Sending an Email Using Select Email Criteria

Note:  In order to use the Select Email Criteria option, complete the following:  1) complete the General Options tab in the Email Manager option (if not already completed) by selecting the Enable Email Manager field and completing the remaining fields; 2) if needed, on the Email Addresses tab in the Email Manager option, add an email address to use when emailing; 3) complete the Default Email Address ID field in the Notification Options section on the Human Resources tab in the Email Manager option, if desired; 4) enter up to three email addresses (for Business, Personal, and/or Other) in the Employee File for each employee who will be emailed; and 5) select the Other Communication field for each applicable email address for the employees (a checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected).

Note:  If Hire/Rehire Date, Probation Date, Termination Date, or Other Date is specified in the Select field and an employee has multiple Hire/Rehire, Probation, Termination, or Other Dates entered in the Employee Dates List on the Employment screen in the Employee File, the system uses only the latest (greatest) Hire/Rehire, Probation, Termination, or Other Date for the employee.

Tip:  To be able to send an email message to all employees, select a field that appears in the Employee File for all employees, such as Hire/Rehire Date or Birth Date, and then leave the date range blank.

Steps to Complete the Email Options

Note:  If the first email is unable to be sent successfully, a prompt will appear asking to continue trying to send the remaining emails; click Yes to continue sending the remaining emails, or click No to quit sending the emails at this time (and, if desired, edit the Recipients List and then resend).  If an email is rejected because an incorrect email address was entered for a recipient, the rejection notice will be sent to the appropriate address for the designated email address in the Email Manager option.

Note:  If there was one or more emails that were not successfully sent, the Cancel button and Retry button appear at the bottom of the Email Options screen.  If desired, edit the Recipients List and then click the Retry button to try resending the emails to those employees who did not have one sent initially; otherwise, click the Cancel button to close the Email Options screen.