From the Payroll screen, select the Maintenance menu and then Payroll System File.
Enter the 4-digit year of the ending fiscal year date in the Current Fiscal Year End field. For example, if the current Fiscal Year is 2024-2025, enter 2025 in this field.
If applicable, enter the ID for the vendor to use when creating a payroll purchase order in the Payroll Purchase Order Vendor field. If the ID is not known, click the down-arrow button to select the correct one, or press the Ctrl+F keys to access the search feature.
Purchase Order Setup and Calculation Checklist
In the Payroll Posting Type field, specify whether to have the system post detailed or summarized entries from Payroll to General Ledger, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct option. To post detailed entries for both salaries and benefits (with a separate entry (line) for each employee posted to each salary and benefit expenditure account and benefit payable account), enter Detail Salary and Benefits. To post detailed entries for salaries (with a separate entry (line) for each employee posted to each salary expenditure account) and summarized entries for benefits (with only one entry (line) posted for the total to each benefit expenditure account and benefit payable account), enter Detail Salary/Summarize Benefits. To post summarized entries for both salaries and benefits (with only one entry (line) posted for the total to each salary and benefit expenditure account and benefit payable account), enter Summarize Salary and Benefits.
Tip: Typically, Summarize Salary and Benefits is selected for this field as detailed information can be obtained through Payroll reports if needed.
Select the Complete Schedule B field to have the system automatically prepare a Schedule B form when generating the Quarterly 941 form. Also, if this field is selected, the "semiweekly schedule depositor" box on the 941 will automatically be checked. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected. Typically, this field is selected (a Schedule B is completed) by those school districts that call in their taxes more than once a month.
Select the Show Inactive on Employee File Search field to have the system show all employees when searching in the Employee File in Payroll (by clicking the Find button), including those employees that are inactive. If this field is not selected, only active employees will appear when searching in the Employee File in Payroll, but the filters can be changed to show all employees. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
Note: If desired, view the tutorial below demonstrating the Show Inactive on Employee File Search field in the Payroll System File. In order to view the tutorial, you must have an active Internet connection, along with a sound card and speakers installed on your computer.
Show Inactive on Employee File Search Tutorial
Select the Show Negative Leave Entries as Earned field to have the entries for leaves with negative units (entered in Pay Period Entries, Employee Absences, or Time Cards) display as a positive Earned amount rather than as a negative Taken amount on the Leaves screen in the Employee File, on the employee check and direct deposit stubs (if the leave is set to display the detail information), and in the Leave Balances option in Web Link (if applicable). A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
If the Time Cards option in Payroll will be utilized, complete the Time Card Information section.
Enter the method for calculating overtime (40 hours/week or 8 hours/day) within the Time Cards option in the Overtime Calculation field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. To calculate overtime on the hours worked beyond 40 hours in a week for an employee, enter 40 hours/week. To calculate overtime on the hours worked beyond 8 hours each day for an employee, enter 8 hours/day.
Note: The overtime is calculated only on the total hours beyond the 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week for those entries with the Subject to Overtime field selected.
Enter the time format (Regular or Military) for which to display the time for the entries made in the Time Cards option in the Time Display field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. To display the time for the entries using the format of regular time (for example, 04:00 PM for 4 o'clock in the afternoon), enter Regular. To display the time for the entries using the format of military time (for example, 16:00 for 4 o'clock in the afternoon), enter Military.
Note: The format only applies to how the time for the entries display after being entered and does not define the format in which the entries must be made. For example, entries can be made using the format of military time with the Time Display field set to either Regular or Military; the field just defines how the time will display for the entries after advancing from the field.
If Regular is specified as the Time Display, the AM Range field is enabled. In the AM Range field, enter the range of times to have default as morning hours (with AM) when entering the time the employees punched in within the Time Cards option. For example, to have the hours 7 through 11 default to AM (and hours 12 through 6 default to PM), enter 7:00 and 11:59 (or 11.99 if decimal time is used) in the From and To fields for the AM Range field.
Note: The colon does not have to be entered between the hour and the minutes; for example, enter 8 o’clock as 800 or 0800; however, if using decimal time, the decimal point must be entered.
Enter the method (Split Week Ending Totals if Crossing Month or Week Ending Totals Only) for which to post the time card entries to a Pay Period Entries batch in the Posting Type field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. To post one entry of total hours for each pay code per each week ending date, enter Week Ending Totals Only. To post entries with hours separated by month for each pay code if a month ends in a middle of a week ending date, enter Split Week Ending Totals if Crossing Month.
Complete the Mask Account Information section.
In the Salaries Payable field, enter the mask for the account number to be credited when salaries are expensed during the fiscal year end process. When entering the mask, be sure to follow the balance sheet account structure defined for your organization, key spaces between the account dimensions, and use Xs as placeholders. The mask must start with XX as the placeholder for the fund number.
In the Benefits Payable field, enter the mask for the account number to be credited when benefits (employer share of deductions) are expensed during the fiscal year end process. When entering the mask, be sure to follow the balance sheet account structure defined for your organization, key spaces between the account dimensions, and use Xs as placeholders. The mask must start with XX as the placeholder for the fund number.
Click the Save button.