Completing the Emergency Contacts Screen in the Employee File

  1. From within the Employee File, click the Emergency Contacts tab.

  1. If desired, complete the Medical Information section for the employee as follows:

  1. If desired, complete the Emergency Contacts List with the person(s) to be contacted for the employee in case of an emergency.  To add an emergency contact, complete the following:

Note:  To remove an emergency contact person, click the Delete button to the left of the desired record; when prompted, click Yes to delete the record.  

  1. If desired, enter the medical contacts for the employee in the Medical Contacts List.  To add a medical contact, complete the following:

Note:  To remove a medical contact, click the Delete button to the left of the desired record; when prompted, click Yes to delete the record.

  1. Click the Save button.

  2. Continue adding the remaining information for the employee if needed.

Steps to Add an Employee