The instructions below are for completing the setup for the Wyoming Monthly Retirement Report option for May 2014 and after.
Add the following custom fields to the Employee File by completing the Create Custom Fields option.
Note: If this step has already been completed, skip to Step 2.
Employee RAIN ID (text custom field)
Service Type (referenced custom field, with the IDs and descriptions as defined by the Wyoming Retirement Office for the referenced values)
Employment Type (referenced custom field, with the IDs and descriptions as defined by the Wyoming Retirement Office for the referenced values)
Hire Date for Retirement (date custom field)
Is Physical Address (referenced custom field, with referenced values of Yes and No, as defined by the Wyoming Retirement Office)
Record Type (referenced custom field, with the IDs and descriptions as defined by the Wyoming Retirement Office for the referenced values)
Salaried Plus Overtime (referenced custom field, with referenced values of E for Exempt (report 174 hours), N for Non Exempt (report actual hours worked), and Y for Salaried+Overtime (report 174 hours+OT), as defined by the Wyoming Retirement Office)
Educator Contract Length (referenced custom field, with the IDs and descriptions as defined by the Wyoming Retirement Office for the referenced values)
Service Break Code (referenced custom field, with the IDs and descriptions as defined by the Wyoming Retirement Office for the referenced values)
Service Break Start Date (date custom field)
Service Break End Date (date custom field)
Service Record Termination Code (referenced custom field, with the IDs and descriptions as defined by the Wyoming Retirement Office for the referenced values)
Last Working Date for Retirement (date custom field)
Termination Prudential Premium (numeric custom field)
Complete the custom fields added in Step 1 for each employee who earns retirement.
Note: If desired, use the Adjust Custom Fields option to complete the custom fields.
In the Employee File, bring up an employee and then click the Custom Fields tab.
Tip: To bring up the first employee for which to edit the custom fields, click the First Record button and then utilize the Next Record button to scroll through all the employees.
Enter the unique ID number for the employee for the Wyoming RAIN system in the Employee RAIN ID custom field.
Tip: If desired, a file containing the employee RAIN IDs can be downloaded from within the Wyoming RAIN system and then imported into the Employee RAIN ID custom field in the School Accounting System by using the Import Custom Fields option; refer to the Completing the Import Custom Fields Option to Import Employee RAIN IDs topic in the Help File for step-by-step instructions.
Enter the ID for the appropriate type of service for the employee in the Service Type custom field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. The description for the selected ID must match the state's definitions exactly (including not having any spaces between words). If the custom field is left blank, or the description for the selected ID does not match one of the state's definitions, the system will default to Regular as the Service Type for the employee when generating the report.
Enter the ID for the appropriate type of employment for the employee in the Employment Type custom field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. The description for the selected ID must match the state's definitions exactly (including not having any spaces between words). If the custom field is left blank, or the description for the selected ID does not match one of the state's definitions, the system will default to FullTime as the Employment Type for the employee when generating the report.
Enter the date the employee was hired (or the date the participation began if the employee started participating in a new plan) in the Hire Date for Retirement custom field, or leave the custom field blank to use the latest Hire/Rehire Date on the Employment screen (tab) in the Employee File for the employee when generating the report.
Enter the ID for the appropriate value (Yes or No) for whether or not the employee's address is a physical address in the Is Physical Address custom field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. If the custom field is left blank, the system will default to Yes for the employee when generating the report.
Enter the ID for the applicable type of record to report for the employee in the Record Type custom field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. The description for the selected ID must match the state's definitions exactly (including not having any spaces between words). If the custom field is left blank, or the description for the selected ID does not match one of the state's definitions, the system will default to Regular as the Record Type for the employee when generating the report.
Note: The Record Type of Unterminated is not a state-defined code, but is utilized to assign to employees who were terminated at the end of the prior fiscal year and need to be included in the new employee file created (when completing the Create Employee File option within the Wyoming Monthly Retirement Report option) at the beginning of the new school year. For example, according to the Wyoming Retirement Office, employees with a 9- or 10-month contract would be assigned a Record Type of Termination at the end of their contract (i.e. May or June); then in order to include them on the new employee file created at the beginning of the new school year and be reflected as new hires when uploading the file to the RAIN system, those employees would need to be assigned a Record Type of Unterminated at the beginning of the school year (and then assigned back to a Record Type of Regular after the first month of the school year) and complete the Hire Date for Retirement custom field.
Enter the ID for the appropriate value for the employee in the Salaried Plus Overtime custom field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. If the employee is exempt from overtime and the default of 174 hours worked should be reported on the Retirement Report, enter E for Exempt in the field. If the employee is salaried with overtime and the default of 174 plus any hours worked tied to overtime pay codes should be reported on the Retirement Report, enter Y for Salaried+Overtime. If the employee is neither exempt or salaried with overtime and the actual hours worked should be reported on the Retirement Report, enter N for Non Exempt. If the response is the same as the default (entered when generating the Wyoming Monthly Retirement Report option), leave this field blank.
Note: If this field is not completed for an employee and a default is not specified when generating the report, the system will assume N for Non Exempt for the employee.
Enter the ID for the appropriate value (9, 10, 12, or N/A) for the number of months the employee is paid on his/her contract in the Educator Contract Length custom field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. If the employee is paid 9, 10, or 12 months on his/her contract, enter the appropriate value, or if the employee does not have a contract, enter N/A. If the response is the same as the default (entered when generating the Wyoming Monthly Retirement Report option), leave this field blank.
Only if StartServiceBreak is specified as the Record Type for the employee, enter the ID for the appropriate code explaining the reason for the break in service for the employee in the Service Break Code custom field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. The description for the selected ID must match the state's definitions exactly (including not having any spaces between words).
Only if StartServiceBreak is specified as the Record Type for the employee, enter the start date for the unpaid service break in the Service Break Start Date custom field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct date.
Only if EndServiceBreak is specified as the Record Type for the employee, enter the end date for the unpaid service break in the Service Break End Date custom field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct date.
If applicable, enter the ID for the appropriate code for the service record termination for the employee in the Service Record Termination Code custom field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. The description for the selected ID must match the state's definitions exactly (including not having any spaces between words).
If applicable, enter the date the employee last worked in the Last Working Date for Retirement custom field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct date. If a Service Record Termination Code is specified for the employee, leave the custom field blank to use the latest Termination Date on the Employment screen (tab) in the Employee File for the employee when generating the report.
Only if Termination is specified as the Record Type for the employee and the employee continues life insurance with Prudential, enter the amount for the premium in the Termination Prudential Premium custom field.
Click the Save button.
Verify that the following fields of information are also completed for the applicable employees on the other various screens of the Employee File.
Name & Address screen:
Middle Name (optional)
Prefix (optional)
Suffix, if applicable (optional)
Address 1
Address 2 (optional)
Primary Phone Number
Email Address (Note: The employee's email address with the Other Communication field selected will be reported; if the employee has multiple email addresses with the Other Communication field selected, the Business Email Address will be used.)
Employment screen:
Social Security Number
Birth Date
Hire/Rehire Date
Termination Date, if applicable
If needed, complete the fields at this time for the applicable employees; then click the Save button.
Repeat Steps 2-3 for each employee that earns retirement.