Completing the System File

  1. From the main School Accounting System screen, select the Maintenance menu and then System File.

  2. Click the General tab.

Note:  If the background color is changed, click the Reset button located to the right of the Background Color field to set the color back to the original default setting.

Note:  If the number in the Fiscal Year End Month field needs to be updated, contact Customer Support for assistance.

Note:  If items are reverse GAAP expensed, the totals do not post to the expenditure accounts (or revenue accounts, if applicable), but are reflected on the C.A.R.

Note:  If you have been operating Accounts Payable on a Cash Basis and need to switch to Accrual Basis (or switch from Accrual to Cash), contact Customer Support for assistance in updating this field and other applicable fields (areas) of the School Accounting System.

Tip:  If this field is unselected, users can stipulate at the time a document is being uploaded (from within the School Accounting System or Web Link module) whether or not to save the document as a .TIFF file.

Note:  The Automatically Convert Documents to TIFF field does not apply to documents uploaded from within the K12Docs module (it only applies to documents uploaded from within the School Accounting System and Web Link module, if applicable).

  1. Click the Save button.

  2. Click the Backup Options tab.

Note:  The Backup Options tab is not available for organizations using the School Accounting System-Online version with the updated database configuration, as it includes a continuous backup feature with the ability to restore to a point in time.

Note:  If the Number of Days to Keep Backups field is completed, the backup files are deleted (based on the specified criteria) the next time a user logs into the School Accounting System.  The Number of Days to Keep Backups field must be completed if the Complete Daily Backup field is selected.

Tip:  For organizations using the School Accounting System-Online version with the regular database configuration, 2 is typically entered in this field.

Note:  If the Minimum Number of Backups to Keep field is completed, the backup files are deleted (based on the specified criteria) the next time a user logs into the School Accounting System.  The Minimum Number of Backups to Keep field must be completed if the Complete Daily Backup field is selected.

Tip:  For organizations using the School Accounting System-Online version with the regular database configuration, 2 is typically entered in this field.

Note:  When making a daily backup, the backup file is only created in the backup folder in the SQL Server instance (an external copy is not made).  For those organizations with the School Accounting System installed on a stand-alone computer, SUI recommends to make regular backups to an external drive in addition to the daily backups created with this option in order to store the backups in a safe place away from the office.

Tip:  If desired, view the tutorial below demonstrating the Complete Daily Backup field in the System File.  In order to view the tutorial, you must have an active Internet connection, along with a sound card and speakers installed on your computer.

Complete Daily Backup Tutorial

Tip:  SUI recommends the time entered in this field be early in the morning or during the hours in which users are normally logged into the School Accounting System.

Note:  When entering the time in this field, the colon does not have to be entered between the hour and the minutes; for example, enter 8 o’clock as 800 or 0800.  Also, the AM or PM does not have to be entered, if desired, as the hours 7 through 11 will default to AM and hours 12 through 6 will default to PM.  If military time is entered, the system will automatically convert the hours to regular time; for example, if 1400 (or 14:00) is entered, the system will automatically convert it to 2:00.

Note:  If the daily backup is made (for the current day) using this field, the daily backup will not be made at the scheduled time on that day.

Note:  The types of daily backups are:  Scheduled Backup if the daily backup was completed at the scheduled time or within the same day after the scheduled time (due to no one being logged in at the specified time but a user logged in later in that same day), Delayed Scheduled Backup if the daily backup was completed the next day or later (due to no one being logged in at the specified time but a user logged in the next day or later), and On-Demand Backup if the daily backup was completed using the Make Today's Backup Now field.

Steps to Complete the Email Manager

  1. Click the Save button.

  2. Click the Password Policy tab.  Only those users defined as a supervisor or a database administrator within the User Security option have the ability to access this tab.

Note:  The special characters include:  ! " # $ % ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ { | }.

  1. Click the Save button.

Note:  If the complexity for the passwords was completed or changed, and the passwords for users do not meet the defined password policy, the users will be forced to change their password the next time they log in.  If the fields for completing a daily backup were completed, the main School Accounting System screen must be refreshed by clicking the Refresh Screen icon in the lower right-hand corner of the screen in order for the changes to take effect.