Completing Room Inventory

Note:  In order for the Room Inventory option to be available in Web Link, a user must have rights to edit room inventory and be assigned to one or more rooms (within the User Security option in the School Accounting System), and also the inventory process must be opened for viewing within the Web Link Setup Options in the School Accounting System (refer to the Room Inventory Setup and Completion Checklist).

  1. Select the Data Entry menu and then Room Inventory.

  1. Enter the ID of the room for which to complete the inventory in the Room field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.

Note:  Only the rooms that are assigned to the user can be entered in the field.

  1. All the current assets in the specified room (as recorded in the Fixed Asset Inventory module) appear on the screen.  If desired, to change the assets that display on the screen, click the down-arrow button for the Status Filter field to specify to show only assets with a certain status or those that have or have not been inventoried; and/or enter text to search for in the Search field and then click the Search button.

  2. For each asset, complete the Status of the asset:

  1. To change the condition of the asset or enter comments for the asset, click the Edit link located to the left of the desired record and then complete the following:  

Note:  Only the Status, Condition, and Comments fields can be edited for an asset (unless the asset was manually added in Step 6 below and is not already recorded within the Fixed Asset Inventory module).

  1. To add a new asset to the room, click the Add New button located at the bottom of the screen and then complete the following:

Note:  If the asset tag number is recorded in another room in the Fixed Asset Inventory module, a message will appear; to inventory (add) the asset in this room, click OK and then continue adding the asset (only the Condition and Comments fields can be completed for the asset, as the other information will default in from the Fixed Asset Inventory module and cannot be changed).

Note:  To optimize sorting on printed reports, be sure to enter all descriptions consistently.  For example, enter a 6-foot folding table as "Table, folding, 6 foot", a 10-foot cafeteria table with benches as "Table, cafeteria with benches, 10 foot", and a 15-foot boat-shaped conference table as "Table, conference, boat-shaped, 15 foot", so that all the tables are grouped together on reports.

  1. To delete an asset from the room (only applicable if the asset was manually added in Step 6 above), click the Edit link located to the left of the desired record and then click the Delete button.

  2. To print a report of the inventory for the room, click the Print Report button.

Note:  A PDF viewer, such as AdobeĀ® Reader, must be installed on your computer prior to running the report; if you do not have a PDF viewer, download AdobeĀ® Reader free of charge by going to and following the instructions.

  1. Once all the assets in the room have been inventoried (the status assigned), select the Room Inventory Complete field located at the bottom of the screen (a checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected).  When prompted to close the inventory for the room, click OK.  The name of the user and the date the inventory for the room was closed appear to the right of the Room Inventory Complete field.

Tip:  If needed, the inventory for a room can be reopened by selecting the Room Inventory Complete field to remove the checkmark.