Iowa BEDS Report Setup Procedures

  1. Add the following five custom fields to the Employee File:  Primary School (referenced custom field), Folder (text custom field), Highest Degree (referenced custom field), Contract Days/Work Days (numeric custom field), and Teacher Leader Days (numeric custom field).  If this step has already been completed, skip to Step 2.

Note:  For those school districts with the Human Resources module, if designated, the system will use the Folder Number for the certificate flagged as the Primary Certificate as entered on the Certificates screen of the Employee File.  Also, if designated, the system will look at the Education screen of the Employee File in Human Resources to determine the highest degree of the employee.  Therefore, only define and complete custom fields for Folder and/or Highest Degree to override the information of an employee as entered in the Employee File in Human Resources, if applicable.

image\btn_mini.gif Steps to Add a Custom Field

Tip:  Refer to the codes given with the instructions for BEDS issued by the Iowa Department of Education when creating the IDs and values for the referenced custom fields as valid codes are required.  If the Iowa BEDS Report option in the School Accounting System will only be used to obtain updated salary information, only define and complete custom fields for Contract Days/Work Days and Teacher Leader Days.

  1. Complete the custom fields added in Step 1 for each applicable employee to be included in the Iowa BEDS Report file.

Note:  If desired, use the Adjust Custom Fields option to complete the custom fields, or import a file containing this custom field information for the employees.

Steps to Adjust Custom Fields

image\btn_mini.gif Steps to Import Custom Fields

Tip:  To bring up the first employee for which to edit the custom fields, click the First Record button and then utilize the Next Record button to scroll through all the employees.

Note:  If the custom field is blank for an employee (and the Education screen of the Employee File is not completed, if applicable), the Highest Degree will default as 0 for No Degree.

  1. Verify that the following fields of information are also completed for the applicable employees on the other various screens of the Employee File:

Employment screen:

Wages screen:

If needed, complete the fields at this time for the applicable employees; then click the Save button.

Note:  The Years of Service field should reflect the total number of years of experience the employee has completed at your school district (in whole numbers).

Tip:  If the Iowa BEDS Report option in the School Accounting System will only be used to obtain updated salary information, only complete the Total Contract field on the Wages screen as the other fields on the Employment screen will not be needed.

  1. Repeat Steps 2-3 above for each applicable employee to be included in the Iowa BEDS Report file.

  2. Continue with Step 2 on the Iowa BEDS Report Completion Checklist.

IA BEDS Report Completion Checklist