The User Security option, which is only available to supervisors and Web Link administrators, allows the organization to define users who should have authorization to access the School Accounting System and/or the applicable add-on modules. Within the User Security option, users can be added or changed, and their rights for the various modules and reports can be set. If desired, screen-specific rights within each module can also be established (or overridden), along with the rights to specific reports if needed.
Users can be set up to have the following rights:
Full Access: permits access to all the functionality of the options or reports within the particular module or for the specific screen, option, or report; a user with Full Access can view all information in the applicable module, screen, or option and make changes if needed.
No Access: denies access to the options or reports within the particular module or for the specific screen, option, or report; the particular options or reports are not visible for a user with No Access.
Read Only Access: permits access to only view the information within the particular module or the specific screen or option; a user with Read Only Access can view all information, but cannot make (save) changes.
Batch Entry Access: permits access to only enter information within certain options (for example, the options under the Data Entry menu) for the particular module; a user with Batch Entry Access can enter information but cannot complete a process such as printing checks.
Requisition Access: available for Accounts Payable only; permits Full Access to only the Requisition Entry and Requisition Status options within the Accounts Payable module.
Also within the User Security option, other miscellaneous restrictions can be defined for a user, including tying the user to one or more account groups, vendor groups, and/or ship to addresses. In addition, supervisors and Web Link administrators can reset a user's password, if needed, from within the User Security option.
User Setups for School Accounting System
for Supervisors and Web Link Administrators to Reset User Password