Editing Data Elements

Note:  The following instructions are for use with the Illinois Employment Information System option, which is available for Illinois school districts only, to edit the list of codes for the Ed 360 User codes, employment end reasons, funding sources, grade level assignments, language codes, position codes, race-ethnicity codes, and work locations.  If desired, the list of valid codes that were provided to SUI by the Illinois State Board of Education with the instructions for the Employment Information System can be imported; this is applicable for all codes except for work locations which cannot be imported and must be manually entered.

image\btn_mini.gif Steps to Import Data Elements

  1. From the Payroll screen, select the Government Reporting menu and then Illinois Employment Information System.

  2. At the Illinois Employment Information System screen, click the Data Elements tab.

Note:  The Employer RCDTS, Fiscal Year End, Position Start Date, and Position End Date fields must be completed in order to view the Data Elements screen; refer to the Completing the Illinois Employment Information System Option topic in the Help File for instructions on completing those fields if needed.

  1. In the Field Name field, enter the type of codes for which to edit (Ed360 User, Employment End Reason, Funding Sources, Grade Level Assignments, Language Codes, Position Codes, Race-Ethnicity Codes, or Work Location), or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.

  2. Make the desired changes to the codes.

Note:  If the data entered in the Code field is changed for an existing code, all employee records using that code will be updated with the change.

  1. To add a new code, complete the following fields of information in the blank line (indicated with an asterisk) at the bottom of the Data Elements List.

Tip:  The work location codes are only 4 digits long in the School Accounting System, as the first 11 digits from the number entered in the Employer RCDTS field (on the Report Options tab of the Illinois Employment Information System screen) will automatically be appended to the beginning of the work location codes when the files are created.

Note:  If the Annual Hours field is not completed for the position codes, the FTE field must be completed then for each unit pay code for all employees (when completing Step 5 of the Illinois Employment Information System Setup Procedures), unless the default of 1 as the FTE will be used.

  1. To remove a code, click the Delete button located to the left of the desired code in the Data Elements List; when prompted to delete the record, click Yes.

Note:  If a code is being used in a record for an employee, the system will not allow it to be deleted.

  1. Click the Save button.