Editing Employee Negotiation Rates

Note:  Employees only appear in the Employee Negotiation Rates option for a package after building the FTE - Hours table.

Note:  To view all the packages for which the specified employee is included, click the Employee tab in the Employee Negotiation Rates List.  To then view all the employees in the selected package, click the Package tab.

Note:  Amounts only appear in the field for employees once the Salary Totals table has been built for the package.

Note:  Amounts only appear in the field for employees once the Salary Totals table has been built for the package.

Note:  If the step is changed for the employee in this field, the step entered in the Employee File for the particular pay code will not be updated.  If desired, when completing the Update Payroll with Packages option, the steps in the Employee File can be updated at that time to the steps (and lanes) shown here in the Employee Negotiation Rates option.

Note:  If the lane is changed for the employee in this field, the lane entered in the Employee File for the particular pay code will not be updated.  If desired, when completing the Update Payroll with Packages option, the lanes in the Employee File can be updated at that time to the lanes (and steps) shown here in the Employee Negotiation Rates option.

Note:  The deductions and taxes only appear for employees once the Benefit Totals table has been built for the package.

Note:  Deleting the employee's calculations within the Employee Negotiation Rates option does not update the totals on the salary schedules for the package; to update the totals on the salary schedules, make the necessary changes in the Employee File for the employee and then recalculate the FTE - Hours, Salary Totals, and Benefit Totals tables for the package.

Tip:  To delete the calculations for all the employees in the package, complete the Delete Package Rates option.