Note: The instructions below are for converting one or more requisitions to a single purchase order.
From the Accounts Payable screen, select the Data Entry menu and then Purchase Orders.
Select the desired batch of purchase orders into which to convert requisitions by double-clicking on the desired batch description, or if needed, create a new batch.
to Complete Batch Options for Purchase Orders
To convert the requisition(s) to a new purchase order, click the New Record button to initialize the screen for a new entry; otherwise, to convert the requisition(s) to an existing purchase order already entered in the batch, enter the number of the purchase order to which the converted requisition will be added in the Purchase Order Number field, or click the Find button to select the correct one.
Select the Requisitions menu and then Select Requisitions for Single Purchase Order.
Note: If a purchase order was displayed on the screen prior to selecting the Select Requisitions for Single Purchase Order option, a message will appear prompting to add the converted requisitions to the existing purchase order; click Yes to add the requisitions to the existing purchase order displayed on the screen, or click No to convert the requisitions to a new purchase order.
The Select Requisitions for Single Purchase Order screen will appear listing all the outstanding requisitions (those that have been approved but not yet converted to purchase orders).
Note: If converting requisitions to an existing purchase order, only the outstanding requisitions that are for the same vendor as the existing purchase order appear, but the filters can be changed, if desired. If the user is assigned to one or more ship to addresses and/or vendor groups in the User Security option, only the requisitions tied to one of the designated ship to addresses and/or vendor groups appear.
Select the requisition(s) to convert to the purchase order by clicking the box for the Selected column to the left of each desired Requisition Number. A checkmark will appear in the box if the requisition is selected. To select all the requisitions listed on the screen, click the Select All button located at the top of the screen. If desired, change the filters to modify the requisitions displayed here.
Only if converting requisitions to a new purchase order, select the Primary field (column) for the requisition from which to use the Header Information on the purchase order if multiple requisitions are chosen to be converted. A checkmark will appear in the box under the Primary column if the field is selected. If only one requisition is selected to be converted, the Primary field does not have to be completed as the information from the selected requisition will automatically be used on the purchase order.
Note: If the Primary field is not selected for a requisition when converting multiple requisitions to a purchase order, the fields in the Header Information will use the defaults (if applicable) or will be blank, other than the Purchase Order Amount field which will reflect the total amount of the selected requisitions. The Primary field (column) is not applicable (and does not appear) if converting requisitions to an existing purchase order.
Click the Execute button to convert the selected requisition(s) to a purchase order.
Continue entering the purchase order as normal; if desired, if multiple requisitions were converted to the purchase order, the detail lines can be combined together on the purchase order in order to merge similar line items.
to Enter Purchase Orders
After all the desired changes have been made to the purchase order, click the Save button.
Once all the desired requisitions have been converted to purchase orders, print a listing and post the batch. If desired, the purchase orders can also be emailed by completing the Email Purchase Orders option.
Tip: Print the Purchase Order Listing-Detail or Purchase Order Listing-Summary from the Reports menu to view a listing of all purchase orders in the selected batch. Print the Standard Purchase Order Form report (or other custom purchase order format setup defined for your school district) from the Reports menu to print the actual purchase order forms.