The School Accounting System is a fund accounting software designed specifically for school districts. The School Accounting System includes the Accounts Payable and Payroll modules that integrate with the General Ledger module for financial reporting. The School Accounting System can be set up to operate on a cash or accrual basis, and follows the account structure defined by each state so that annual report information can be generated at the end of the fiscal year to comply with the state reporting requirements.
With the School Accounting System, all data files reside in one database and thus allows data to be shared between modules. Also, multiple windows can be open at one time, which permits rapid access to data and speeds the entry process. The search feature enables an easy retrieval process and use of data. Batches can be posted to any fiscal month and there is no required end of month update option. Data entry screens and repeating fields are user-defined. In addition, all reports can be printed to the screen, to paper, to a file in a specified location, or emailed. The School Accounting System also features a Help File (including context-sensitive help) with step-by-step instructions.
The School Accounting System has been written for workstations with a Windows operating system (and the latest version of Microsoft® .NET Framework installed) using a minimum screen area setting of 1024 by 768 pixels. The current hardware recommendations for the School Accounting System can be accessed at
There are several add-on modules to the School Accounting System, including Accounts Receivable, Census, Fixed Asset Inventory, Human Resources, K12Docs, Negotiations, Report Writer, and Web Link. If you are interested in any or all of the add-on modules, contact our Marketing Department or send an email to