Note: The Web Link Setup Options option is only available if the organization has licensed the Web Link module. Also, only those users defined within the User Security option as a supervisor, database administrator, or Web Link administrator have the ability to access this option.
From the School Accounting System screen, select the Utilities menu and then Web Link Setup Options.
Click the General Options tab.
a. Complete the Miscellaneous section to define additional display and user access settings for the Web Link module.
In the Web Link Address field, enter the website address for which to access Web Link at your organization. The website address can be up to 1,000 characters long.
Note: If your computer is connected to the Internet, click the Go To button located to the right of this field to launch the internet browser and display the specified website.
In the Inactivity Timeout (Minutes) field, enter the number of minutes where if users have no activity in the Web Link module, the system will automatically log them out. The number of minutes specified for this field must be from 1 to 120. Leave this field blank (and advance to the next field) to default to 3.
Tip: If 11 through 120 is entered in this field, users will receive a message when there is 5 minutes remaining before they are logged out due to inactivity. If 2 through 10 is entered in this field, the message will appear when there is 1 minute remaining. If 1 is entered in this field, a message will not appear for the users prior to being logged out.
Complete the Login Information section:
Enter the number of attempts users can make to access the Web Link module in which the login information (such as the ID, password, or multi-factor authentication code, if applicable) is invalid before the system will "lock out" a user in the Lockout User After (Attempts) field. The number of attempts specified for this field must be from 3 to 99. Leave this field blank (and advance to the next field) to default to 99.
In the Invalid Login Attempts in (Minutes) field, enter the number of minutes for which the specified number of attempts of logins to the Web Link module with invalid information (as entered in the Lockout User After (Attempts) field) must occur before the user is "locked out". The number of minutes specified for this field must be from 1 to 99. Leave this field blank (and advance to the next field) to default to 5.
Tip: An alert will display on the main screen of the School Accounting System for supervisors, database administrators, and Web Link administrators when a user is locked out of Web Link.
In the Multi-Factor Authentication Passcode for Login field, enter the option (None, Require Every Time, or Require for New Devices) for using multi-factor authentication when logging into Web Link. To not use multi-factor authentication when logging into Web Link, select None. To have a passcode emailed to a user each time a user logs in and then require that passcode to be entered in order to log into Web Link, select Require Every Time. To have a passcode emailed to a user only when a user logs into Web Link from a new device (which is a device that has not been marked to be remembered by the user or has not been used to access Web Link by the user in the past 60 days) and then require that passcode to be entered in order to log into Web Link, select Require for New Devices.
Note: If multi-factor authentication will be used (either Require Every Time or Require for New Devices is selected in this field), the passcode emailed to the user is only valid for 30 minutes.
To allow users access to the password retrieval option within the Web Link module and send notification emails for multi-factor authentication and/or employee information changes, click the Go To button for the Email Information field to open the Email Manager option and then complete the following: 1) complete the General Options tab (if not already completed) by selecting the Enable Email Manager field and completing the remaining fields; 2) if needed, on the Email Addresses tab, add an email address to use for the notification emails; and 3) complete the General Options section on the Web Link tab.
to Complete the Email Manager
b. In the Informational Message to Display field, enter the information (up to 1,000 characters) to display on the Login screen and the Home screen in the Web Link module. For example, enter "Please contact Mary at the Business Office with any questions." in this field so the users know who to notify with questions.
c. The users who are currently logged into the Web Link module display in the Connected Web Link Users List in the upper right side of the screen. The system displays the ID and name of the user logged in, along with their IP address and the date and time of their last activity within Web Link.
Note: Click the Refresh button located at the bottom of the screen to refresh this list of connected users.
d. If a user has been "locked out" due to too many failed attempts for logging into the Web Link module, the user will appear in the Locked Users List. To "unlock" the user in order to reset the user’s ability to log into the Web Link module, click the Delete button to the left of the appropriate record.
Tip: An alert will display on the main screen of the School Accounting System for supervisors, database administrators, and Web Link administrators when a user is locked out of Web Link.
e. To prevent users from logging into the Web Link module, select the Prevent New Web Link Logins field. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
Note: This field is typically only selected when maintenance needs to be performed on the Web Link module or the School Accounting System, such as when installing an update.
Tip: This field is selected by default (and cannot be changed) if the Disconnect Existing Web Link Logins field is selected.
f. To disconnect users who are currently logged into the Web Link module (and prevent users from logging into Web Link), select the Disconnect Existing Web Link Logins field. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
Note: This field is typically only selected when maintenance needs to be performed on the Web Link module or the School Accounting System, such as when installing an update.
Tip: If this field is selected, the Prevent New Web Link Logins field will be selected by default (and cannot be changed).
g. In the Maintenance Message to Display field, enter the information (up to 1,000 characters) to display when a user tries to access the Web Link module while the Prevent New Web Link Logins field is selected, or when a user is disconnected because the Disconnect Existing Web Link Logins field is selected. For example, enter "Web Link is down for maintenance. Please access Web Link later. Thank you." in this field.
Click the Save button.
Click the Accounts Payable tab.
a. If users will be set up to have access to enter purchase orders and/or requisitions (as defined in the User Security option), complete the Batch Options section.
Select the Display Fund Balance field to have the appropriate fund balance display when entering purchase orders and/or requisitions in the Web Link module for those account numbers in a fund defined as an activity fund. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
Select the Display Budget Balances field to have the budget balance for account numbers display when entering purchase orders and/or requisitions in the Web Link module. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
b. If desired, select the Allow Requisition Mass Approval Process in Web Link field to allow users to process multiple requisition approvals at once from within the Web Link module; or else leave the field unselected to only allow users to process one requisition approval at a time. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
Note: If this field is selected, users are able to approve (or reject) multiple requisitions at once without viewing the details for the requisitions; this is applicable for approving requisitions from within the Web Link module only (the ability to process multiple requisition approvals at once is always available from within the Accounts Payable module).
Click the Save button.
Click the Employee Personal Information tab.
a. In the Employee Personal Information List, define the data that employees can view and change from within the Web Link module.
Select the View field (column) for a category of data to allow employees to view the specified information in Web Link. A checkmark will appear in the box if the option is selected.
If the View field is selected for a category of data, the Edit field (column) is enabled. If applicable, select the Edit field (column) to allow employees to change the specified information in Web Link. A checkmark will appear in the box if the option is selected.
If the Edit field is selected for a category of data, the Change Requires Review field (column) is enabled. If applicable, select the Change Requires Review field (column) so that employee changes made in Web Link to the specified information must be reviewed and processed in order to update the data in the Employee File (within the School Accounting System). A checkmark will appear in the box if the option is selected. Do not select the Change Requires Review field (column) for a category of data to automatically update the employee changes from Web Link to the Employee File (within the School Accounting System).
Note: For Direct Deposit or Federal W4, the Change Requires Review field is selected by default and cannot be changed if the category is defined to be edited.
The Allow Balance Type Only field (column) is only enabled for Direct Deposit if it is defined to be edited. If applicable, select the Allow Balance Type Only field (column) for Direct Deposit to only allow direct deposit items with a type of Balance to be entered by employees from within the Web Link module. For example, if your organization only allows employees to have one direct deposit item (employees are not allowed to have multiple direct deposit splits to different accounts), select the Allow Balance Type Only field. A checkmark will appear in the box if the option is selected.
The Display Every Pay Period and Display Week 1 through 5 fields are only enabled for Direct Deposit if the Allow Balance Type Only field is not selected. If applicable, select the Display Every Pay Period and/or Display Week 1 through 5 fields (columns) for Direct Deposit to have the Every Pay Period and/or Week 1 through 5 fields for direct deposit amounts appear in Web Link. A checkmark will appear in the box if the option is selected.
Note: The fields for the category of Dependents are only enabled if your organization has licensed the Human Resources module.
b. In the Email Notifications List, enter the users who are to receive email notification messages for employee information changes. To add a user, complete the following:
In the blank line (indicated with an asterisk) at the bottom of the Email Notifications List, enter the ID of the user to receive an email notification in the User ID field. If the ID is not known, click the down-arrow button to select the correct one, or press the Ctrl+F keys to access the search feature.
Note: In order to send notification emails for employee information changes to a user entered in this field, complete the following: 1) complete the General Options tab in the Email Manager option (if not already completed) by selecting the Enable Email Manager field and completing the remaining fields; 2) if needed, on the Email Addresses tab in the Email Manager option, add an email address to use when emailing the notifications for employee information changes; 3) complete the Email Address ID field in the General Options section on the Web Link tab in the Email Manager option (if not already completed); and 4) verify the employee tied to the user specified in this field has an email address entered in the Employee File with the Other Communication field selected. The notification emails sent for the employee information changes use the verbiage as defined within the program and it cannot be changed.
Select the categories of data for which the user is to receive email notification messages for changes. To select a category, click in the box under the desired category. A checkmark will appear in the box if the category of data is selected.
Note: At least one category must be selected.
Tip: To select multiple categories in a row, press and hold the Shift key, and then click the first category to have selected and then click the last category; all the categories starting with the first one clicked through the last one clicked will be selected.
If applicable, repeat these steps until all the users have been added.
Note: To remove a user from the list, click the Delete button located to the left of the desired record; when prompted to delete the line, click Yes.
Tip: The notification emails for employee information changes use a default verbiage that cannot be changed. Regardless if notification emails are sent or not, an alert will appear on the Payroll and Human Resources screen if there are employee information changes pending.
Note: Only one notification email is sent for changes made to a category of data for a certain employee until the changes have been processed for that employee (if applicable).
Click the Save button.
Click the Payroll and Compensation tab.
a. In the Number of Check History Years to Display field, enter the number of calendar years (1 to 9) to show when viewing the check history and reimbursement information in the Web Link module. Leave this field blank (and advance to the next field) to default to 1.
b. If users will be set up to view leaves (as defined in the User Security option), complete the applicable fields in the Leave Information section.
Select the Display Unposted Leave Balances field to have unposted absence entries (and unsubmitted, pending, and approved but not yet converted leave requests, if applicable) display in addition to the posted entries when viewing the leave balance information within the Web Link module. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
In the Years to Display field, enter the option for what years (Current Year Only or Selective Years) to show when viewing the leave balances in Web Link, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. To show only the current year for leaves (based on the current date of the web server and the Start/End Dates of the leaves), enter Current Year Only. To show multiple years of leaves (those with a Start Date on or after a designated date), enter Selective Years.
If Selective Years is specified as the Years to Display, the Beginning Leave Start Date field is enabled. If applicable, enter the date for the leave years to show when viewing the leave balances in Web Link in the Beginning Leave Start Date field. Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date. Only the leave years with a Start Date on or after the date entered in this field will be available to display in Web Link.
c. If users will be able to view and print their W2s in Web Link, specify the years for which W2s the employees can access in Web Link in the Available W2s Years List. All the calendar years for which W2s have been generated from within the Employee W2s option appear in the Available W2s Years List. To have a calendar year for the W2s accessible in Web Link for the employees, click the box for the Selected column to the left of the desired year. A checkmark will appear in the box if a year is selected.
d. If users will be able to view and print their W2s in Web Link, enter the message to display for the consent terms in the W2 Consent Message to Display field. The text for the message can be alphanumeric and up to 8,000 characters long.
Tip: Refer to IRS Publication 15-A for information on the proper consent required from employees for electronic delivery of W2s.
e. If users will be able to view and print their 1095s in Web Link, specify the years for which 1095s the employees can access in Web Link in the Available 1095 Years List. All the calendar years which have been defined within the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Reporting Setup option appear in the Available 1095 Years List. To have a calendar year for the 1095s accessible in Web Link for the employees, click the box for the Selected column to the left of the desired year. A checkmark will appear in the box if a year is selected.
f. If users will be able to view and print their 1095s in Web Link, enter the message to display for the consent terms in the 1095 Consent Message to Display field. The text for the message can be alphanumeric and up to 8,000 characters long.
Tip: Refer to the IRS instructions for 1095-B or 1095-C forms for information on the proper consent required from employees for electronic delivery of 1095s.
Click the Save button.
If your organization has licensed the Fixed Asset Inventory module, click the Fixed Asset Inventory tab (only enabled if the module is licensed).
a. If completing an inventory of the assets in the rooms in Fixed Asset Inventory using Web Link, enter the appropriate status for the inventory (Open or Closed) in the Web Link Room Inventory Status field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. To start the process for completing an inventory and make the Room Inventory option available for the users in Web Link, enter Open. To close the process for completing an inventory and make the Room Inventory option unavailable for the users in Web Link, enter Closed.
Note: If Closed is entered in the field and there are users who have not yet completed the inventory in their assigned rooms, a message will appear; click the OK button to close the inventory without all rooms processed, or click the Cancel button and then complete the View Room Inventory Status option to determine which rooms are not yet processed in order to complete the inventory in those rooms before closing. If Open is entered in the field and a prior inventory was completed, a message will appear asking to reopen the most recently closed inventory or start a new inventory; click the Open Existing button to open the most recently closed inventory (date of the inventory to reopen is specified), click the Open New button to open a new inventory, or click the Cancel button to keep the inventory closed.
Tip: Be sure to complete all the steps on the Room Inventory Setup and Completion Checklist to complete the inventory.
b. The Opened Date field will display the date for the opened inventory, if applicable. The date in this field cannot be changed.
Note: A date only appears in this field if Open is specified in the Web Link Room Inventory Status field.
Click the Save button.
If your organization has licensed the K12Docs module, click the Document Management tab (only enabled if the module is licensed).
a. From the list in the Allow Add/View Documents section, select the options in the Web Link module from which to allow users to add (upload) and view supporting documents. To allow approvers to add and view documents for leave requests (and FMLA leave requests, if applicable) during the approval process, select the Approve Leave Requests field. To allow approvers to add and view documents for requisitions during the approval process, select the Approve Requisitions field. To allow users to add and view documents for leave requests (and FMLA leave requests, if applicable) while entering substitutes, select the Edit Leave Request Substitutes field. To allow users to add and view documents for cash receipts during data entry, select the Enter Cash Receipts field. To allow users to add and view documents for leave requests (and FMLA leave requests, if applicable) during data entry and from within the Leave Request Inquiry option, select the Enter Leave Requests field. To allow users to add and view documents for purchase orders during data entry, select the Enter Purchase Orders field. To allow users to add and view documents for purchase orders while entering receivings, select the Enter Receiving field. To allow users to add and view documents for requisitions during data entry and from within the Requisition Status option, select the Enter Requisitions field. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
Note: If an option is selected, the Add Document button and the View Documents button will appear on the applicable screen, and all the users with rights to the option will be able to add and view documents for the particular type of record (cash receipts, requisitions, purchase orders, or leave requests).
b. Select the Allow Employee Subfolder Access field to let employees view their employee documents in Web Link that are saved (filed) in K12Docs. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
c. If the Allow Employee Subfolder Access field is selected, the Allow Employee Document Uploads field is enabled. If applicable, select the Allow Employee Document Uploads field to permit employees to upload documents in Web Link that need to be filed in their employee folder in K12Docs. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
Note: If this field is selected, employee documents uploaded in Web Link will need to be indexed and filed to K12Docs using the Process Employee Uploaded Documents option in Payroll and/or Human Resources.
d. The SUI_PR_Employees Subfolders List appears if the Allow Employee Subfolder Access field is selected. If applicable, select the subfolders within the SUI_PR_Employees application in K12Docs from which the employees can view documents in Web Link. To allow the employees to view their documents from a particular subfolder, click the box for the Selected column to the left of each desired subfolder name. A checkmark will appear in the box if the subfolder is selected.
Note: If the School Accounting System is unable to connect to K12Docs, a message will appear to the right of the Allow Employee Subfolder Access field and the SUI_PR_Employees Subfolders List will not appear.
Tip: The Employee Uploaded (Pending) subfolder, which is used with uploading employee documents, appears in the list and will be disabled; it will be selected by default if the Allow Employee Document Uploads field is selected.
e. The Employee Document Upload Emails section appears if the Allow Employee Subfolder Access field is selected, and the section will be enabled only if the Allow Employee Document Uploads field is selected. If applicable, complete the Employee Document Upload Emails section to send users email notification messages when employee documents are uploaded in Web Link and are waiting to be filed to K12Docs.
Tip: The notification emails for pending employee documents use a default verbiage that cannot be changed. Regardless if notification emails are sent or not, an alert will appear on the Payroll and Human Resources screen if there are documents pending.
If desired, select the Send First Email Only field to only send one notification email to each user listed in the Email Notifications List until the user accesses the Process Employee Uploaded Documents option in Payroll or Human Resources. Regardless of the number of documents uploaded, only one email is sent (per user) when the first document is pending; then once a user accesses the Process Employee Uploaded Documents option in Payroll or Human Resources, the system initiates another notification email when the next document is uploaded. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
Enter the users who are to receive email notification messages for uploaded employee documents that are pending. To add a user, complete the blank line (indicated with an asterisk) at the bottom of the Email Notifications List by entering the ID of the user to receive an email notification in the User ID field, or clicking the down-arrow button to select the correct one. If applicable, repeat these steps until all the users have been added. If needed, to remove a user from the list, click the Delete button located to the left of the desired record; when prompted to delete the line, click Yes.
Note: In order to send notification emails for pending employee documents to a user entered in this list, complete the following: 1) complete the General Options tab in the Email Manager option (if not already completed) by selecting the Enable Email Manager field and completing the remaining fields; 2) if needed, on the Email Addresses tab in the Email Manager option, add an email address to use when emailing the notifications for pending documents; 3) complete the Email Address ID field in the General Options section on the Web Link tab in the Email Manager option (if not already completed); and 4) verify the employee tied to the user specified in this field has an email address entered in the Employee File with the Other Communication field selected.
Click the Save button.