Completing the Education Screen in the Employee File

Note:  The Education screen is only available in the Employee File if the school district has the Human Resources module.

  1. From within the Employee File, click the Education tab.

  2. To add a degree for the employee, complete the Education History Information section by entering the following:

Note:  For those school districts with the Negotiations module and utilizing the Negotiation Lanes option in Human Resources, a degree should only be added in the Employee File once the employee has obtained the degree.

  1. If applicable, complete the Continuing Education Information section for each course the employee has completed or is currently enrolled by entering the following:

Note:  For those school districts with the Negotiations module and utilizing the Negotiation Lanes option in Human Resources, be sure to complete the Credits field in order to include the applicable credit hours associated with the particular course in the total of additional credit hours when placing the employee in the appropriate lane on a particular negotiation package (when calculating the FTE - Hours table).

Note:  For those school districts with the Negotiations module and utilizing the Negotiation Lanes option in Human Resources, only complete the Degree field for a course once the employee has obtained the degree for which the course was being taken.  By completing the Degree field, the credit hours associated with the particular course will not be included in the total of additional credit hours when placing the employee in the appropriate lane on a particular negotiation package (when calculating the FTE - Hours table).

Note:  The total of the credits entered for the employee, and the total credits that are defined to count towards the employee's education level and are not tied to a degree, appear in the status bar at the bottom of the Continuing Education Information List.

  1. The Continuing Education Payments section will only appear if a course was entered and saved under the Continuing Education Information section.  If desired, complete the Continuing Education Payments section to track the payments made for a specific course for the employee.  For each payment, enter the following:

  1. If applicable, repeat Steps 2-4 until all the educational information has been added for the specified employee.

  2. Continue adding the remaining information for the employee if needed.

Steps to Add an Employee