Completing the Accounts Payable System File

Tip:  If this field is selected, a requisition number cannot be used if it matches a purchase order number that already exists, or a purchase order number cannot be used if it matches a requisition number that already exists.

Note:  Only the reports created using the Purchase Order Format Setup option, along with the Standard Purchase Order Form, are able to be entered into this field.

Note:  The prefix is only applicable (will be used) if the following criteria is met:  1) the purchase order number is not entered manually, but is instead automatically assigned by the system, 2) the purchase order is not tied to a Ship To Address with a defined prefix, and 3) the Batch Beginning Purchase Order Number field is not completed for the batch of purchase orders.

Tip:  The actual fiscal year used in the prefix is based on the Expected Date of the purchase order.

Note:  The prefix is only applicable (will be used) if the following criteria is met:  1) the requisition number is not entered manually, but is instead automatically assigned by the system, and 2) the requisition is not tied to a Ship To Address with a defined prefix.

Tip:  The actual fiscal year used in the prefix is based on the Expected Date of the requisition.