Note: Complete the MOSIS Setup Procedures for each employee to be included in the MOSIS Educator Core Data file before doing the steps below to complete the MOSIS option.
From the Payroll screen, select the Government Reporting menu and then MOSIS.
Generating the MOSIS Educator Core Data:
At the MOSIS screen, click the Generate Core Data tab to complete the information.
Tip: Refer to the codes given with the instructions for the Missouri Student Information System issued by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education if completing the Default Value fields that require a valid code.
Click the down-arrow button for the Fiscal Agent County District field to select the correct referenced custom field defined in the Employee File to track the county district number for the school district or organization that provides the salary to the employees.
If desired, enter the appropriate 6-digit county district code number to use as the default in the Default Value field for Fiscal Agent County District for those employees where the Fiscal Agent County District custom field was left blank. If the code is not known, click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Tip: If the Fiscal Agent County District custom field was only completed for those employees whose contracts are paid by a different school district or organization, then specify the county district number for your school district in this field to use it as the default for all other employees.
If applicable, click the down-arrow button for the Career Ladder Stage field to select the correct referenced custom field defined in the Employee File to track the career ladder stage of the employees.
If applicable, enter the appropriate 1-digit code for the career ladder stage to use as the default in the Default Value field for Career Ladder Stage for those employees where the Career Ladder Stage custom field was left blank. If the code is not known, click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Click the down-arrow button for the Highest Degree field to select the correct referenced custom field defined in the Employee File to track the highest degree earned by the employees.
If desired, enter the appropriate code for the degree to use as the default in the Default Value field for Highest Degree for those employees where the Highest Degree custom field was left blank (and/or for those employees without the Education screen in the Employee File completed if the Use Human Resources field is selected). If the code is not known, click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Only for those school districts with the Human Resources module, select the Use Human Resources field located to the right of the Default Value field for Highest Degree to have the system look at the Education screen of the Employee File to determine the highest degree of the employee. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
Note: If this field is selected and a custom field is entered in the Highest Degree field, the information entered in the custom field (if completed) will override the highest degree of an employee as entered in the Employee File. If this field is selected and a Default Value for Highest Degree is specified, the Default Value will only be used if the employee does not have the Education screen in the Employee File completed. This field is disabled for those school districts without the Human Resources module.
Click the down-arrow button for the Extended Contract Duration field to select the correct numeric custom field defined in the Employee File to track the number of days the employees have been contracted to work beyond the regular contraction duration.
Note: If desired, leave the Extended Contract Duration field blank to instead have the system utilize the number of days entered in the Additional Days field on the Wages screen in the Employee File for the employee's contract selected as a Regular Term Salary pay code (selected below); if an employee has multiple Regular Term Salary contract pay codes, the system will use the one with the highest number of additional days.
Click the down-arrow button for the Extended Contract Salary field to select the correct numeric custom field defined in the Employee File to track the extra salary amount that employees earn for working beyond the regular contract duration.
Note: If desired, leave the Extended Contract Salary field blank to instead have the system calculate the salary paid for extended days on a contract by multiplying the number of days entered in the Additional Days field by the amount displayed in the Absence Per Day field for the employee's contract selected as a Regular Term Salary pay code (selected below); if an employee has multiple Regular Term Salary contract pay codes, the system will calculate the salary amount for extended days for each applicable contract and then add the amounts together to use the total amount.
Click the down-arrow button for the Late Hire Date field to select the correct date custom field defined in the Employee File to track the late hired date for the employees.
Click the down-arrow button for the Early Termination Date field to select the correct personnel field defined in the Employee File to track the early termination date for the employees.
Click the down-arrow button for the Comments field to select the correct date custom field defined in the Employee File to track any additional comments needed for the employees.
In the Email Address field, enter the desired type of email address (Business, Other, or Personal) to include on the report for the employees, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Enter the ending year of the desired fiscal year for the contracts to include when generating in the Fiscal Year End field, or click the down-arrow button to select the particular year. For example, to include the contracts for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, enter 2025 in this field.
Enter the appropriate 6-digit county district code number for your school district in the District Code field.
In the Pay Codes List, select the appropriate pay type for the pay codes to include on the report. For each applicable pay code, click the down-arrow button in the Pay Type field (column) to select the appropriate pay type (Regular Term Salary, Extra Duty Salary, Minimum Salary Supplement, or Baseline Salary Grant).
Note: If a pay code should not be included in the totals for any compensation type when generating, leave the Pay Type field (column) blank.
In the Pay Groups List, select the pay groups for which employees to include on the report by clicking the box under the Selected column to the left of the pay group ID. A checkmark will appear in the box if the pay group is selected. To select all of the pay groups, click the Select All button located above the Pay Groups List.
Note: The pay groups defined (within the Pay Group File) to be included on the MOSIS report are selected by default, but can be changed if needed; if changes are made here, the changes will also be reflected in the Pay Group File.
Click the Save button.
Click the Execute button to generate the MOSIS Educator Core Data.
Editing the MOSIS Educator Core Data:
Click the Edit Core Data tab to view the information in the Educator Core Data and make any changes if desired.
Tip: To lock a column in place so that it does not move while scrolling the information in the grid, click the pushpin located to the right of the desired column heading. Once the pushpin has been selected for a column, the pushpin will appear vertical to indicate the column is locked, and the locked column will move to the left and appear in front of all unlocked columns. To unlock a column, click the pushpin again; the pushpin will appear horizontal to indicate a column is unlocked. If the screen is closed and re-opened, or the Save button is clicked, the settings for the pushpins will go back to the defaults.
To change the information for an employee, click in the desired field and then key the correct information, or click the down-arrow button for the desired field to select the correct item (if applicable). The following fields of information can be changed for an employee: Race/Ethnicity, Extended Contract Duration, Extended Contract Salary, Regular Term Salary, Extra Duty Salary, Minimum Salary Supplement, Career Ladder Stage, Highest Degree, Public School Years District, Public School Years Missouri, Public School Years Public, Late Hire Date, Early Termination Date, Comments, Fiscal Agent County District, Minimum Salary Days Worked, and Baseline Salary Grant. After all the changes are made, click the Save button.
Note: The amount generated in the Regular Term Salary field (column) was automatically reduced by the amount generated for the Extended Contract Salary, if applicable. To delete an employee from the MOSIS Educator Core Data, click the Delete button to the left of the Employee ID.
To export the information in the Educator Core Data into a file in order to open and print the report (such as in Microsoft® Excel), if desired, complete the Export Grid option (accessed from the File menu).
Note: The file created with the Export Grid option is not the file to submit to the state as it is not using the correct required file format/layout.
Editing the MOSIS Educator School Data:
Note: The MOSIS Educator School Data must be set up initially and then the data within the option can be maintained from year to year. If desired, a file containing the information, or partial information, for your employees can be imported rather than manually keyed (for example, imported from a student information tracking software).
Steps to Import MOSIS Educator School
Click the Edit School Data tab to view the information in the Educator School Data and make any changes if desired.
To add a new employee to the Educator School Data, enter the ID of the employee in the Employee ID field in the blank line (indicated with an asterisk) at the bottom of the School Data List. If the ID is not known, click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. Then complete all the fields of information for each applicable employee for the school building (attendance center), position code, and/or Career and Technical Education program to which the employee is tied and click the Save button.
Note: If the employee works in more than one school building (attendance center), or is tied to more than one position code and/or Career and Technical Education program, enter multiple entries (lines) for the employee.
Tip: The list of school codes, position codes, and CTE program types displayed when editing the school data can be edited from within the Permitted Values section of the MOSIS option, if needed.
to Edit Permitted Values
Enter the appropriate 4-digit code for the school building (attendance center) where the employee works in the School Code field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Enter the appropriate 2-digit code for the position of the employee in the Position Code field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
If applicable, enter the appropriate 4-digit code for the type of the Career and Technical Education program the employee is tied to in the CTE Program Type field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Enter the full-time equivalency (or percent of time) as a decimal that the employee works in the specified school building (attendance center), position, and/or program in the FTE field. For example, if the employee is a full-time employee and only works in one position/program at one school building (attendance center), enter 1.00 in this field.
Note: If desired, the FTE for the employee can be pulled in from the employee's contract on the Wages screen in the Employee File; refer to Step 6 below.
Enter the regular salary amount paid to the employee for the particular position and/or program at the specified school building (attendance center) in the Salary field.
Note: If desired, the Salary for the employee can be pulled in from the Total Contract field of the employee's contract on the Wages screen in the Employee File for the designated pay codes (those defined with a Pay Type of Regular Term Salary on the Generate Core Data screen); refer to Step 6 below.
Only if the CTE Program Type field was completed, enter the number of months the employee is contracted for the Career and Technical Education program in the CTE Month field.
If applicable, enter the date the course is added, or the date the employee replaces the original course educator, if after the beginning of the school year in the Late Start Date field. Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date.
If applicable, enter the date the course is eliminated, or the date the employee is replaced as the course educator, if prior to the end of the school year in the Early End Date field. Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date.
If applicable, enter any additional comments (up to 70 characters) needed for the employee's specified record in the Course Comment field.
If applicable, enter the salary amount paid from a baseline salary grant to the employee for the particular position and/or program at the specified school building (attendance center) in the Baseline Salary Grant field.
Note: If desired, the Baseline Salary Grant for the employee can be pulled in from the Total Contract field of the employee's contract on the Wages screen in the Employee File for the designated pay codes (those defined with a Pay Type of Baseline Salary Grant on the Generate Core Data screen); refer to Step 6 below.
To generate the salaries (and baseline salary grant amounts, if applicable) using the FTEs and salaries from the Employee File in Payroll for the employees included in the Educator School Data, complete the following steps: 1) add any new employees into the School Data List on the Edit School Data screen within the MOSIS option; 2) click the Update Salary/FTE button located at the bottom of the Edit School Data screen; and 3) if needed, edit the information to adjust employees’ salaries (including regular salary and baseline salary grant amounts) for any changes or splits (such as for an employee who has one contract set up in the Employee File in Payroll but has two positions or assignments in the School Data screen).
Note: If an employee has multiple Regular Term Salary and/or Baseline Salary Grant contract pay codes, the system will add the FTEs, salary amounts, and baseline salary grant amounts together from all the applicable pay codes. Also, if an employee has multiple records because the employee is tied to multiple school buildings (attendance centers), position codes, and/or Career and Technical Education programs, the values will only be brought into the FTE, Salary, and Baseline Salary Grant fields on one of the records; the FTE, Salary, and Baseline Salary Grant can then be split manually among the appropriate employee's records.
Printing the MOSIS Educator Core and Educator School Data:
To print a report to verify the information for each employee, select the Reports menu, and then Missouri Educator Core Data Listing or Missouri Educator School Data Listing.
Creating the MOSIS Educator Core and Educator School Data Files:
Select the Options menu and then the desired option: Create Core Data File or Create School Data File.
When prompted, select the desired path (drive and folders) for where to create the file and click the Save button. The system will default to the location that was last specified.
Note: Do not change the name of the file.
A message will appear in the status bar to show that the file was created.
Import the file(s) into the state's program.
The MOSIS information can be accessed anytime during the year and will remain unchanged until you edit it or regenerate it.
Click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the screen.