Note: Be sure to complete the Illinois Employment Information System Setup Procedures before completing the Illinois Employment Information System option using the steps below.
Employment Information System Setup Procedures
From the Payroll screen, select the Government Reporting menu and then Illinois Employment Information System.
Generating the Illinois Employment Information System:
At the Illinois Employment Information System screen, click the Report Options tab to complete the information.
Select the Hide Fields in Pay Period Entries field to not display the Illinois EIS List within the Pay Period Entries option and the Employee Absences option. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
Note: If this field is selected, the position information will not be tracked for the entries; in order to get the position information then for the entries, the position information will need to be manually entered for the entries within this option, or the Copy EIS to All Pay Period Entries button on the Wages screen in the Employee File will need to be utilized to update the entry records.
Enter the 15-digit number for Region County District Type School assigned by the state to your school district in the Employer RCDTS field. The number can be alphanumeric.
In the Generate Option field, enter the desired option for which information to generate for the Illinois Employment Information System: Create Final Salary Data, Create Initial Employment/Position Data, or Update Employment/Position Data. Select Create Initial Employment/Position Data to delete all records previously generated or entered in the Illinois Employment Information System file, and create the employment/position records for the employees. Select Update Employment/Position Data to: 1) add new positions and work locations for those employees previously included without removing the existing position/work locations, 2) update the Employment Start and End Date (only if previously blank), Employment End Reason, Retired Employee Flag, Percent Full Time, Language Code (only if position defined for a pay code in the Employee File), Position Start Date (only if previously blank), Funding Source (only if position defined for a pay code in the Employee File), Grade Level Assignment (only if position defined for a pay code in the Employee File), and Primary Work Location (only if position defined for a pay code in the Employee File) for existing position/work locations, and 3) generate records for any new employees not previously included. Select Create Final Salary Data to create the salary information (including the Position End Date) for the employees with employment/position records previously generated.
Note: When generating the Illinois Employment Information System, only the employees (active and inactive) in the selected pay groups who have earning accumulations for the designated pay codes will be included.
Tip: When first completing the Illinois Employment Information System option for a particular year, select Create Initial Employment/Position Data as the Generate Option, complete the remaining steps below, and then when ready to create the salary report file, repeat Step 2—selecting Create Final Salary Data as the Generate Option—and Step 9 (and then Steps 10-20 as needed). Only select Update Employment/Position Data as the Generate Option if the employment and position records need updating as explained above.
Click the down-arrow button for the Retired Employee field to select the correct referenced custom field defined in the Employee File to track if an employee is currently receiving a retirement annuity for prior work as a credentialed public school educator.
Click the down-arrow button for the Employment End Reason field to select the correct referenced custom field defined in the Employee File to track the termination reason if an employee is no longer employed at the school district.
Click the down-arrow button for the IEIN field to select the correct text custom field defined in the Employee File to track the Illinois Educator Identification Number assigned by the Illinois State Board of Education for an employee.
Tip: Remember, the Illinois Educator Identification Number for employees can be imported after the Employment/Position Report has been uploaded to the state's website; a file containing the Illinois Educator Identification Number assigned to the employees can be downloaded from the state's website and then imported into the IEIN custom field using the Import Employee IEIN option.
In the Email Address field, enter the desired type of email address (Business, Other, or Personal) to include on the report for the employees, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
If applicable, click the down-arrow button for the Ed 360 Role field to select the correct referenced custom field defined in the Employee File to report an override value for the Ed 360 Role for an employee.
Enter the ending year of the desired fiscal year for the wages (position and salary information) to include when generating in the Fiscal Year End field, or click the down-arrow button to select the particular year. For example, to include the wages for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, enter 2025 in this field.
Enter the date to use as the default start date for positions for the specified fiscal year end in the Position Start Date field, or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date. The date entered in this field will only be used as the Position Start Date for an employee's position if the applicable pay code for the employee's position is a contract pay code and the Start Date for the contract in the Employee File is blank.
Note: The Position Start Date for an employee's position only gets generated by the system if Create Initial Employment/Position Data is specified as the Generate Option.
Enter the date to use as the default end date for positions for the specified fiscal year end in the Position End Date field, or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date. The date entered in this field will only be used as the Position End Date for an employee's position if the applicable pay code for the employee's position is a contract pay code.
Note: The Position End Date for an employee's position only gets generated by the system if Create Final Salary Data is specified as the Generate Option.
Enter the first month for which deduction amounts to include in the salary report file in the Beginning Month for Deduction Amounts field, or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date.
Enter the last month for which deduction amounts to include in the salary report file in the Ending Month for Deduction Amounts field, or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date.
The dates when the various Generate Options were completed for the Illinois Employment Information System option appear in the Create Initial Employment/Position Data, Update Employment/Position Data, and Create Final Salary Data fields, and cannot be changed.
Click the Save button.
3. Click the Pay Groups tab to select the pay groups to include on the report.
Note: The pay groups defined (within the Pay Group File) to be included in the Illinois Employment Information System option are selected by default, but can be changed if needed; if changes are made here, the changes will also be reflected in the Pay Group File.
To select a pay group, click the box under the Selected column to the left of the pay group ID. A checkmark will appear in the box if the pay group is selected.
To select all of the pay groups, click the Select All button located above the Pay Groups List.
Click the Save button.
4. Click the Deductions tab to select the appropriate categories for the deductions to include on the report.
Tip: To lock a column in place so that it does not move while scrolling the information in the grid, click the pushpin located to the right of the desired column heading. Once the pushpin has been selected for a column, the pushpin will appear vertical to indicate the column is locked, and the locked column will move to the left and appear in front of all unlocked columns. To unlock a column, click the pushpin again; the pushpin will appear horizontal to indicate a column is unlocked. If the screen is closed and re-opened, the settings for the pushpins will go back to the defaults.
For each applicable deduction, enter which share (Employee, Employer, or Both) of the deduction to include on the report in the field under the column for the appropriate benefit type (Annuities, Retirement Benefits, and Other), or click the down-arrow button in the field under the appropriate category to select the correct one.
Click the Save button.
5. Click the Pay Codes tab to select the appropriate pay type for the pay codes to include on the report.
For each applicable pay code, click the down-arrow button in the Pay Type field (column) to select the appropriate pay type (Base Salary, Bonuses, or Other Benefits).
Note: If a particular pay code should not be included in the totals for any pay type when generating, leave the Pay Type field (column) blank.
Click the Save button.
6. Click the Leaves tab to select the appropriate leave type for the leaves to include on the report.
For each applicable leave, click the down-arrow button in the Awarded Leave Type field (column) to select the appropriate leave type (Sick or Vacation).
Note: If a particular leave should not be included in the totals for any leave type when generating, leave the Awarded Leave Type field (column) blank.
To have the system generate the number of days absent (days used) for the leave types, select the Accumulate for Days Absent field. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
Only if a leave is tracked in hours, complete the Divisible Value field with the number of hours in one day of the leave, because the leave must be reported in days on the salary report file. The total number of units earned and used in the year for the leave will be divided by the number entered in this field and included on the report.
Click the Save button.
7. Complete the Display Contracts without Positions option to verify if there are any contract pay codes (those with a defined pay type on the Pay Codes screen (tab)) that do not have position information entered for employees in the Employee File.
Select the Options menu on the Illinois Employment Information System screen and then Display Contracts without Positions.
The Contracts without Positions screen will appear listing any employees with contracts for the designated fiscal year end (from the Report Options screen) that do not have any positions entered in the Employee File.
To complete the position information for an employee's contract, double-click on the desired employee's contract to open the Employee File and complete the necessary information for the employees listed.
8. Click the Edit Pay Period Entries tab to verify if there are any entries for employees in posted Pay Period Entries or Employee Absences batches for unit pay codes (those with a defined pay type on the Pay Codes screen (tab)) that do not have position information entered.
All employees with unit pay code entries in posted Pay Period Entries or Employee Absences batches for the applicable fiscal year end (as designated on the Report Options screen) that do not have any positions entered appear in the Pay Period Entries List.
To view the employee's pay code entries with missing position information, click the plus sign (+) in the box in front of the employee to expand the record. If desired, change the filter for the Missing EIS Entries column to also view entries with position information completed.
To view and/or edit the position information for an employee's pay code entry, click the plus sign (+) in the box in front of the pay code to expand the record. The only data that can be changed for an employee's entry is the position information.
To add a position for the pay code entry, complete the following:
In the blank line (indicated with an asterisk) at the bottom of the list, enter the appropriate 3-digit code for the employee's position for this pay code entry in the Position Code field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
In the Work Location field, enter the appropriate 4-digit code for the location where the employee worked at the position, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
If the employee works multiple positions for the pay code entry, enter the percentage of the total for the specified position in the Split Percent field. The total percentage of all the positions for the pay code entry must equal 100%; if there is only one position for the pay code entry, enter 100 as the percentage.
If applicable, repeat these steps until all the positions for the pay code entry for the employee have been added.
If changes were made, click the Save button.
Tip: If desired, complete the position information for a unit pay code for an employee on the Wages screen in the Employee File instead of making changes on this screen, and then click the Copy EIS to All Pay Period Entries button to copy the position(s) from the pay code to all the entries; refer to Step 5 of the Illinois Employment Information System Setup Procedures.
9. Select the Options menu and then Generate EIS Report.
Editing the Illinois Employment Information System:
Tip: To lock a column in place so that it does not move while scrolling the information in the grid, click the pushpin located to the right of the desired column heading. Once the pushpin has been selected for a column, the pushpin will appear vertical to indicate the column is locked, and the locked column will move to the left and appear in front of all unlocked columns. To unlock a column, click the pushpin again; the pushpin will appear horizontal to indicate a column is unlocked. If the screen is closed and re-opened, the settings for the pushpins will go back to the defaults.
10. Click the Edit Generated Data tab to view the information for an employee and manually make changes if necessary.
11. To change the information for an employee in the Employment Information List, click in the field and key the correct information, or click the down-arrow button for the desired field to select the correct item (if applicable). After all the changes are made, click the Save button.
Note: Only the following fields can be changed for an employee within the Employment Information List: Employment Start Date, Employment End Date, Employment End Reason, Retired Employee Flag, and Ed 360 Role. The IEIN field (column) reflects the data entered in the custom field as designated on the Report Options screen (tab). The Maiden Name field (column) reflects the name entered in the Previous Last Name field on the Name & Address screen in the Employee File. The Race Code field (column) reflects the applicable 2-digit race code as based on the data entered in the Race and Ethnicity fields on the Employment screen in the Employee File (or 99 for Unknown generates if the Race and Ethnicity fields in the Employee File are not completed). The School Year field (column) reflects the year entered in the Fiscal Year End field on the Report Options screen (tab). The Employment Start Date field (column) reflects the most recent hire/rehire date as entered in the Employee Dates List on the Employment screen in the Employee File. The Employment End Date field (column) reflects the latest termination date as entered in the Employee Dates List on the Employment screen in the Employee File, only if it is later than the most recent hire/rehire date. The Employment End Reason Code field (column) reflects the 2-digit code entered in the designated custom field if completed, or else, if the custom field is blank for an employee and the Employee Status field on the Name & Address screen of the Employee File is completed with Retired, Terminated, or Deceased, the applicable code generates as the Employment End Reason (for example, if the Employee Status is Retired, then 01 for Retirement generates as the Employment End Reason). The Retired Employee Flag field (column) is selected if Y for Yes is entered in the designated custom field. The Ed 360 Role field (column) reflects the 2-digit code entered in the designated custom field if completed.
12. The records for each different position code and work location for the employees included in the Illinois Employment Information System file display in the Position/Salary Detail List. To change the information for an employee in the Position/Salary Detail List, click in the field and key the correct information, or click the down-arrow button for the desired field to select the correct item (if applicable). After all the changes are made, click the Save button.
Note: Any of the fields within the Position/Salary Detail List can be changed for an employee except the Legal Last Name, Legal First Name, and Position Code Active fields. The Position Code and Work Location fields (columns) reflect the position codes and work locations from the EIS List on the Wages screen in the Employee File for contract pay codes, or the position codes and work locations from the entries included in posted Pay Period Entries and Employee Absences batches for unit pay codes. The Workload field (column) reflects 100 if an employee has only one work location per position; otherwise, if an employee has multiple work locations per position, the field will be blank and will need to be manually completed. The Language Code, Funding Source, Grade Level Assignment, and Primary Work Location fields (columns) reflect the data as entered for the pay code in the EIS List on the Wages screen in the Employee File, if applicable. The Percent Full Time field (column) reflects the data as entered in the FTE field for the pay code on the Wages screen in the Employee File multiplied by the Split Percentage, if applicable; if the FTE field is blank for a pay code (and the Annual Hours is not specified on the Data Elements screen for the position code, applicable for unit pay codes only), or the pay code is not defined in the Employee File, 100 generates as the Percent Full Time, but if the Annual Hours field is completed (applicable for unit pay codes only), the system will calculate the Percent Full Time by taking the total number of hours entered (in the Hours field) for the specified pay code in the applicable Pay Period Entries and Employee Absences batches and divide by the number of hours entered in the Annual Hours field for the position code (although if the Hours field for the entries are blank, 100 generates as the Percent Full Time). The Position Start Date field (column) reflects the Start Date as entered on the Wages screen in the Employee File for contract pay codes (or else the date entered in the Position Start Date field on the Report Options screen (tab) if the contract Start Date field is blank), or the earliest Start Date from the applicable Pay Period Entries or Employee Absences batches for unit pay codes. The Position End Date field (column), which is only generated with the Salary file, reflects the date as entered in the Position End Date field on the Report Options screen (tab) for contract pay codes, or the latest End Date from the applicable Pay Period Entries or Employee Absences batches for unit pay codes. The Base Salary and Bonuses fields (columns) reflect the amounts of the pay codes defined to be reported to the corresponding type of Base Salary or Bonuses. The Sick Days and Vacation Days fields (columns) reflect the number of days earned in the year for the applicable leaves (includes only entries earned through the Adjust Leave Balances option and those earned each pay period (as specified in the Units Per Pay Period field on the Leaves screen in the Employee File)); if applicable, the total number of units earned in the year for the leave will be divided by the number entered in the Divisible Value field on the Leaves tab (refer to Step 5). The Annuities and Retirement Benefits fields (columns) reflect the employee and/or employer amounts of the deductions defined to be reported to the corresponding type of Annuities or Retirement Benefits. The Other Benefits field (column) reflects the employee and/or employer amounts of the deductions and pay codes defined to be reported as Other Benefits. The Actual Days Paid field (column) will always be blank unless a number is entered manually into the field for an employee. Only if one or more leaves have the Accumulate for Days Absent field selected on the Leaves tab, the Days Absent field (column) reflects the number of days used in the year for the applicable leaves; if applicable, the total number of units used in the year for the leave will be divided by the number entered in the Divisible Value field on the Leaves tab (refer to Step 5). The Contract Days Override field (column) will always be blank unless a number is entered manually into the field for an employee.
13. To add a new employee to the Illinois Employment Information System file, first add a record for the employee in the Employment Information List and save, then add a record for the employee in the Position/Salary Detail List. To add an employee record, enter the ID of the employee in the Employee ID field in the blank line (indicated with an asterisk) at the bottom of the list. If the ID is not known, click the down-arrow button to select the correct one, or press the Ctrl+F keys to access the search feature. Then complete the necessary fields of information and click the Save button.
14. To delete an employee from the Illinois Employment Information System file (and also delete all of the position/salary records), click the Delete button to the left of the Employee ID in the Employment Information List (and click Yes when prompted). To delete only a position record for an employee, click the Delete button to the left of the Employee ID for the desired position record in the Position/Salary Detail List (and click Yes when prompted).
Note: Deleting an employee or a position record for an employee by using the Delete button (as indicated above) only removes the record from within the Illinois Employment Information System file in the School Accounting System. If the record also needs to be removed from the data previously uploaded or entered in the state's website, manually delete the record from within the state's website at this time, or else enter 99 for Remove Record as the Employment End Reason to delete the employee record; then when the next file is uploaded to the state's website, the data in the state's website will be updated (and then after uploading to the state's website, delete the records with 99 as the Employment End Reason in the School Accounting System by using the Delete button).
Creating the Illinois Employment Information System Data Files:
15. Select the Options menu and then the desired option: Create Employment/Position Report File, Create Salary Report File, or Create End of Employment Report File.
16. When prompted, select the desired path (drive and folders) for where to create the file and click the Save button. The system will default to the location that was last specified.
Note: Do not change the name of the file.
17. A message will appear in the status bar to show that the file was created.
18. Import the file into the state's website.
Note: Once an uploaded file has been processed by the state, download the processed file from the state's website and open the file to view the last two columns for the Result Codes and Messages (columns X and Y). If there are any errors, fix the data within the School Accounting System and complete Steps 15-18 (above) again.
19. The Illinois Employment Information System file can be accessed anytime during the year and will remain unchanged until you edit it or regenerate it.
20. Click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the screen.