From the Fixed Asset Inventory screen, select the Options menu, Process Web Link Room Inventory, and then View Room Inventory Status.
Note: The Process Web Link Room Inventory option only appears under the Options menu in Fixed Asset Inventory if the organization has licensed the Web Link module, and the option will only be enabled if the Web Link Room Inventory Status field is completed within the Web Link Setup Options.
All the rooms defined in the Fixed Asset Inventory module appear on the screen. The user (employee) who is responsible for completing the inventory in the room, the status for whether or not the inventory has been completed in the room, and the user who completed the inventory (if applicable) also displays for each room.
Note: If a room is assigned to two or more users, the room will appear multiple times, once for each different user.
If desired, click the Email button at this time to send an email message to the employees who have completed the room inventory and/or those who have not yet completed the room inventory.
When prompted, specify the employees for which to send the email by selecting the desired employee selections: Room Inventory Complete and/or Room Inventory Not Complete. To select a particular employee selection, click the box for the Selected column to the left of the desired item. A checkmark will appear in the box if the item is selected.
Click the Execute button to continue.
The Email Options screen will appear; complete the email options as needed.
to Complete the Email Options
Click the Execute button to send the emails.
Note: If the first email is unable to be sent successfully, a prompt will appear asking to continue trying to send the remaining emails; click Yes to continue sending the remaining emails, or click No to quit sending the emails at this time (and, if desired, edit the Recipients List and then resend). If an email is rejected because an incorrect email address was entered for a recipient, the rejection notice will be sent to the appropriate address for the designated email address in the Email Manager option.
A message will appear in the status bar on the Email Options screen once the emails have been sent.
Click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the Email Options screen.
Note: If there was one or more emails that were not successfully sent, the Cancel button and Retry button appear at the bottom of the Email Options screen. If desired, edit the Recipients List and then click the Retry button to try resending the emails to those employees who did not have one sent initially; otherwise, click the Cancel button to close the Email Options screen.