARTDATE to include the start date of the leave request, ENDDATE to include the end date of the leave request, STARTTIME to include the start time of the leave request (if a start time is entered for the leave request), ENDTIME to include the end time of the leave request (if an end time is entered for the leave request), ALLDAY to include the words "All Day" if the leave request has the All Day field selected, UNITOFTRACKING to include the data entered in the Unit of Tracking field in the Leave File for the specified leave, LEAVEUNITSTOUSE to include the number entered in the Number of Leave Units to Use field for the leave request, COMMENTS to include the comments entered for the leave request, and SUBSTITUTE to include the following substitute information for the leave request:  Substitute First and Last Name, Start to End Date, Units, and Comments.

Note:  The reserved words available to use with the Leave Request Approved Messages are:  EMPLOYEE to include the first and last name of the employee requesting the leave in the message, LEAVEID to include the ID of the leave tied to the leave request (for leave requests submitted using the Leave Request Entry - FMLA option, FMLA will be included in place of the leave ID), LEAVEDESCRIPTION to include the description of the leave tied to the leave request (for leave requests submitted using the Leave Request Entry - FMLA option, a leave description would be included only if a leave was specified for the leave request), STARTDATE to include the start date of the leave request, ENDDATE to include the end date of the leave request, STARTTIME to include the start time of the leave request (if a start time is entered for the leave request), ENDTIME to include the end time of the leave request (if an end time is entered for the leave request), ALLDAY to include the words "All Day" if the leave request has the All Day field selected, UNITOFTRACKING to include the data entered in the Unit of Tracking field in the Leave File for the specified leave, LEAVEUNITSTOUSE to include the number entered in the Number of Leave Units to Use field for the leave request, COMMENTS to include the comments entered for the leave request, and SUBSTITUTE to include the following substitute information for the leave request:  Substitute First and Last Name, Start to End Date, Units, and Comments.

Note:  The reserved words available to use with the Leave Request Rejected Messages are:  EMPLOYEE to include the first and last name of the employee requesting the leave in the message, LEAVEID to include the ID of the leave tied to the leave request (for leave requests submitted using the Leave Request Entry - FMLA option, FMLA will be included in place of the leave ID), LEAVEDESCRIPTION to include the description of the leave tied to the leave request (for leave requests submitted using the Leave Request Entry - FMLA option, a leave description would be included only if a leave was specified for the leave request), STARTDATE to include the start date of the leave request, ENDDATE to include the end date of the leave request, STARTTIME to include the start time of the leave request (if a start time is entered for the leave request), ENDTIME to include the end time of the leave request (if an end time is entered for the leave request), ALLDAY to include the words "All Day" if the leave request has the All Day field selected, UNITOFTRACKING to include the data entered in the Unit of Tracking field in the Leave File for the specified leave, LEAVEUNITSTOUSE to include the number entered in the Number of Leave Units to Use field for the leave request, COMMENTS to include the comments entered for the leave request, and SUBSTITUTE to include the following substitute information for the leave request:  Substitute First and Last Name, Start to End Date, Units, and Comments.

Note:  The reserved words available to use with the Fully Approved Messages are:  EMPLOYEE to include the first and last name of the employee requesting the leave in the message, LEAVEID to include the ID of the leave tied to the leave request (for leave requests submitted using the Leave Request Entry - FMLA option, FMLA will be included in place of the leave ID), LEAVEDESCRIPTION to include the description of the leave tied to the leave request (for leave requests submitted using the Leave Request Entry - FMLA option, a leave description would be included only if a leave was specified for the leave request), STARTDATE to include the start date of the leave request, ENDDATE to include the end date of the leave request, STARTTIME to include the start time of the leave request (if a start time is entered for the leave request), ENDTIME to include the end time of the leave request (if an end time is entered for the leave request), ALLDAY to include the words "All Day" if the leave request has the All Day field selected, UNITOFTRACKING to include the data entered in the Unit of Tracking field in the Leave File for the specified leave, LEAVEUNITSTOUSE to include the number entered in the Number of Leave Units to Use field for the leave request, COMMENTS to include the comments entered for the leave request, and SUBSTITUTE to include the following substitute information for the leave request:  Substitute First and Last Name, Start to End Date, Units, and Comments.

Note:  The reserved words available to use with the Leave Request Recall Messages are:  EMPLOYEE to include the first and last name of the employee requesting the leave in the message, LEAVEID to include the ID of the leave tied to the leave request (for leave requests submitted using the Leave Request Entry - FMLA option, FMLA will be included in place of the leave ID), LEAVEDESCRIPTION to include the description of the leave tied to the leave request (for leave requests submitted using the Leave Request Entry - FMLA option, a leave description would be included only if a leave was specified for the leave request), STARTDATE to include the start date of the leave request, ENDDATE to include the end date of the leave request, STARTTIME to include the start time of the leave request (if a start time is entered for the leave request), ENDTIME to include the end time of the leave request (if an end time is entered for the leave request), ALLDAY to include the words "All Day" if the leave request has the All Day field selected, UNITOFTRACKING to include the data entered in the Unit of Tracking field in the Leave File for the specified leave, LEAVEUNITSTOUSE to include the number entered in the Number of Leave Units to Use field for the leave request, COMMENTS to include the comments entered for the leave request, and SUBSTITUTE to include the following substitute information for the leave request:  Substitute First and Last Name, Start to End Date, Units, and Comments.

Note:  The reserved words available to use with the FMLA Leave Request Approved Messages are:  EMPLOYEE to include the first and last name of the employee requesting the leave in the message, LEAVEID to include the ID of the leave tied to the leave request (for leave requests submitted using the Leave Request Entry - FMLA option, FMLA will be included in place of the leave ID), LEAVEDESCRIPTION to include the description of the leave tied to the leave request (for leave requests submitted using the Leave Request Entry - FMLA option, a leave description would be included only if a leave was specified for the leave request), STARTDATE to include the start date of the leave request, ENDDATE to include the end date of the leave request, STARTTIME to include the start time of the leave request (if a start time is entered for the leave request), ENDTIME to include the end time of the leave request (if an end time is entered for the leave request), ALLDAY to include the words "All Day" if the leave request has the All Day field selected, UNITOFTRACKING to include the data entered in the Unit of Tracking field in the Leave File for the specified leave, LEAVEUNITSTOUSE to include the number entered in the Number of Leave Units to Use field for the leave request, COMMENTS to include the comments entered for the leave request, and SUBSTITUTE to include the following substitute information for the leave request:  Substitute First and Last Name, Start to End Date, Units, and Comments.

Note:  The reserved words available to use with the Edit Substitutes Messages are:  EMPLOYEE to include the first and last name of the employee requesting the leave in the message, LEAVEID to include the ID of the leave tied to the leave request (for leave requests submitted using the Leave Request Entry - FMLA option, FMLA will be included in place of the leave ID), LEAVEDESCRIPTION to include the description of the leave tied to the leave request (for leave requests submitted using the Leave Request Entry - FMLA option, a leave description would be included only if a leave was specified for the leave request), STARTDATE to include the start date of the leave request, ENDDATE to include the end date of the leave request, STARTTIME to include the start time of the leave request (if a start time is entered for the leave request), ENDTIME to include the end time of the leave request (if an end time is entered for the leave request), ALLDAY to include the words "All Day" if the leave request has the All Day field selected, UNITOFTRACKING to include the data entered in the Unit of Tracking field in the Leave File for the specified leave, LEAVEUNITSTOUSE to include the number entered in the Number of Leave Units to Use field for the leave request, COMMENTS to include the comments entered for the leave request, and SUBSTITUTE to include the following substitute information for the leave request:  Substitute First and Last Name, Start to End Date, Units, and Comments.

  1. If applicable, click the Accounts Receivable tab (only appears if your organization has licensed the Accounts Receivable module).