Note: The Process Room Inventory option will only be enabled if Closed is specified in the Web Link Room Inventory Status field within the Web Link Setup Options.
From the Fixed Asset Inventory screen, select the Options menu, Process Web Link Room Inventory, and then Process Room Inventory.
Note: The Process Web Link Room Inventory option only appears under the Options menu in Fixed Asset Inventory if the organization has licensed the Web Link module, and the option will only be enabled if the Web Link Room Inventory Status field is completed within the Web Link Setup Options.
The Process Room Inventory screen will appear. If desired, print a report to view the new or missing assets, or assets with location, condition, or disposal status changes.
Click the Update Asset Location tab.
All the assets that were recorded in a different room in Web Link than what is shown in the Asset File Maintenance option appear on the screen.
To update the location of an asset, select the asset by clicking once on the box under the Selected column to the left of the asset tag number; then click the Update Selected Entries button. A checkmark will appear in the box if the asset is selected. To select all the assets, click the Select All button located above the Update Asset Location List. If desired, change the filters to modify the assets displayed on the screen.
Note: If there are duplicate entries displayed for an asset (two or more entries for the same Asset Tag number), only select the one correct entry for which to update.
To process an asset without updating the location so that it will be removed from the screen (and retain the location as designated in the Asset File Maintenance option), select the asset by clicking once on the box under the Selected column to the left of the asset tag number; then click the Ignore Selected Entries button. A checkmark will appear in the box if the asset is selected. To select all the assets, click the Select All button located above the Update Asset Location List. If desired, change the filters to modify the assets displayed on the screen.
The screen will refresh and display only the assets that have not yet been processed. Repeat the above steps until all assets have been processed in the Update Asset Location List.
Note: If applicable, all the assets in the Update Asset Location List must be processed (updated or ignored) before the Update Asset Condition, Undispose Assets (No GL), Add Assets, and Dispose Assets tabs are enabled.
Click the Update Asset Condition tab.
Note: If applicable, the assets on the Update Asset Location screen must be processed before this tab is enabled.
All the assets that were recorded with a different condition in Web Link than what is shown in the Asset File Maintenance option appear on the screen.
To update the condition of an asset, select the asset by clicking once on the box under the Selected column to the left of the asset tag number; then click the Update Selected Entries button. A checkmark will appear in the box if the asset is selected. To select all the assets, click the Select All button located above the Update Asset Condition List. If desired, change the filters to modify the assets displayed on the screen.
To process an asset without updating the condition so that it will be removed from the screen (and retain the condition as designated in the Asset File Maintenance option), select the asset by clicking once on the box under the Selected column to the left of the asset tag number; then click the Ignore Selected Entries button. A checkmark will appear in the box if the asset is selected. To select all the assets, click the Select All button located above the Update Asset Condition List. If desired, change the filters to modify the assets displayed on the screen.
The screen will refresh and display only the assets that have not yet been processed. If desired, repeat the above steps until all assets have been processed in the Update Asset Condition List.
Click the Undispose Assets (No GL) tab.
Note: If applicable, the assets on the Update Asset Location screen must be processed before this tab is enabled.
All the assets that were manually added to a room in Web Link but are marked as disposed in the Asset File Maintenance option and do not have any entries posted to General Ledger for the assets appear on the screen.
To change an asset to be current (no longer disposed), select the asset by clicking once on the box under the Selected column to the left of the asset tag number; then click the Update Selected Entries button. A checkmark will appear in the box if the asset is selected. To select all the assets, click the Select All button located above the Undispose Assets (No GL) List. If desired, change the filters to modify the assets displayed on the screen.
To process an asset without making the asset current so that it will be removed from the screen (and continue to be marked as disposed in the Asset File Maintenance option), select the asset by clicking once on the box under the Selected column to the left of the asset tag number; then click the Ignore Selected Entries button. A checkmark will appear in the box if the asset is selected. To select all the assets, click the Select All button located above the Undispose Assets (No GL) List. If desired, change the filters to modify the assets displayed on the screen.
The screen will refresh and display only the assets that have not yet been processed. If desired, repeat the above steps until all assets have been processed in the Undispose Assets (No GL) List.
Click the Add Assets tab.
Note: If applicable, the assets on the Update Asset Location screen must be processed before this tab is enabled.
All the assets that were manually added to a room in Web Link but are not in the Asset File Maintenance option appear on the screen, along with any assets that were manually added to a room in Web Link but are marked as disposed in the Asset File Maintenance option with entries previously posted to General Ledger for the asset.
To add the assets (or add and undispose the assets, if applicable) within the Add New Assets option using the View Web Link Assets option, click the Add Assets button and add the assets as normal.
Click the Dispose Assets tab.
Note: If applicable, the assets on the Update Asset Location screen must be processed before this tab is enabled.
All the assets that were marked as Missing, Moved, or Disposed in Web Link for the room location currently assigned in the Asset File Maintenance option and were not recorded in any other room appear on the screen.
To dispose the assets within the Process Asset Disposal option using the View Disposed Web Link Assets option, click the Dispose Assets button and dispose the assets as normal.
to Process Asset Disposal
Click the View Comments tab.
All the assets that had comments entered in Web Link appear on the screen. If needed, make any changes within the Asset File Maintenance option.