Room Inventory Setup and Completion Checklist

Follow the steps below to use the Room Inventory option within the Web Link module to complete an inventory of the assets entered in the rooms in the Fixed Asset Inventory module.

Step 1:  Set Up System for Emailing Messages, If Desired

1)  Open the Email Manager option in the School Accounting System and then complete the following:  1) complete the General Options tab (if not already completed) by selecting the Enable Email Manager field and completing the remaining fields; 2) if needed, on the Email Addresses tab, add an email address to use when emailing notifications for the room inventory; and 3) complete the Web Link Room Inventory Options section on the Fixed Asset Inventory tab.  Refer to the Completing the Email Manager topic in the Help File included with the School Accounting System for step-by-step instructions.

2)  Verify that the applicable employees have a valid email address entered in the Employee File with the Other Communication field selected.  If needed, email addresses for employees can be imported; also, the Adjust Email Addresses option can be utilized to update the usage field for Other Communication for employees.

Step 2:  Assign Rights and Rooms to Users

Step 3:  Open Inventory for Viewing in Web Link Setup Options

Note:  The Opened Date field will display the date for the inventory process that will be opened and cannot be changed.

Step 4:  If Desired, Send Email Notification to Employees

Step 5:  Applicable Users Complete Room Inventory in Web Link

Steps to Complete Room Inventory

Step 6:  View Room Inventory Status

Step 7:  Close Inventory for Viewing in Web Link Setup Options

Note:  If needed, after closing an inventory, the inventory can be reopened (for only the most recently closed inventory) by entering Open in the Web Link Room Inventory Status field in the Web Link Setup Options option and then clicking the Open Existing button when prompted; typically, an inventory should only be reopened if Step 8 has not yet been completed.

Step 8:  Process Room Inventory