Processing Sick Bank Deposits

Note:  The date entered here must be within the starting and ending dates of the sick bank, if applicable, and be within the appropriate fiscal year of the sick bank leave and the leave(s) selected for the deposit.

Note:  If applicable, the number entered here must not be under the Sick Bank Deposit Minimum or above the Sick Bank Deposit Maximum as defined for the sick bank; also, the total deposit cannot take the Total Balance of the sick bank above the Sick Bank Upper Limit.

Note:  Only pay codes tied to the specified sick bank leave appear by default when searching, and can be selected or entered for this field.

Note:  If the sick bank leave has not been set up for the employees making the deposit, the sick bank leave will be added to the Employee File using the dates specified here.

Tip:  For each employee listed here, the Leave Balance and New Leave Balance display to show the employee's current balance and what the new balance will be after making the deposit.  If a balance for an employee will go negative, a warning icon will display to the right of the New Leave Balance; make changes as desired before continuing.

Note:  If multiple leaves are selected in the Sick Bank Leaves List and an employee has more than one of the selected leaves, the employee will be listed multiple times in the Sick Bank Deposits List; in which case, select only one line to process for the employee.

Steps to Send an Email within Sick Bank Deposits

Note:  If the Warn if Negative Balance field is selected in the Leave File for the leave(s) used with the sick bank deposit, and an employee has a negative New Leave Balance due to the deposit, a message will appear asking to continue posting negative balances; click OK to continue posting the entries and allowing the employees to go to negative balances, or click Cancel to cancel and make changes before continuing.

Note:  Only new (or empty) batches, or batches with other sick bank deposit and/or withdrawal entries, can be selected.  If a batch does not exist, the Payroll Entry Batch screen will appear prompting for the batch information so that a batch can be created; in which case, complete the batch options and then click the Save button.  The batches of pay period entries used with sick bank deposits and/or withdrawals will be set to Read Only.