Building (Recalculating) an FTE - Hours Table

Note:  If the table is locked, the tab will be disabled; if needed, unlock the table.

Steps to Unlock a Table

Note:  If the step and/or lane is adjusted for an employee, the step and lane entered in the Employee File for the particular pay code will not be updated, but the adjusted step and lane will be used in the calculations for the package and reflected in the Employee Negotiation Rates option for the employee.  Then when completing the Update Payroll with Packages option, the steps in the Employee File can be updated at that time to the steps and lanes used in the calculations, if desired.

Tip:  When building the FTE - Hours table the first time for a package, do not select this field so that employees with steps and/or lanes that are not within the dimensions of the salary schedule can be verified (and not included in the calculations for a package by mistake); then after building the table the first time, the table can be recalculated with the field selected in order to adjust the appropriate employees.

Note:  If an employee would happen to match multiple lanes based on the criteria entered in the Negotiation Lanes option, the employee is placed in the greatest lane.

Note:  If the Reset Employee Steps and Lanes field was not selected and there are employees with steps and/or lanes that are not within the dimensions of the salary schedule, a message appears stating the number of employees that were not included in the table.  To view a list of the employees that were not included, click Yes.  If there are employees on the list that should be included in the calculation for the package, edit the record for the employee (double-click an employee on the list to open the record in the Employee File) and change the step and lane, if needed; then recalculate the FTE - Hours table.  If there are employees on the list that should not be included in the calculation for the package, either delete the applicable year's pay code for the employee or change the pay group for the employee so it is not tied to the package; then recalculate the FTE - Hours table.

Steps to Lock a Table