Note: If applicable, the Employee File is shared between Payroll and Human Resources, so if the information on a screen that is for both Payroll and Human Resources is changed, the data is updated in both modules.
From the Payroll or Human Resources screen, select the Maintenance menu and then Employees.
Note: If a calculate payroll batch has been created and not yet updated, a message will appear stating a payroll is in progress and the changes may not take effect until the batch is recalculated; click OK. Also, if desired, to access the Employee File from Negotiations (if applicable), select the Payroll menu from the Negotiations screen and then Employees.
At the Employees screen, enter the ID of the employee to change in the Employee ID field. If the ID is not known, click the down-arrow button or the Find button to select the correct one.
Note: If the specified employee is included in a calculate payroll batch that has not been updated, a warning will appear in the status bar stating a payroll is in progress for the employee. If the ID entered in the field is for an entity not currently flagged with the entity role of Employee, a prompt will appear asking if the Employee role should be added; click Yes to make the entity an employee and then specify the correct status when prompted.
Tip: The Find button in the Employee File automatically filters to show only those employees with a status of Active (unless the Show Inactive on Employee File Search field is selected in the Payroll System File); to view all employees, change the filters for the Active field and the Employee field on the search screen.
Make the desired changes to the employee.
To make an employee inactive so that the employee no longer gets paid, select the Active field on the Name and Address screen to remove the checkmark.
Note: If the employee is made inactive and the employee is also a user (as defined within the User Security option), a prompt will appear (when saving) asking to also inactivate the user tied to the employee.
If the employee has entries included in an unposted data entry batch, or is included in a calculate payroll batch that has not been updated, the employee cannot be inactivated (the checkmark cannot be removed from the Active field). If the Active field is selected, a message will appear stating the employee cannot be inactivated; click OK.
To change the country in the Country field for the employee, do one of the following: 1) click the down-arrow button for the State/Province field (or press the Ctrl+F keys to access the search feature), change the filters for the Country Code, and then select the appropriate state or province within the desired country; or 2) delete the information in the State/Province field, change the Country field as needed, and then complete the State/Province field again.
To delete a record listed (entered) in a grid for the employee (for example, a benefit (only if not a COBRA benefit or not tied to a dependent), a payment, a dependent, or a degree), click the Delete button to the left of the desired item; when prompted, click Yes to delete the record. To delete a record not listed (entered) in a grid for the employee (for example, a certificate, a deduction, a leave, a pay code, or a previous employer record), first select to bring up the item to delete by double-clicking the item in the list displayed on the screen and then click the Delete button located at the bottom of the screen; when prompted, click Yes to delete the record.
Note: If the item has previously been used and has history tied to it, the item cannot be deleted; however, if applicable, make the item inactive by removing the checkmark from the Active field.
If there are information changes made from within the Web Link module that need to be reviewed and processed for the employee, the Employee Personal Changes button will appear in green (to the right of the tab name including the pending changes and also at the bottom of the screen). If applicable, click the Employee Personal Changes button at the bottom of the screen to process the changes.
to Process Employee Personal Changes
If there is a checklist instance in Human Resources with tasks still pending for the employee, the Open Checklist Instance button will appear in green; if desired, click the button to open the checklist instance for the employee to view and complete the tasks as needed.
to Complete the Name and Address Screen
to Complete the ACA 1095s Screen
to Complete the ACA Hours Screen
to Complete the Benefits Screen
to Complete the Certificates Screen
to Complete the Custom Fields Screen
to Complete the Deductions Screen
to Complete the Demographics Screen
to Complete the Dependents Screen
to Complete the Direct Deposit Screen
to Complete the Education Screen
to Complete the Emergency Contacts Screen
to Complete the Employment Screen
to Complete the Employment History Screen
to Complete the FMLA Screen
to Complete the Leaves Screen
to Complete the Military Service Screen
to Complete the Positions Screen
to Complete the Taxes Screen
to Complete the Trainings Screen
to Complete the Wages Screen
to Complete the Work Comp Screen
After all the changes have been made, click the Save button.
Note: If the employee's social security number was changed, a prompt will appear; click Yes or No to save the changes to the social security number. If the employee has entries included in an unposted data entry batch, a message may appear either prompting to update the entries or stating that the entries should be verified for accuracy; depending on the message, click either OK, or Yes or No. If changes were made to an inactive employee (the Active field on the Name and Address screen is not selected), a message will appear stating changes were made to an employee that was not active; click OK to continue saving the changes, and if needed, select the Active field. If the employee was just made inactive (the checkmark was removed from the Active field) and the employee is tied to a user within the User Security option, a prompt will appear asking to inactivate the user tied to the employee; click Yes to also inactivate the user tied to the employee or click No to leave the user tied to the employee active. If an inactive employee was made active again and the employee has a contract pay code defined on the Wages screen with a balance remaining, a message will appear stating the employee has wages with a contract balance; click OK and then edit the contract wages as needed.
If the ID for the employee was changed, a prompt will appear verifying whether or not to change the ID. To change the ID for the employee, click the Change button. To not change the ID and revert to use the original ID, click the Revert to Original button.
Note: If the ID was changed (by clicking the Change button), the system will check to see if the particular employee is tied to a user in the User Security option in which the User ID matches the Employee ID, and if so, a prompt will appear stating there is a User ID matching the Employee ID; if you are a supervisor, click Yes to also change the User ID to match the updated Employee ID (or click No to leave the User ID as is), or if you are not a supervisor, click OK and then notify a supervisor to update the User ID within the User Security option.