
The Trainings option in Human Resources is used to define the various seminars or workshops that employees attend.  Within the Trainings option, both internal trainings (those held within the school district and presented by either internal staff or external experts, such as a CPR Training held at the school district for all employees) and external trainings (those held outside of the school district and presented by external experts, such as a Coaching Clinic) can be tracked.

Within the Trainings option, training types are also defined in order to group the trainings into categories (for example, Administrative Trainings, Food Service Trainings, Safety Trainings, Technical Trainings, etc.) for sorting and reporting purposes.

Once a training has been entered within the Training File, a training event is added (within the Training Events option) to define the date, time, and location for where the training will be held.  Employees can then be tied to the training events, either from within the Training Events option or on the Trainings screen in the Employee File.

Steps to Add a Training

Steps to Change a Training

Steps to Delete a Training

Steps to Add a Training Event

Steps to Change a Training Event

Steps to Delete a Training Event