The instructions below are for completing the Wyoming Monthly Retirement Report option for May 2014 and after.
Note: Complete the Wyoming Retirement Report Setup Procedures for each employee who earned retirement before completing the steps listed below to generate the Wyoming Monthly Retirement Report.
Retirement Report Setup Procedures
From the Payroll screen, select the Government Reporting menu and then Wyoming Monthly Retirement Report.
At the Wyoming Monthly Retirement Report screen, click the Report Options tab and complete the information.
Enter the month for which to generate the report in the Ending Month field. Use the mm/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date. The default of the most recent (greatest) month used as the Processing Month in Payroll will appear, but can be changed.
Enter the RAIN ID number assigned by the Retirement Office for your school district in the Employer RAIN ID field.
Click the down-arrow button for each of the fields (Employee RAIN ID field through Termination Prudential Premium field) to select the correct custom field defined in the Employee File to track the applicable information.
If desired, enter the ID for the appropriate value (E for Exempt, Y for Salaried+Overtime, or N for Non Exempt) to use as the default in the Default field for Salaried Plus Overtime for those employees where the Salaried Plus Overtime custom field was left blank. For example, if the majority of the employees are exempt and only those that are salaried plus overtime or non exempt had the Salaried Plus Overtime field completed, enter E for Exempt in this field to stipulate the rest of the employees are exempt.
Note: If this field is not completed and the Salaried Plus Overtime custom field was left blank for an employee, the system will assume N for Non Exempt for that employee.
Enter the appropriate value (9, 10, 12, or N/A) to use as the default for the number of months the educational employees are paid on their contracts in the Default field for Educator Contract Length for those employees where the Educator Contract Length custom field was left blank. For example, if the majority of the educational employees have 12-month contracts, and only those with 9-month or 10-month contracts (and those that are not applicable) had the Educator Contract Length field completed, enter 12 in this field.
If applicable, enter the appropriate option for which date sequences to include when generating the report in the Date Sequences to Include field. Enter Regular Upload (Include All Date Sequences) to have the system include all the payroll calculation batches/date sequences on the report as listed in the Date Sequences to Include List (with this option, the Date Sequences to Include List will be disabled as all the batches/date sequences will automatically be selected). Enter Regular Upload (Exclude Future Date Sequences) to enable the Date Sequences to Include List and select only the batches/date sequences for the current month. Enter Partial Upload (Future Date Sequences Only) to enable the Date Sequences to Include List and select only the batches/date sequences for a future date.
Note: The Date Sequences to Include field will be disabled and default to Regular Upload (Include All Date Sequences) if there is only one payroll calculation batch with one date sequence for the specified processing month. The default of Regular Upload (Include All Date Sequences) will appear after specifying a new month for which to generate the report.
Tip: When generating the report for a month in which the contract balances were paid off (for example, in May), select Regular Upload (Exclude Future Date Sequences) to generate the report for the current month's contributions (for example, May date sequences) and then select Partial Upload (Future Date Sequences Only) to generate the report for the future dates that were paid off (for example, to generate the report in May for June, July, and August date sequences each separately).
If Partial Upload (Future Date Sequences Only) is specified in the Date Sequences to Include field, the Month to Report field will be enabled. In the Month to Report field, enter the month to include on the report (file) for the selected payroll calculation batches/date sequences (for example, if generating the report in May for the June date sequences, enter 06/yyyy (with yyyy being the current year) in this field). Use the mm/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date.
If Regular Upload (Exclude Future Date Sequences) or Partial Upload (Future Date Sequences Only) is specified in the Date Sequences to Include field, the Date Sequences to Include List will be enabled and display all the posted payroll calculation batches and date sequences for the specified month. Select the payroll calculation batches/date sequences to include on the report by clicking the box for the Selected column to the left of the desired record(s) in the Date Sequences to Include List. A checkmark will appear in the box if the batch/date sequence is selected.
Only when generating the report for the month of July (if 07/yyyy is specified in the Ending Month field), the Transitional Payroll field appears at the bottom of the screen. Select the Transitional Payroll field if there was a transitional payroll processed in July where the old retirement rates were calculated for the hours worked in June and the new retirement rates for the hours worked in July. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
If the Transitional Payroll field is selected, the New Retirement Deductions List is enabled. Select the retirement deduction(s) set up for the new retirement contribution rates effective July 1. To select the new retirement deduction(s), click the box for the Selected column to the left of the desired deduction ID. A checkmark will appear in the box if the deduction is selected.
If the Transitional Payroll field is selected, the Pay Period Entry Batches List is enabled and displays all the batches of pay period entries and employee absences included in a payroll calculation batch with a Processing Month of July. For each batch in the Pay Period Entry Batches List, enter June or July in the Entry Month field (column) to indicate whether the entries were for June hours calculated at the old retirement rates or July hours calculated at the new rates, or click the down-arrow button to select the appropriate month.
Click the Save button.
Click the Pay Groups tab to select the pay groups to include on the retirement report.
Note: The pay groups defined (within the Pay Group File) to be included on the Wyoming Monthly Retirement Report are selected by default, but can be changed if needed; if changes are made here, the changes will also be reflected in the Pay Group File.
To select a pay group, click the box under the Selected column to the left of the pay group ID. A checkmark will appear in the box if the pay group is selected.
To select all of the pay groups, click the Select All button located above the Pay Groups List.
Click the Save button.
Click the Deductions tab to select which deductions are set up for the various retirement options.
Tip: To lock a column in place so that it does not move while scrolling the information in the grid, click the pushpin located to the right of the desired column heading. Once the pushpin has been selected for a column, the pushpin will appear vertical to indicate the column is locked, and the locked column will move to the left and appear in front of all unlocked columns. To unlock a column, click the pushpin again; the pushpin will appear horizontal to indicate a column is unlocked. If the screen is closed and re-opened, or the Save button is clicked (if applicable), the settings for the pushpins will go back to the defaults.
For each retirement deduction, enter which share (Employee, Employer, or Both) of the deduction to include on the report in the field under the column for the appropriate category (Employee Contribution Paid by Employee - Taxed, Employee Contribution Paid by Employee - Untaxed, Employee Contribution Paid by Employer - Untaxed, Employer Contribution, and Rehired Retiree), or click the down-arrow button in the field under the appropriate category to select the correct one.
Note: For the Employee Contribution Paid by Employee - Taxed field (column), enter the retirement deduction set up for the amount of the employees' share paid by the employees as taxed, if applicable. For the Employee Contribution Paid by Employee - Untaxed field (column), enter the retirement deduction set up for the amount of the employees' share paid by the employees as untaxed, if applicable. For the Employee Contribution Paid by Employer - Untaxed field (column), enter the retirement deduction set up for the amount of the employees' share paid by the employer as untaxed, if applicable. For the Employer Contribution field (column), enter the retirement deduction set up for the amount of the employer's share paid by the employer. For the Rehired Retiree field (column), enter the deduction (if any) set up for the fee paid by the employer for hiring a retired employee.
Tip: If needed, access the Wyoming Monthly Retirement Report - Old Format option (accessed under the Options menu on the Wyoming Monthly Retirement Report screen) to verify the categories selected for the retirement deductions when generating the old format of the report which used similar categories.
Click the Save button.
Click the Pay Codes tab to select the pay codes to include in the Educator Contract Salary on the report.
To select a pay code, click the box under the Selected column to the left of the pay code ID. A checkmark will appear in the box if the pay code is selected.
To select all of the pay codes, click the Select All button located above the Educator Contract Salary Pay Codes List.
Click the Save button.
If needed, click the Adjust Hours Worked tab to adjust the number of hours worked for employees for the specified month.
Note: Adjustments can only be made for employees with retirement who worked and were paid in the specified month. If the employee is flagged as exempt from overtime, the default of 174 hours worked will be reported on the file, no matter what shows as hours worked for the employee on this screen. If the employee is flagged as salaried plus overtime, the default of 174 plus any hours worked tied to overtime pay codes will be reported on the file. If the employee is non exempt, the actual hours worked as shown on this screen will be reported on the file.
The payroll earnings information for the specified month for the employees appear on the screen with each pay code (and check date) listed as a separate entry.
To make an adjustment, click in the Hours Worked field (column) for the desired entry and then key the new number of hours worked.
Click the Save button to save the changes.
Repeat these steps until all adjustments have been made.
The retirement report can then be generated to paper or a file (or both).
Printing to Paper:
From the Wyoming Monthly Retirement Report screen, select the Reports menu and then Wyoming Monthly Retirement Detail Report.
Creating a File:
Select the Options menu and then the appropriate option: Create Contribution File or Create Employee File.
Note: Due to the requirements with the Wyoming RAIN system, first complete the Create Employee File option within the Wyoming Monthly Retirement Report option to create a file of new employees and upload to the RAIN system. If applicable, after uploading the employee file to the RAIN system, a file containing the employee RAIN IDs can be downloaded from within the RAIN system to import the RAIN IDs into the School Accounting System for the applicable new employees; refer to the Completing the Import Custom Fields Option to Import Employee RAIN IDs topic in the Help File for step-by-step instructions. Then complete the Create Contribution File option within the Wyoming Monthly Retirement Report option to create a file of the retirement contributions and upload to the RAIN system.
Tip: Employees matching the following criteria will be included on the employee file: 1) employees with retirement earnings for the specified month but do not have a RAIN ID (the Employee RAIN ID custom field is blank); 2) employees who have a Hire/Rehire Date in the specified month; or 3) employees with retirement earnings for the specified month with Unterminated specified as the Record Type. Employees matching the following criteria will be included on the contribution file: 1) employees with retirement earnings for the specified month; 2) employees with or without retirement earnings who have a Termination Date in the specified month; or 3) employees without retirement earnings who are on a service break.
At the Create Report File screen, select the desired path (drive and folders) for the destination location and click the Save button. The system will default to the location that was last specified.
Note: Do not change the name of the file that will be created.
A message will appear in the status bar after the file was created.
Note: When completing the Create Contribution File option, if there were employees with retirement earnings but do not have a RAIN ID (the Employee RAIN ID custom field is blank), a screen listing the employees without RAIN IDs will appear; enter the RAIN IDs for the specified employees and then complete the option again. When completing the Create Employee File option, if there were not any new employees, a file will not be created and a message will appear stating there were no new employees to report; click OK.
After the retirement report file is created, click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the screen.