Follow the steps below to set up and utilize the Accounts Receivable module.
Step 1: Define User Rights for Accounts Receivable
Define the users to have access to the Accounts Receivable module by changing the desired users within the User Security option and adding new users if needed.
Step 2: Complete Accounts Receivable System File
Complete the Accounts Receivable System File.
to Complete the Accounts Receivable System File
Step 3: Complete General Ledger System File and Fund File, If Applicable
If the Accounts Receivable module is set up to post to the General Ledger module, complete the following:
1) For organizations operating the Accounts Receivable module on an accrual basis, complete the General Ledger System File with the mask account for the Accounts Receivable Account.
2) Complete the Accounts Receivable Cash Account field and the Accounts Receivable Account field in the Fund File for each applicable fund. The Accounts Receivable Account is only utilized if operating on an accrual basis, while the Accounts Receivable Cash Account is utilized if operating on either an accrual basis or a cash basis.
to Complete the General Ledger System File
Step 4: Define Departments
Define the necessary departments in the Department File. There must be at least one department defined.
Step 5: Define Transactions for Each Department
Define the appropriate invoice transactions and payment transactions for each department in the Invoice Transaction File and the Payment Transaction File. There must be at least one invoice transaction and one payment transaction defined for each department.
to Add an Invoice Transaction
to Add a Payment Transaction
Step 6: Define Customers and Staff Members
Define customers in the Customer File, and if desired, add staff members in the Staff File. The Staff File, which is not a required file to utilize, is used to subcategorize customers (for example, to define the employees at a company or the children in a family).
Step 7: Set Up Statement and Invoice Format
To create a customized statement for your organization, add a new statement report using the Statement Report Setup option.
to Add a Statement Report Setup
To define a customized invoice form for your organization, add a new invoice format using the Invoice Form Setup option.
to Add an Invoice Form Setup
Step 8: Set Up System for Emailing Statements, If Desired
In order to email statements, do the following:
1) Open the Email Manager option and complete the following: 1) complete the General Options tab (if not already completed) by selecting the Enable Email Manager field and completing the remaining fields; 2) if needed, on the Email Addresses tab, add an email address to use when emailing statements (and other Accounts Receivable reports); and 3) complete the Default Email Address ID field in the Report Options section on the Accounts Receivable tab, if desired.
to Complete Email Manager
2) Verify that the customers who will be emailed statements from within Accounts Receivable have the following completed in the Customer File: 1) the Email Statements field selected; 2) a valid email address entered in the Business, Personal, or Other field; and 3) at least one of the usage fields (Direct Deposit, Tax Forms, or Other Communication field) selected for each applicable email address (the usages for which email addresses to use is specified at the time the statements are emailed).
Step 9: Enter Beginning Balances, If Applicable
Enter the beginning balances (outstanding balances due) for customers as of the point the Accounts Receivable module will start to be used, by completing one of the following two methods:
Tip: If desired, with either method, a separate invoice transaction(s) can be defined for the appropriate department(s) for use with entering the beginning balances; for example, create an invoice transaction with an ID of BEGBAL with a description of Beginning Balances.
1) Use the Customer Beginning Balances utility to import or enter the existing balances due from customers. With this method, the beginning balances can be imported from a file or manually keyed for each customer. No entries are posted to General Ledger with this method.
Note: When ready to complete this method, contact Customer Support for instructions to access the Customer Beginning Balances utility.
to Import or Enter Customer Beginning Balances
2) Enter and post invoices for the appropriate month(s) for the charges (existing balances due) for the customers. If the specific ages of the balances are not needed, all the invoices for the beginning balances can be entered into one batch using the same processing month. With this method, entries are posted to General Ledger only if operating on an accrual basis (as defined in the Accounts Receivable System File). For organizations operating on an accrual basis, if this method is used, be sure to enter the applicable Accounts Receivable account number as the Revenue Account Number when entering the invoices (and as the Default Revenue Account for the beginning balances invoice transaction if a new one was created), in order to have the debit and credit entries posted to General Ledger for the beginning balances cancel each other out (assuming the entries had been previously posted to the appropriate accounts when the original invoices were posted in the other system).
Step 10: Utilize Accounts Receivable
Begin utilizing the Accounts Receivable module by completing the Accounts Receivable Statement Cycle Checklist, which includes entering invoices and payments, processing late charges (if applicable), and printing/emailing statements.