Completing the Iowa GASB 34 Reports

Note:  Complete the steps to set up General Ledger and Fixed Asset Inventory (if applicable) for GASB 34 prior to generating the GASB 34 reports.

Steps to Set Up General Ledger for GASB 34

 Steps to Set Up Fixed Asset Inventory for GASB 34

1.  From the General Ledger screen, select the Government Reporting menu and then Iowa GASB 34 Reports.

Generating the GASB 34 Reports:

2.  Enter the ending date of the fiscal year for which to generate the GASB 34 reports in the Fiscal Year End field.  Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date.

3.  In the Report Format Year field, the corresponding year appears for the specified fiscal year (from the Fiscal Year End field) as the report format to use when generating the report, and cannot be changed.

Note:  If the report format for the specified fiscal year is not yet available, the most recent year displays, and then when generating the report, a prompt will appear asking to generate the report with the old format.

4.  In the Reports List, select which reports to generate.  To select a report, click the box under the Selected column to the left of the desired report.  A checkmark will appear in the box if the report is selected.  To select all of the reports, click the Select All button located above the Reports List.

Tip:  The date and time when each report was last generated (executed) for the specified fiscal year displays in the Last Generated column, and the date and time when each report was last edited (if applicable) after being generated displays in the Last Modified column.  Do not regenerate any report that has been edited and is correct.

Note:  The G10-Budgetary Comparison Schedule report includes the reversing GAAP entries (if applicable), while the G10C-Cash Budgetary Comparison Schedule report excludes the reversing GAAP entries.  The G10C-Cash Budgetary Comparison Schedule report is an optional report and does not have to be generated and printed as part of the required GASB 34 reports.

5.  Each of the funds defined by the state that are reported on the GASB 34 reports appear in the Funds List.  The fund number, description, which reports the funds are included on, and whether it is considered a GASB Major fund are listed for each fund.

Note:  The funds flagged as major funds will each print in a separate column on the GASB 34 reports, while the minor funds will be rolled together into one column called "Other XXXX Funds" (with XXXX being replaced with the type of fund — governmental, proprietary, or fiduciary).

6.  Click the Save button.

7.  Click the Budget Batches tab.

8.  Click the GASB Revenue tab.

Note:  If an invalid row or column number is entered for a revenue account number, an error icon will appear for the field; if an invalid row/column combination is entered, an error icon will appear to the right of only the Report Column field.

Tip:  If the rows and columns for the revenue account numbers were completed last year, that information will appear; verify the rows and columns are correct for the current year.

9.  Click the Generate tab and then click the Execute button to generate the GASB 34 reports with the specified information.

Note:  If the report format for the corresponding fiscal year is not yet available, a prompt will appear asking to generate the report with the old format; click OK to continue generating the report using the most recent year's format, and then once the new format is released, the report will need to be regenerated.

10. After the reports are generated, the screen listing any invalid account numbers will appear.  Invalid account numbers are those that are not included within the reporting range on one or more of the reports and so the amounts for those accounts will not be reported.  To print a listing of the invalid account numbers, complete a print screen or a print grid.  From this list, decide how to include the amounts for the invalid account numbers on the applicable reports.  The invalid account numbers can be reported by completing one of the following:  1) edit the applicable reports and manually include the amounts (refer to Step 11 below); 2) complete manual journal entries to transfer the amounts to different account numbers that are within the reporting range and then regenerate the reports; or 3) crosswalk invalid account numbers to ones that are within the reporting range and then regenerate the reports.

Editing the GASB 34 Reports:

11. To manually make changes to the GASB 34 reports, click the Edit tab.

12. Enter the name of the report to edit in the Report Name field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.

13. If the G10-Budgetary Comparison Schedule or the G10C-Cash Budgetary Comparison Schedule report is specified in the Report Name field, the Report Fund Description field is enabled.  If applicable, enter the description of the fund to edit in the Report Fund Description field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.

14. Make the desired changes to the report.  Use the mouse or arrow keys to move around the screen.  Also, select the Go menu and then the desired page to move to a specific page, if applicable.

Tip:  To zoom in or out while viewing the report, press the Ctrl key and use the scroll wheel on your mouse to increase or decrease the magnification.

Note:  The amounts for the revenue accounts do not get posted to the G2 report (even if Yes is selected), and so the changes must also be made manually for those particular revenue accounts on the G2 report.

15. After all the changes have been made to the selected report, click the Save button.

16. Repeat Steps 11-15 until all the desired reports have been edited.

Printing the GASB 34 Reports:

Tip:  When printing the G3, G4, G5, or G6 report, the report will print twice—the first copy will print without the adjustments and then a second copy will print with a column of the totals from the first copy, a column of the adjustments, and the totals that will be reported on the Governmental-Wide Financial Statements (G1 and G2 reports).  The first copy is what is filed and the second copy is just for your use to verify the adjustments.

17. To print a specific report while editing, click the To Printer button.

18. To print multiple reports at once, click the Generate tab, select the reports to print, and click the To Printer button.

Exporting the GASB 34 Reports into a Spreadsheet (if desired):

19. To export the GASB 34 reports into a spreadsheet file in order to open and edit the reports in Microsoft® Excel, if desired, click the Edit tab, select the report to edit (export), select the File menu, and then select Export Spreadsheet.  The File to Export screen will appear; select the desired path (drive and folders) for the destination location and click the Save button.  The file will be created in the specified location.

20. The GASB 34 report information can be accessed anytime during the year and will remain unchanged until you edit it or regenerate it.

21. Click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the GASB 34 report screen.