Accounts Receivable Statement Cycle Checklist

_____ 1. Enter invoices and print a listing to verify entries; then post.

Note:  Also, edit, print, and post batches of recurring invoices, if applicable.  Multiple batches of invoices can be entered and posted for inclusion in one statement cycle.

Steps to Enter Invoices

image\btn_mini.gif Steps to Print a Report

Steps to Post Entries

_____ 2. Enter payments and print a listing to verify entries; then post.

Note:  Multiple batches of payments can be entered and posted for inclusion in one statement cycle.

Steps to Enter Payments

image\btn_mini.gif Steps to Print a Report

Steps to Post Entries

_____ 3. If applicable, enter prepaid invoices and print a listing to verify entries; then post.

Note:  Multiple batches of prepaid invoices can be entered and posted for inclusion in one statement cycle.

Steps to Enter Prepaid Invoices

image\btn_mini.gif Steps to Print a Report

Steps to Post Entries

_____ 4. If applicable, process late charges.

Steps to Process Late Charges

_____ 5. Print balance reports, and verify information.

image\btn_mini.gif Steps to Print a Report

Tip:  Use the Report List option to select the desired balance reports to print and generate all the reports at one time.

 Steps to Complete Report List

_____ 6. Print and email statements.

Steps to Print/Email Statements

_____ 7. If desired, print post-statement reports (mailing labels).

image\btn_mini.gif Steps to Print a Report

_____ 8. For organizations using the School Accounting System installed locally, make a backup.

Steps to Backup