Requisitions Setup Checklist

Follow the steps below to implement using requisitions within Accounts Payable and Web Link, if applicable.

Step 1:  Define Account Groups, If Desired

Steps to Add an Account Group

Step 2:  Define Vendor Groups, If Desired

Steps to Add a Vendor Group

Step 3:  Define Ship To Addresses, If Desired

Steps to Add a Ship To Address

Note:  A prefix for the requisition numbers can also be defined within the Accounts Payable System File, if needed (for example, if only one prefix is used for all requisition numbers).

Step 4:  Complete Requisition Options

Steps to Complete the Requisition Options

Steps to Add an Approval Tree

Note:  Also, for organizations with the Web Link module licensed, complete the Accounts Payable tab within the Web Link Setup Options if not already done.

Steps to Complete Web Link Setup Options

Step 5:  Define Users for Requisition Access

Note:  If desired, use the View/Adjust Users option to update (add or remove) rights for existing users.

image\btn_mini.gif Steps to Add a User

image\btn_mini.gif Steps to Change a User

Steps to View/Adjust Users

Step 6:  Set Up System for Emailing Notification Messages, If Desired

1)  Open the Email Manager option and complete the following:  1) complete the General Options tab (if not already completed) by selecting the Enable Email Manager field and completing the remaining fields; 2) if needed, on the Email Addresses tab, add an email address to use for the requisition notification emails; and 3) complete the Requisition Options section on the Accounts Payable tab.

Steps to Complete Email Manager

2)  Verify that the applicable employees have a valid email address entered in the Employee File with the Other Communication field selected.  If needed, email addresses for employees can be imported; also, the Adjust Email Addresses option can be utilized to update the usage field for Other Communication for employees.

Steps to Import Employee Email Addresses

Steps to Adjust Email Addresses

Step 7:  Applicable Users Enter and Submit Requisitions

Steps to Enter Requisitions (in Accounts Payable)

Steps to Submit Requisitions (in Accounts Payable)

Step 8:  Applicable Users Approve Requisitions

Note:  If an approver has access to the Accounts Payable module, an alert will appear on the Accounts Payable screen if requisitions are pending the approval of the user currently logged into the system, regardless if notification messages are emailed for requisitions.

Steps to Approve Requisitions (in Accounts Payable)

Step 9:  Select Approved Requisitions to Convert to Purchase Orders

Note:  To use the requisition number as the purchase order number when converting requisitions to purchase orders, select the Purchase Order Number Same as Requisition Number field in the Accounts Payable System File; if applicable, select this field before completing the steps to convert requisitions to purchase orders.

Steps to Select (Convert) Requisitions to Single Purchase Order (in Accounts Payable)

Steps to Select (Convert) Requisitions to Multiple Purchase Order (in Accounts Payable)

Step 10:  Print (or Email) and Post Purchase Orders as Normal

Note:  Purchase orders can only be posted from within Accounts Payable.


Steps to Post Purchase Orders

Steps to Email Purchase Orders