The Workers' Compensation Classes option in Payroll is used by districts who calculate (and pay, if desired) the workers' compensation liability during a check cycle. The Workers' Compensation Classes option is used if different groups of employees have different rates. With the Workers' Compensation Classes option, classes are defined for each group of employees that perform a specific duty and share the same rate. Classes are first defined in the Workers' Compensation Classes option and then tied to the appropriate pay codes in the Pay Code File. If needed, the workers' compensation class for a particular pay code for an employee can be overridden on the Wages screen in the Employee File.
After the workers' compensation classes are defined and tied to the appropriate pay codes, the system automatically calculates the workers' compensation liability by multiplying the specified rate for the class by the gross wages for the pay codes for the employees for each class. If the tax for workers' compensation is set up to calculate and a payee is specified, a check will print for the amount calculated and expensed during a check cycle.
to Add a Workers' Compensation Class
to Change a Workers' Compensation Class
to Delete a Workers' Compensation Class