Completing the Wages Screen in the Employee File

  1. From within the Employee File, click the Wages tab.

  2. To add a pay code to the employee, complete the following:

Note:  Only the active pay codes appear by default when searching, as only an active pay code can be added to an employee.  Once a pay code is specified, if it has a default rate and/or expense account entered in the Pay Code File, the rate and/or note stating the pay code has default expense accounts displays after the description (when cursor is placed over the Pay Code ID field).

Note:  An employee can have only one pay code selected as the primary (per Fiscal Year End).

Note:  If two or more pay codes for this employee have the same check description, they will be combined on the check stubs, the Payroll Register reports, and the Distribution Report by Expense Account with Detailed Earnings.

Tip:  Enter an asterisk (*) as the first character of the check description to have the system combine this wage with others (that also have an asterisk as the first character of the check description, as defined on the Wages screen in the Employee File, or else the description of the pay code from the Pay Code File if the pay code is not defined in the Employee File for an employee) on the check stub using OTHER YTD PAY as the description.

Note:  If the date entered in this field is not in the same fiscal year as designated in the Fiscal Year End field, a warning icon will appear to the right of the field; verify the date entered is correct.

Note:  For Iowa school districts only, complete this field for any unit pay code to be included in the compensation totals on the Iowa BEDS Report or in the salary total on the Iowa State Education Association Report.  For Illinois school districts only, complete this field for any unit pay code to be included in the total for Full Annual Rate on the Illinois Monthly Teachers Retirement Report.  For Missouri school districts only, complete this field for any unit pay code to be included in the total for the Annual Base Salary on the retirement report, or the Yearly Contract Salary column on the Kansas City Retirement Report.  For Wyoming school districts only, complete this field for any unit pay code to be included on the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report.

Note:  The Pay Rate Same as Primary Pay Code field is disabled if adding a contract pay code or adding a pay code defined as the primary pay code for the employee.

Note:  If the Pay Rate Same as Primary Pay Code field is selected, the Pay Rate field is disabled and shows the pay rate from the pay code defined as the primary.

Tip:  To use the default rate for the employee, leave the Pay Rate field blank.  By leaving the Pay Rate field blank, the system will know to use the default rate when making entries for the employee during a pay period; then if the default rate ever changes, the rate will only need to be updated in the Pay Code File and the Employee File will not need to be updated.

Note:  For Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, and Wyoming school districts only, if adding a unit pay code and an amount is designated in the Pay Rate field (or in the Default Pay Rate field, if applicable), enter the number of units the employee will be paid with this particular pay code in this field and then the system will calculate the total dollar amount and display it automatically in the Total Contract field for use when printing the applicable state reports (see note above for Total Contract field).

Note:  Tracking hours worked is required if the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Hours Tracking option within the School Accounting System will be completed.  Also, tracking hours worked is required for inclusion on the applicable government reports for school districts in Idaho (for applicable employees with pay codes defined with a Pay Type of H for Hourly within the Idaho Retirement Report), Illinois (for applicable employees to be included on the Illinois Monthly Teachers Retirement Report, including only employees with absences on contracts or rehired retirees), Missouri (for only employees with a wage type of R for Retired Working Member, T for Non-Member Sub Teaching WAR Waiver, or X for Non-Member), Nebraska, North Dakota (for teachers only), South Dakota (for only employees without retirement), and Wyoming.

Note:  The Use Primary Pay Code Expense Accounts field is disabled if adding a pay code defined as the primary pay code for the employee.

Tip:  Only either the Use Primary Pay Code Expense Accounts field or the Use Pay Code Defaults field can be selected; both fields cannot be selected.

Note:  If a default expense account was entered in the Pay Code File for the specified pay code, click the Copy From Pay Code button to copy the expense account number(s) from the Pay Code File into the Expense Accounts List in order to use and save the expense account number(s) with this pay code for the employee.  To copy the expense account number(s) from another pay code defined for this employee, click the Search Employee Expense button located at the bottom of the Expense Accounts List and then select the desired pay code.

Note:  If this pay code should be taxed at the supplemental rate (only applicable for FIT and SIT), click the box for Supplemental Rate that appears to the right of the tax ID and description in the Cross References List.

Note:  If your organization has licensed the Human Resources module, leave the Lane field blank and complete the Negotiation Lanes option within Human Resources in order to have the system place the employees in the correct lanes as based on their degree and additional credit hours (for example, BA + 6 additional credit hours) or position titles (for example, Head Football Coach), if desired.

Tip:  If needed, click the Go To button (located to the right of the Copy Funding Sources to All Pay Codes button) to open the Employee Funding Source Maintenance screen (tab) in the Idaho Staff Data Reporting option in order to add and edit the funding sources defined for the specified employee.  If desired, click the Copy Funding Sources to All Pay Codes button to copy the percentages entered in the Split Percent field for the employee's funding sources for the current pay code to all other pay codes for this employee for the designated fiscal year (and click Yes when prompted to copy the data).

Note:  For employees reported with a Pay Type Group of Non-Certified in the Idaho Staff Data Reporting, do not complete the Funding Sources List (no funding sources display).

Note:  The Wage Type Override field is disabled if the Wage Type field is not completed on the Report Options screen in the Missouri Retirement Report.

Note:  The Position Code Override field is disabled if the Position Code field is not completed on the Report Options screen in the Missouri Retirement Report.

Tip:  If needed, click the Go To button (located to the right of the Copy Assignments to All Pay Period Entries button) to open the Employee Assignments Maintenance screen (tab) in the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report option in order to add and edit the assignments defined for the specified employee.

Note:  If desired, click the Copy Assignments to All Pay Codes button to copy the percentages entered in the Split Percent field for the employee's assignments for the current pay code to all other pay codes for this employee for the designated fiscal year (and click Yes when prompted to copy the data).  For unit pay codes, click the Copy Assignments to All Pay Period Entries button to copy the percentages entered in the Split Percent field for the employee's assignments for the current pay code to all entries for this pay code for the employee in the Pay Period Entries and Employee Absences batches for the designated fiscal year (and click Yes when prompted to copy the data).  If the Copy Assignments to All Pay Codes button is used for unit pay codes, the Copy Assignments to All Pay Period Entries button would need to be utilized for each individual pay code in order to copy the information to all the appropriate entries for all of the pay codes.

  1. Click the Save button.

  2. Repeat Steps 2-3 until all the applicable wages have been added for the employee.

  3. Continue adding the remaining information for the employee if needed.

Steps to Add an Employee