Adding a Ship To Address

Note:  For any field equipped with the repeat function, click the Repeat button or press the Ctrl+R keys to repeat the previous entry for the specified field.  The repeat function is only available after your initial entry.  

Note:  To have the system automatically assign the ID using the first 10 characters (letters and numbers only) of the Legal Business Name (or Last Name if an individual), leave the ID field blank; once the record is saved, the ID will be assigned.  If the ID entered in the field is for an existing entity not currently flagged with the entity role of Ship To Address, a prompt will appear asking if the Ship To Address role should be added; click Yes to make the entity a ship to address. 

Note:  Only the state abbreviations and province codes for the specified country (as entered in the Country field, or United States if the Country field is blank) appear by default when searching, but the filters can be changed if needed in order to view other state or province codes.

Note:  If your computer is connected to the Internet, click the Go To button located to the right of this field to launch the Internet browser and display the specified website.

Note:  The prefix is only applicable (will be used) if the purchase order number is not entered manually, but is instead automatically assigned by the system.

Note:  The prefix is only applicable (will be used) if the requisition number is not entered manually, but is instead automatically assigned by the system.

Note:  In order to email reports to a particular email address for the ship to address, at least one of the usage fields (Direct Deposit, Tax Forms, or Other Communication field) must be selected for the email address (at the time a report is emailed, the usages for which email addresses to use is then specified).