
The Positions option in Human Resources is used to define the specific employment assignments within the school district by taking a position title and entering the position description, position location (including the site, building, and department), and FTE value.  Once a position has been added, employees can then be tied to the position, either from within the Positions option or on the Positions screen in the Employee File.  

All the positions, including those entered and currently assigned to employees, and those that may be open (vacant) or no longer active, are saved as history within the Positions option.  The history of who held each position and when can also be viewed from within the Positions option.

Note:  Each school district determines how detailed or general the position titles and positions are defined within the Human Resources module; when deciding what to use for position titles and positions, be sure to consider your school district's needs for reporting requirements.  See the Examples of Position Titles and Positions topic in the Help File for specific samples of general and more detailed position titles and positions, and how a few reports could be generated for each.

Examples of Position Titles and Positions

Steps to Add a Position

Steps to Change a Position

Steps to Delete a Position