Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report

The Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report option in Payroll is used by Wyoming school districts to create the following four files to submit to the Wyoming Department of Education for the WDE602 Fall Staffing Collection and the WDE652 Spring Staffing Collection:  1) Employment, 2) Assignment, 3) Experience, and 4) Education.  (Note:  The Schedule Header file and the Salary Schedule file required for the WDE602 Fall Staffing Collection are not generated or created from within the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report option.)

Initially, the employee information from preloaded files must be downloaded from the state and imported into the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report option in the School Accounting System (for the first year, the four preloaded files for Employment, Assignment, Experience, and Education need to be imported, and then in subsequent years, only the preloaded Experience file needs to be imported); then once the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report option is generated, each employee’s record can be verified and edited, if needed.  Then the files can be created for uploading to the state.

Note:  Follow the steps on the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report Completion Checklist to ensure all steps are completed properly for the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report option.

Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report Completion Checklist