The instructions below are for generating the Illinois Monthly Teachers Retirement Report, effective July 1, 2021.
Note: Complete the Illinois Monthly Teachers Retirement Report Setup Procedures for each employee who earned retirement before completing the steps listed below to generate the Illinois Monthly Teachers Retirement Report.
Monthly Teachers Retirement Report Setup Procedures
From the Payroll screen, select the Government Reporting menu and then Illinois Monthly Teachers Retirement Report.
If not already completed, define the payroll schedules to be used with the Illinois Monthly Teachers Retirement Report. The payroll schedules are typically defined at the beginning of each fiscal year (in July), with either new payroll schedules being created for the new fiscal year or the current payroll schedules edited (updated) to reflect the new fiscal year.
to Define Payroll Schedules for Illinois Monthly Teachers Retirement Report
From the Illinois Monthly Teachers Retirement Report screen, select the Options menu and then Payroll Schedules.
To add a new payroll schedule, click the New Record button.
Enter a unique ID for the payroll schedule in the Payroll Schedule ID field. The ID can be alphanumeric and up to 10 characters long (no spaces).
Note: To have the system automatically assign the ID using the first 10 characters (letters and numbers only) of the description, leave the ID field blank; once the record is saved, the ID will be assigned.
Enter a description for the payroll schedule in the Payroll Schedule Description field. The description can be up to 40 characters long.
In the Job Category section, select the applicable fields (Teacher and/or Administrator) for the job categories included in the payroll schedule. A checkmark will appear in the box if a field for a job category is selected.
Note: There must be at least one field selected in the Job Category section.
In the Employment Type section, select the applicable fields (Full Time, Part-Time Contractual, Substitute, Part-Time Non-Contractual (Hourly), and/or Extra-Duty) for the employment types included in the payroll schedule. A checkmark will appear in the box if a field for an employment type is selected.
Note: There must be at least one field selected in the Employment Type section.
Enter the dates for the pay periods included in the payroll schedule in the Payroll Schedule Details List. To add an entry of pay period dates, complete the following:
In the blank line (indicated with an asterisk) at the bottom of the Payroll Schedule Details List, enter the beginning date of the pay period in the Pay Period Begin Date field. Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date.
Enter the ending date of the pay period in the Pay Period End Date field. Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date.
Enter the pay date of the pay period in the Pay Date field. Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date.
In the Fiscal Year End field, enter the 4-digit year of the ending fiscal year date in which the pay period is included, and also for which wages to include in the Full Annual Rate amount on the report if the Include Fiscal Year field is selected on the Report Options screen.
Repeat these steps until the dates for all the pay periods have been added for the payroll schedule.
Note: There must be at least one entry of dates defined in the Payroll Schedule Details List. If needed, to remove an entry from the Payroll Schedule Details List, click the Delete button to the left of the desired entry.
Click the Save button.
Click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the Payroll Schedules screen.
Note: The information entered for the payroll schedules (within the School Accounting System) must match the payroll schedules provided to the Retirement Office at the beginning of the fiscal year.
At the Illinois Monthly Teachers Retirement Report screen, click the Report Options tab and complete the information.
Select the Hide Fields in Pay Period Entries field to not display the Illinois Teachers Retirement System section within the Pay Period Entries option and the Employee Absences option. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
Note: If this field is selected, the override information will not be able to be tracked for the entries within the Pay Period Entries and Employee Absences options; if any override information does need to be entered for the entries, click the Edit Pay Period Entries tab within this option and complete the fields for the entries as needed.
Enter the frequency (Monthly or Per Pay Period) for filing the retirement report containing the regular retirement contributions in the Reporting Frequency field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Note: The Reporting Frequency field pertains to the frequency of filing the Teachers Retirement System information for the regular retirement contributions and does not pertain to the frequency of filing the Supplemental Savings Plan information, as the Supplemental Savings Plan information is required to be filed per pay period.
Enter the 7-digit number assigned by the Illinois Teachers Retirement System to your school district in the TRS Code field.
In the Email Address field, enter the desired type of email address (Business, Other, or Personal) to include on the report for the applicable employees, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Click the down-arrow button for the TRS Tier Type field to select the correct referenced custom field defined in the Employee File to track the contribution category (TRS tier type) for each employee.
Click the down-arrow button for the Employment Begin Date field to select the correct date custom field defined in the Employee File to track the first date worked in a TRS-covered position for each employee if different than the most recent hire/rehire date.
Click the down-arrow button for the Employment End Date field to select the correct date custom field defined in the Employee File to track the last date a terminated employee worked if different than the employee's most recent termination date (reminder, the most recent termination date is only applicable if the Employee Status is not Hired or Leave of Absence).
Click the down-arrow button for the Earnings Exceed Salary Limit field to select the correct referenced custom field defined in the Employee File to track whether each employee has creditable earnings (retirement gross) over the IRS or Tier 2 limitations in the year.
Click the down-arrow button for the Employment Type field to select the correct referenced custom field defined in the Employee File to track the code for the employment type for each employee if different than the default.
In the Default field located to the right of the Employment Type field, enter the appropriate 1-digit code for the employment type to use as the default for those employees where the Employment Type custom field was left blank, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Click the down-arrow button for the Job Category field to select the correct referenced custom field defined in the Employee File to track the code for the job category for each employee if different than the default.
In the Default field located to the right of the Job Category field, enter the appropriate 2-digit code for the job category to use as the default for those employees where the Job Category custom field was left blank, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Click the down-arrow button for the Employee Payroll Frequency field to select the correct referenced custom field defined in the Employee File to track the code for the payroll frequency for each employee if different than the default.
In the Default field located to the right of the Employee Payroll Frequency field, enter the appropriate 2-digit code for the payroll frequency to use as the default for those employees where the Employee Payroll Frequency custom field was left blank, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Click the down-arrow button for the Balanced Calendar field to select the correct referenced custom field defined in the Employee File to track whether an employee works on a balanced (year-round) calendar if different than the default.
In the Default field located to the right of the Balanced Calendar field, enter either Yes or No to use as the default for the applicable employees (those with an Employment Type of F for Full-time or P for Part-time contractual) where the Balanced Calendar custom field was left blank, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Click the down-arrow button for the Contract Days field to select the correct numeric custom field defined in the Employee File to track the number of days an employee is contracted to work if different than the amount calculated by the system or else the default specified when generating the retirement report.
In the Default field located to the right of the Contract Days field, enter the number of days (up to 3 digits) to use as the default for the applicable employees (those with an Employment Type of F for Full-time or P for Part-time contractual) where the Contract Days custom field was left blank and the Regular Days and Additional Days for the employee's contrac(s) are blank.
Note: Only applicable for employees with an Employment Type of F for Full-time or P for Part-time contractual, the value for Contract Days will be included on the report as follows: first, if the Contract Days custom field is completed for the employee, the value entered in the custom field will be reported; if the Contract Days custom field is blank for the employee, the system will automatically calculate the number of days by taking the total number of Regular Days and Additional Days specified for the employee's contract(s) (for those defined to be included as the Full Annual Rate as selected on the Pay Codes tab when generating the retirement report), and then only if the Regular Days and Additional Days are blank for the employee's contract(s), then the number specified as the default will be used.
Click the down-arrow button for the Full Annual Rate field to select the correct numeric custom field defined in the Employee File to track the amount to report as the full annual rate for an employee if different than the amount automatically generated by the system.
Click the down-arrow button for the FTE Percentage field to select the correct numeric custom field defined in the Employee File to track the FTE for an employee if different than the default.
In the Default field located to the right of the FTE Percentage field, enter the FTE as a percentage (must be equal to or between 10 and 100) to use as the default for the applicable employees (those with an Employment Type of F for Full-time or P for Part-time contractual) where the FTE Percentage custom field was left blank.
If applicable, click the down-arrow button for the TRS Factor field to select the correct numeric custom field defined in the Employee File to track the factor for the portion the employer pays of the employee share of retirement if different than the default.
If applicable, in the Default field located to the right of the TRS Factor field, enter the factor for the portion the employer pays of the employee share of retirement to use as the default for those employees where the TRS Factor custom field was left blank.
Tip: If the employer pays all of the employee share of retirement, the factor is 9.8901 (which is 9.8901%).
If applicable, click the down-arrow button for the Use TRS Factor field to select the correct referenced custom field defined in the Employee File to track whether the employer pays a portion of the employee share of retirement if different than the default.
If applicable, in the Default field located to the right of the Use TRS Factor field, enter either Yes or No to use as the default for those employees where the Use TRS Factor custom field was left blank, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
In the Payroll Batches to Include List, select the batches (and date sequences for a batch, if applicable) to include when generating the report. To select a batch, click the box for the Selected column to the left of the desired record (row). A checkmark will appear in the box if the batch is selected. Then for each selected batch, complete the following:
If applicable, select the Deferred field to indicate the earnings for the selected batch were deferred. For example, select the Deferred field in June for the batches that were used to pay or expense the wages for July and August for teachers who were paid over 12 months. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
In the expanded list below the selected payroll batch, the defined pay period dates from the payroll schedules that have a Pay Date on or one day prior or one day after the Check Date for the selected batch appear (if needed, the filters can be changed). Select the pay period dates from the applicable payroll schedules that tie to the selected payroll batch by clicking the box for the Selected column to the left of the desired record (row). A checkmark will appear in the box if the pay period dates from a payroll schedule is selected.
For the selected pay period dates, complete the Contract Teacher Days Paid field and the Contract Administrator Days Paid field if enabled. In the Contract Teacher Days Paid field, enter the number of days for which the teachers were paid in the pay period. In the Contract Administrator Days Paid field, enter the number of days for which administrators were paid in the pay period. (Note: The Contract Teacher Days Paid field is only enabled if the payroll schedule is defined with the teacher job category selected, and the Contract Administrator Days Paid field is only enabled if the payroll schedule is defined with the administrator job category selected.)
Tip: If Monthly is specified in the Reporting Frequency field (above), the Payroll Batches to Include List is used for selecting the batches to report for the regular retirement contributions (while the SSP Only Payroll Batches to Include List is used for selecting the batches to report for the Supplemental Savings Plan information, if applicable); or if Per Pay Period is specified in the Reporting Frequency field, the Payroll Batches to Include List is used for selecting the batches to report for the regular retirement contributions and the Supplemental Savings Plan information, if applicable.
Note: The unposted
payroll calculation batches display in the Payroll Batches to Include
List without a checkmark in the Posted column. If the retirement
report is generated for an unposted payroll batch, be sure to carefully
verify the data before submitting the file to the state to ensure any
additional changes in the unposted batch are reflected on the retirement
report; or as a precaution, wait until the batch is posted to regenerate
the report and then create the file to submit to the state. Also,
only the payroll calculation batches with a processing month of 06/2021
or greater display in the Payroll Batches to Include List.
If applicable, select the Deferred field to indicate the earnings for the selected batch were deferred. For example, select the Deferred field in June for the batches that were used to pay or expense the wages for July and August for teachers who were paid over 12 months. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
In the expanded list below the selected payroll batch, the defined pay period dates from the payroll schedules that have a Pay Date on or one day prior or one day after the Check Date for the selected batch appear (if needed, the filters can be changed). Select the pay period dates from the applicable payroll schedules that tie to the selected payroll batch by clicking the box for the Selected column to the left of the desired record (row). A checkmark will appear in the box if the pay period dates from a payroll schedule is selected.
For the selected pay period dates, complete the Contract Teacher Days Paid field and the Contract Administrator Days Paid field if enabled. In the Contract Teacher Days Paid field, enter the number of days for which the teachers were paid in the pay period. In the Contract Administrator Days Paid field, enter the number of days for which administrators were paid in the pay period. (Note: The Contract Teacher Days Paid field is only enabled if the payroll schedule is defined with the teacher job category selected, and the Contract Administrator Days Paid field is only enabled if the payroll schedule is defined with the administrator job category selected.)
Tip: If Monthly is specified in the Reporting Frequency field (above), the SSP Only Payroll Batches to Include List is used for selecting the batches to report for the Supplemental Savings Plan information, if applicable (while the Payroll Batches to Include List is used for selecting the batches to report for the regular retirement contributions).
Note: The unposted payroll calculation batches display in the SSP Only Payroll Batches to Include List without a checkmark in the Posted column. If the retirement report is generated for an unposted payroll batch, be sure to carefully verify the data before submitting the file to the state to ensure any additional changes in the unposted batch are reflected on the retirement report; or as a precaution, wait until the batch is posted to regenerate the report and then create the file to submit to the state. Also, only the payroll calculation batches with a processing month of 06/2021 or greater display in the SSP Only Payroll Batches to Include List.
Click the Save button.
Click the Deductions tab to select which deductions are set up for the various retirement options.
Tip: To lock a column in place so that it does not move while scrolling the information in the grid, click the pushpin located to the right of the desired column heading. Once the pushpin has been selected for a column, the pushpin will appear vertical to indicate the column is locked, and the locked column will move to the left and appear in front of all unlocked columns. To unlock a column, click the pushpin again; the pushpin will appear horizontal to indicate a column is unlocked. If the screen is closed and re-opened, or the Save button is clicked, the settings for the pushpins will go back to the defaults.
For the regular retirement deduction for the Teachers Retirement System, enter which share (Employee, Employer, or Both) of the deduction to include on the report as the 9% member contributions in the Member TRS Contributions field (column), or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
For the THIS (Teacher Health Insurance Security) deduction, enter which share (Employee, Employer, or Both) of the deduction to include on the report as the member contributions in the Member THIS Contributions field (column), or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
If applicable, for deductions defined for the Supplemental Savings Plan, enter the 2-digit code for the appropriate contribution category in the SSP - Employee field (column) and/or the SSP - Employer field (column), or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Tip: Separate deductions must be setup if multiple contribution categories are used under one field (for example, if multiple contribution categories are utilized for SSP - Employer, setup and use a separate deduction for each applicable category).
If applicable, for the appropriate deductions (for example, for a deduction defined to increase the retirement gross, such as those with the Retirement on Board's Share field selected in the Deduction File, or a deduction defined as an Add or Payment In Kind deduction type and cross referenced to the retirement deduction; or a supplemental savings plan deduction), enter the 2-digit code for the appropriate payment reason in the Payment Reason field (column), or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Tip: For supplemental savings plan deductions (those with the SP - Employee or SSP - Employer field (column) completed), BS for Base Salary will generate as the Payment Reason if one is not specified here.
Note: For the deductions with the Payment Reason field defined with BS for Base Salary that are set up in the Employee File with the Annual Total field completed for the employer share, the amount entered in the Annual Total field will be added to the full annual rate total on the report. For the deductions with the Payment Reason field defined with BS for Base Salary that are set up in the Employee File with dollar amounts for the employer share, the employer amount multiplied by the number of Pay Periods Per Year (as entered on the Employment screen in the Employee File) will be added to the full annual rate total on the report. For the deductions with the Payment Reason field defined with BS for Base Salary that are set up with percentages for the employer share, the employer percentage rate multiplied by the total from the selected pay codes will be added to the full annual rate total on the report. For the deductions with the Payment Reason field defined with BS for Base Salary that are set up in the Employee File as Declining for the employer share without an Annual Total specified, no amount will be added to the full annual rate total, so be sure the Annual Total field is completed for those Declining deductions.
Click the Save button.
Click the Pay Codes tab to select which pay codes to include for the full annual rate and define the appropriate payment reasons.
To include a pay code in the total for the full annual rate (which is the expected yearly amount of the creditable earnings (retirement gross) for the selected pay codes plus the deductions defined with a Payment Reason of BS for Base Salary (as specified on the Deductions tab) for the applicable employees, click the box under the Full Annual Rate column (field). A checkmark will appear in the box if the pay code is selected.
For each pay code that is defined to increase the retirement gross (for example, a pay code cross referenced to the retirement deduction), enter the 2-digit code for the appropriate payment reason in the Payment Reason field (column), or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one.
Click the Save button.
Click the Leaves tab to select which leaves to include in the balance for sick leave (and personal leave if able to be used as sick leave).
To include a leave in the balance for the total number of days of sick leave and personal leave (only if able to be used as sick leave), click the box under the Selected column (field) to the left of the Leave ID. A checkmark will appear in the box if the leave is selected.
Only if a leave is tracked in hours, complete the Divisible Value field with the number of hours in one day of the leave, because the leave must be reported in days on the retirement report. The balance for the leave will be divided by the number entered in this field and included on the report.
Click the Save button.
Click the Edit Pay Period Entries tab to verify and edit the entries (if applicable) for employees in Pay Period Entries or Employee Absences batches (for those included in the selected payroll batches as specified on the Report Options screen (tab)).
If the entry is for a unit pay code or the entry is for an absence on a contract, complete the Hours Override field to use a different number of hours for the entry than what is specified in the Hours field. The number can be up to 14 digits long (including the decimal point and comma(s) if applicable) and will be rounded to 4 decimal places by the system if capable. Typically, this field is used with rehired retirees since they must not have more than 5 hours per day reported on the retirement report, or else used with entries for absences on contracts if a different number of hours should be used than what is specified in the Hours field (as entries for absences on contracts are part of the calculation to determine the number of docked days reported on the retirement report).
The Days Paid Override field is only enabled if the entry is for a unit pay code. If applicable, enter the number of days (up to 2 digits) the employee was paid for the particular entry in the Days Paid Override field; otherwise, leave the Days Paid Override field blank to have the system calculate the number of days paid when the retirement report is generated, by adding the days between the Start Date and End Date of the entry that are Monday through Friday.
Note: The Days Paid Override field is disabled if the entry is for a contract pay code.
The Retirement Payment Reason Override field is only enabled if the entry is for a unit pay code. If applicable, in the Retirement Payment Reason Override field, enter the appropriate 2-character code to use for the entry if the employee's retirement payment reason is different than the default designated for the pay code (when generating the retirement report), or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. If applicable, the code entered in the Retirement Payment Reason Override field for the specified pay code on the Wages screen of the Employee File for this employee will appear but can be changed. Leave the Retirement Payment Reason Override field blank for the entry to use the default designated for the pay code (defined when generating the retirement report).
Note: The Retirement Payment Reason Override field is disabled if the entry is for a contract pay code.
If changes were made, click the Save button.
Click the Report Options tab and then click the Execute button to generate the report.
To view the information for an employee and manually make changes if necessary, click the View/Edit tab.
Note: Only the fields that appear in white (rather than gray) can be changed. To delete a record for an employee, click the Delete button to the left of the Employee ID. If needed, to add a new record for an employee, complete all the fields of information in the blank line (indicated with an asterisk) and click the Save button. Reminder, if an employee has the TRS Tier Type custom field completed and was included in a payroll calculation batch for which the retirement report is being generated, the employee will be included on the report even if the employee does not have any retirement (i.e. retirement deduction is not set up for the employee). Also, below is a link for additional information noting where the fields (columns) on the View/Edit tab are generated from in the School Accounting System:
To view the detail records for an employee, click the plus sign (+) in the box in front of the employee to expand the record. The detail information for the employee appears on the screen with each different contribution category and/or payment reason record listed separately.
Note: To delete a detail record for an employee, click the Delete button to the left of the desired record. If needed, to add a new detail record for an employee, complete all the fields of information in the blank line (indicated with an asterisk) and click the Save button.
If changes were made, click the Save button.
Tip: To export the report into a file in order to open and print the report (such as in Microsoft® Excel), if desired, complete the Export Grid option (accessed from the File menu).
Note: The file created with the Export Grid option is not the file to submit to the Retirement Office; refer to Step 9 below for the instructions for generating the file to submit to the Retirement Office.
10. To create the file to submit to the Retirement Office, complete the Create Report File option.
11. After the retirement report is generated and the file created, click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the screen.