Importing Data Elements

Note:  The following instructions are for use with the Illinois Employment Information System option, which is available for Illinois school districts only, to import a file containing all the valid codes for the Ed 360 User codes, employment end reasons, funding sources, grade level assignments, language codes, position codes, and race-ethnicity codes that were provided to SUI by the Illinois State Board of Education with the instructions for the Employment Information System.

Note:  If there had been any Ed 360 User codes, employment end reasons, funding sources, grade level assignments, language codes, position codes, and race-ethnicity codes that were manually added within the Illinois Employment Information System option prior to the import and are not on the list of valid codes that were provided to SUI by the Illinois State Board of Education, those codes will remain within the Data Elements section but will be flagged as inactive (the Active field will be unselected); if desired, edit the data elements as needed.

image\btn_mini.gif Steps to Edit Data Elements