Completing the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report Option

Note:  Be sure to complete the first six steps on the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report Completion Checklist before doing the steps below to complete the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report option.

image\SHORTCUT.gif Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report Completion Checklist

  1. From the Payroll screen, select the Government Reporting menu and then Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report.

Generating the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report:

  1. At the Wyoming Staff Member Collection screen, click the Report Options tab to complete the information.

Note:  If this field is selected, the assignment records will not be able to be tied to the entries (or updated) at the time they are keyed; and then in order to get the assignment records tied to the entries (or updated), they will need to be tied to the entries (or updated) on the Pay Period Entries screen (tab) in this option, or the Copy Assignments to All Pay Period Entries button on the Wages screen in the Employee File will need to be utilized to update the entry records.

Note:  The Include on WY WDE Report field is used to determine which employees to include on the report.

Tip:  If the Include on WY WDE Report custom field was only completed for those employees who should not be included on the report (by entering N in the custom field in the Employee File for the applicable employees), then enter Y in this field to use it as the default for all other employees.

  1. Click the Pay Codes tab to select the pay codes to include on the report.

Tip:  To select all of the pay codes, click the Select All button located above the Pay Codes List.

  1. Complete the Display Contracts without Assignments option to verify if there are any contract pay codes (for those selected on the Pay Codes screen (tab)) that are not tied to assignment records for employees in the Employee File.

5.  Click the Pay Period Entries tab to verify if there are any entries for employees in posted Pay Period Entries or Employee Absences batches for unit pay codes (for those selected on the Pay Codes screen (tab)) that are not tied to assignment records.

Tip:  If desired, update the assignment records for a unit pay code for an employee on the Wages screen in the Employee File instead of making changes on this screen, and then click the Copy Assignments to All Pay Period Entries button to copy the percentages entered in the Split Percent field for the employee's assignments for a pay code to all entries; refer to Step 6 of the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report Completion Checklist.

6.  Select the Options menu and then Generate Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report.

Note:  If there are employees with a Separation Date in their Employment record (on the Employment tab within this option) that is prior to the fiscal year specified on the Report Options screen, a message will appear asking to delete the records; click Yes to delete the records for those employees and continue generating, click No to retain the records for those employees and continue generating, or click Cancel to not generate the report.  (Tip:  To see the employees with a Separation Date in the prior fiscal year and/or manually select which of those employees to delete, complete the following:  click No to the prompt; then click the Employment tab; on the Employment screen, click the Separation Date column heading to sort the data in ascending or descending order as desired; look for those employees with a Separation Date in the prior fiscal year; and if desired, to delete an employee, click the Delete button to the left of the Employee ID (and when prompted, click Yes to delete all the records for the employee).)

Tip:  Only the employees that are specified to be included as based on the Include on WY WDE Report custom field are generated and have records on the Employment, Assignments, Experience, and Education screens within this option.  Also, the system generates the employees as follows:

Editing the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report:

Tip:  To lock a column in place so that it does not move while scrolling the information in the grid, click the pushpin located to the right of the desired column heading.  Once the pushpin has been selected for a column, the pushpin will appear vertical to indicate the column is locked, and the locked column will move to the left and appear in front of all unlocked columns.  To unlock a column, click the pushpin again; the pushpin will appear horizontal to indicate a column is unlocked.  If the screen is closed and re-opened, the settings for the pushpins will go back to the defaults.

  1. Click the applicable tab to view and edit the desired information:

Note:  For an employee with a date generated (or previously entered and saved) in the Separation Date field (column), the Reason for Separation field (column) reflects the appropriate code, if applicable, as based on the Employee Status field from the Name & Address screen in the Employee File (RE for Resigned if the Employee Status is Terminated; RT for Retired if the Employee Status is Retired; LA for Leave of Absence if the Employee Status is Leave of Absence; or DE for Deceased if the Employee Status is Deceased).  The Regular Salary field (column) on the Employment record for an employee reflects the total of all the Assignment Salaries from the Assignment records that are for Regular Salary for the employee (from the Assignments screen); and the Regular Salary field is disabled and cannot be changed on the Employment screen.

Tip:  The License State field on the Employment record for an employee defaults to WY once the License Type field is completed; the field is disabled and cannot be changed.

Note:   If needed, the Assignment record for an employee can be added or edited on the Assignments screen, but remember the Assignment records are created when the report is generated and uses the information as defined on the Employee Assignment Maintenance screen; so if the change is a permanent change that should be used when generating the report in the future, click the Employee Assignment Maintenance tab and make the change there instead and then regenerate the report by repeating Step 6 (above) to have the changes copy across to the Assignment records on the Assignments screen.

Important Note:  Be sure to finish entering the necessary information in all the fields for the Employment record for any new hires on the Employment tab; then also add or edit the Assignment, Experience, and Education (if applicable) records on the other appropriate screens for the new hires, and if needed, regenerate the report by repeating Step 6 (above) in order to have the system calculate the Regular Salary on the Employment records and the Assignment Salary on the Assignment records for the new hires.  If the assignments for the new hires have not yet been defined, add those initially on the Employee Assignment Maintenance screen instead of the Assignments screen (and tie the employee wages to the assignments; refer to Step 6 of the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report Completion Checklist), and then once the report is regenerated, the Assignment records are automatically created for the new hires on the Assignments screen.

Tip:  When editing the fields of information required for the various records on the Employment, Assignments, Experience, Education, and Employee Assignment Maintenance screens, refer to the supporting documents (instructions, manuals, and links) provided by the Wyoming Department of Education for the WDE 602 and WDE 652 at:  The data entered in the fields must follow the correct format as specified by the state, and the validation for the data will be performed by the state once the files created from within the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report option are uploaded to the state's website.  If needed, the codes used as the permitted values for assignments, degrees, experience groups, extra salary reasons, funding types, grades, insurance options, license types, reasons for separation, regular or extra salary, schedule IDs, and school IDs within the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report option can be edited.

Steps to Edit Permitted Values

Note:  To add a new record to the Employment, Assignments, Experience, Education, or Employee Assignment Maintenance screen, complete the blank line (indicated with an asterisk) at the bottom of the list.  To delete a record for an employee, click the Delete button to the left of the Employee ID (and when prompted, click Yes to delete the row; or if deleting an Employment record for an employee that also has an Assignment, Education, and/or Experience record, click Yes when prompted to delete all the records for the employee).

Creating the Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report Files:

  1. Select the Options menu and then the desired option:  Create Assignment File, Create Education File, Create Employment File, or Create Experience File.

  2. When prompted, select the desired path (drive and folders) for where to create the file and click the Save button.  The system will default to the location that was last specified.

Note:  Do not change the name of the file.

10.  A message will appear in the status bar stating the file was created.

11.  Repeat Steps 8-10 until all the files have been created.

Note:  The files are created in a .CSV file format, and so do not open and resave the files in Microsoft® Excel; because when viewing a .CSV file using Excel, the leading zeros on numeric fields are not displayed, and if the file is resaved, the leading zeros will be dropped from the file.  If desired, to see the .CSV file exactly as it will be submitted, open it using Microsoft® Notepad or Microsoft® WordPad instead.

12.  Upload the file(s) to the state's program.

13.  The Wyoming Staff Member Collection Report information can be accessed anytime during the year and will remain unchanged until you edit it or regenerate it.

14.  Click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the screen.