Completing Leave Request Options

Note:  The Leave Request Options option is only available to organizations that have licensed the Web Link module and is only accessible to supervisors.

  1. From the Payroll screen, select the Options menu, Leave Requests, and then Leave Request Options.

Note:  The Leave Requests submenu is only available to organizations that have licensed the Web Link module.

  1. Click the General tab to complete the general leave request options.

Note:  For regular leave requests, the Employee ID and Leave ID fields cannot be changed even if this field is selected.  For FMLA leave requests, the Employee ID and FMLA Reason fields cannot be changed even if this field is selected.

Note:  If this field is selected, users are able to approve (or reject) multiple leave requests at once without viewing the details for the leave requests; this is applicable for approving leave requests from within the Web Link module only (the ability to process multiple leave request approvals at once is always available from within the Payroll module).

Note:  This field is applicable for the calendar that appears within the Leave Request Approvals option in the Web Link module only (the ability to view the leave requests for all employees and all leaves on the calendar within the Leave Request Approvals option in Payroll is always available).

Tip:  Typically, 0 or 1 is entered in this field.

Note:  The format only applies to how the start and end time for leave requests display after being entered and does not define the format in which the entries must be made.  For example, entries can be made using the format of military time with the Time Display field set to either Regular or Military; the field just defines how the time will display for the entries after advancing from the field.

Tip:  The Time Display field affects how the start and end time displays for leave requests in the Leave Request Entry option, Leave Request Entry - FMLA option, Leave Request Approvals option, Leave Request Inquiry option, FMLA screen in the Employee File, and Select Leave Requests/Substitutes for Processing option, and also for events added in the Manage Calendar option.

Note:  The colon does not have to be entered between the hour and the minutes; for example, enter 8 o’clock as 800 or 0800.

Tip:  The AM Range field sets the default used in the Leave Request Entry option, the Leave Request Entry - FMLA option, the Leave Request Approvals option, the FMLA screen in the Employee File, and the Manage Calendar option.

Steps to Complete the Email Manager

Tip:  Regardless if the system is set up to send email notifications or not, an alert will appear on the Payroll screen if leave requests are pending the approval of the user currently logged into the system.

  1. Click the Leave Approval Paths tab to define the approval paths for leave requests at your organization.

Note:  Each leave can be tied to only one approval path for use with leave requests; if only one approval path is set up, all the applicable leaves must be tied to it.  At least one approval path must be defined for use with leave requests.

Steps to Add an Approval Path

  1. If your organization has licensed the Human Resources module, click the FMLA tab (only enabled if the module is licensed).

Note:  If this field is selected, the Leave Request Entry - FMLA option will be enabled for those users with the applicable rights.

Note:  The user who is defined as the override approver for the FMLA approval path is able to approve FMLA leave requests in place of a designated user in the approval process, if needed.

Tip:  If the user entered in this field is not currently set up in the User Security option with rights to approve leave requests in Web Link or Payroll, a message will appear after advancing from the field asking to add the rights at this time; click Yes to edit the rights for the user now, or click No to wait and edit the rights for the user later.

Note:  In order to send notification emails to the user in this field, complete the following:  1) complete the General Options tab in the Email Manager option (if not already completed) by selecting the Enable Email Manager field and completing the remaining fields; 2) if needed, on the Email Addresses tab in the Email Manager option, add an email address to use when emailing leave request notifications; 3) complete the Leave Request Options section on the Web Link tab in the Email Manager option; and 4) verify the employee tied to the user specified in this field has an email address entered in the Employee File with the Other Communication field selected.  The notification emails use the verbiage as entered in the Fully Approved Message field on the Web Link screen (tab) in the Email Manager option.

Note:  In order to send notification emails to the user in this field, complete the following:  1) complete the General Options tab in the Email Manager option (if not already completed) by selecting the Enable Email Manager field and completing the remaining fields; 2) if needed, on the Email Addresses tab in the Email Manager option, add an email address to use when emailing leave request notifications; 3) complete the Leave Request Options section on the Web Link tab in the Email Manager option; and 4) verify the employee tied to the user specified in this field has an email address entered in the Employee File with the Other Communication field selected.  The notification emails use the verbiage as entered in the FMLA Leave Request Approved Message field on the Web Link screen (tab) in the Email Manager option.

Note:  If Group Manager Approver is selected as the Approval Type and the employee who submitted the FMLA leave request is included in more than one employee group defined to be used with leave requests, each of the different users specified as the Group Manager Approver ID from all of the employee groups will need to approve the FMLA leave request for the particular sequence.  For example, if an employee is included in three different employee groups that are defined to be used with leave requests and each employee group has a different user specified as the Group Manager Approver ID, all three group manager approvers for the three employee groups will need to approve the FMLA leave request for this approval sequence.

Tip:  If the user entered in this field is not currently set up in the User Security option with rights to approve leave requests in Web Link or Payroll, a message will appear after advancing from the field asking to add the rights at this time; click Yes to edit the rights for the user now, or click No to wait and edit the rights for the user later.

Note:  At least one employee group must be selected.

Tip:  To select multiple employee groups in a row, press and hold the Shift key, and then click the first employee group to have selected and then click the last employee group; all the employee groups starting with the first one clicked through the last one clicked will be selected.  If multiple groups are selected and an employee is included in more than one of the selected groups, the specific user will only have to approve the employee's FMLA leave request one time for this sequence.

Note:  To remove a sequence, click the Delete button located to the left of the desired record; when prompted to delete the line, click Yes.

Tip:  If the user entered in this field is not currently set up in the User Security option with rights to edit leave request substitutes in Web Link or Payroll, a message will appear after advancing from the field asking to add the rights at this time; click Yes to edit the rights for the user now, or click No to wait and edit the rights for the user later.

Note:  At least one employee group must be selected.

Tip:  To select multiple employee groups in a row, press and hold the Shift key, and then click the first employee group to have selected and then click the last employee group; all the employee groups starting with the first one clicked through the last one clicked will be selected.

Note:  To remove a user from being able to edit substitutes for the FMLA approval path, click the Delete button located to the left of the desired record; when prompted to delete the line, click Yes.

Note:  Once a field has been used with an FMLA leave request entry, the Type field cannot be changed.

Note:  To remove a section or remove a field from a section, click the Delete button located to the left of the desired record; when prompted to delete the line (and the data records for any fields that have been used with FMLA leave request entries, if applicable), click Yes.

Sample Leave Request Additional Fields Setup