Import Permitted Values

The Import Permitted Values option is accessed from within the Idaho Staff Data Reporting option, Iowa BEDS Report option, MOSIS option, North Dakota Teachers Retirement Report - New Format option, and the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report option in Payroll.  The Import Permitted Values option is used to import a file containing all the valid codes that were provided to SUI by the applicable state for use with the Idaho Staff Data Reporting, Iowa BEDS Report, MOSIS, North Dakota Teachers Retirement Report (new format), or the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report.  For Idaho, the valid codes that are imported include CIP codes, contract types, education degrees, extra pay types, funding sources, high school degree types, higher education institutions, languages, paraprofessional types, schools, and termination reasons.  For Iowa, the valid codes that are imported include assignments, gender, highest degree, positions, programs, and shared codes.  For Missouri, the valid codes that are imported include position codes and CTE program types.  For North Dakota, the valid codes that are imported include employment change reasons, enrollment types, gender, marital status, and pay codes.  For Wyoming, the valid codes that are imported include assignments, degrees, experience groups, extra salary reasons, funding types, grades, insurance options, license types, reasons for separation, regular or extra salary, schedule IDs, and school IDs.

Note:  For Idaho, the schools are imported only if the District ID field is completed on the Report Options screen in the Idaho Staff Data Reporting option prior to importing, and if applicable, only the school codes for the corresponding district are imported.  For Wyoming, the school IDs are imported only if the District ID field is completed on the Report Options screen in the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report option prior to importing, and if applicable, only the school IDs for the corresponding district are imported.

Steps to Import Permitted Values