From the Fixed Asset Inventory screen, select the Assets menu and then Asset File Maintenance.
At the Asset File Maintenance screen, enter the asset tag number for the asset to change in the Asset Tag field. If the tag number is not known, click the Find button to select the correct asset.
Make the desired changes to the asset.
Note: Changes can be made to the asset as needed, with the exception of the following fields which cannot be changed directly within the Asset File Maintenance option: Disposed (if tied to General Ledger entries), Disposal Date, Disposal Type ID, Replacement Cost, Depreciation, and Depreciation Accumulated.
To change the Site ID and/or the Building ID for where the asset is located, do one of the following: 1) click the down-arrow button for the Room ID field (or press the Ctrl+F keys to access the search feature), change the filters for the Building ID and/or Site ID, and then select the desired room, building, site location for the asset; or 2) delete the information in the Room ID field and the Building ID field, change the Site ID field as needed, and then complete the Building ID and Room ID fields again.
For the account number(s) in the Expense Accounts List, complete the blank line (indicated with an asterisk) at the bottom of the list to add a new account number, or click the Delete button located to the left of the desired account number to delete an account number (when prompted to delete it, click Yes).
The system multiplies the Quantity by the Unit Cost and displays the total in the Total Cost field. The amount displayed in the Total Cost field cannot be edited.
To change the Class ID for the asset, do one of the following: 1) click the down-arrow button for the Sub Class ID field (or press the Ctrl+F keys to access the search feature), change the filters for the Class ID, and then select the desired class and sub class combination for the asset; or 2) delete the information in the Sub Class ID field, change the Class ID field, and then complete the Sub Class ID field again.
If the Sub Class ID for the asset was changed, the Sub Class Default Options screen appears; select the fields for which defaults to use from the new sub class for the asset. A checkmark will appear in the box to the right of the field if it is selected to be brought in from the sub class; by default all the fields are selected. Click the Execute button to update the selected fields of information for the asset from the sub class; otherwise, click the Cancel button.
The system determines the present cash value of the asset (Total Cost less Depreciation Accumulated, if applicable) and displays it in the Book Value field. The amount displayed in this field cannot be edited.
For the account number(s) in the Debits List and Credits List in the Depreciation Accounts section, complete the blank line (indicated with an asterisk) at the bottom of the list to add a new account number, or click the Delete button located to the left of the desired account number to delete an account number (when prompted to delete it, click Yes).
Note: The Depreciation Accounts section with the Debits and Credits Lists will be disabled if the asset has an entry included in an unposted batch in the Adjust Accumulated Depreciation option.
After all the changes have been made, click the Save button.
If the asset tag number for the asset was changed, a prompt will appear verifying whether or not to change the asset tag number. To change the asset tag number for the asset, click the Change button. To not change the asset tag number and revert to use the original one, click the Revert to Original button.