Processing Late Charges

Note:  In order to use the Process Late Charges option, set up the system to calculate late charges by doing the following:  1) in the Accounts Receivable System File, select the Enable Late Charges field and complete the remaining fields in the Late Charges section; and 2) in the Department File, select the Assess Late Charges field for the applicable departments and complete the Late Charge Revenue Account field (only if operating on an accrual basis).

Note:  The Process Late Charges option is disabled if the Enable Late Charges field is not selected in the Accounts Receivable System File.

Tip:  If the Aging Method field in the Accounts Receivable System File is set to Processing Month, the month of the date entered here will be used to determine the age of the outstanding balances.

Note:  If the month entered in this field is more than two months different from the current month, a warning icon will appear to the right of the field; verify the month entered is correct.  If the specified processing month is in the next fiscal year and there are funds in the Fund File in General Ledger with the Automatically Start New Fiscal Year field not selected, the Start New Fiscal Year option will need to be completed for the appropriate funds if it has not already been done.

Tip:  If the Aging Method field in the Accounts Receivable System File is set to Month of Due Date, the month of the date entered here will be used to determine the age of the outstanding balances.

Note:  The late charges are calculated by multiplying the department balances for the customers with the annual percentage rate as entered in the Accounts Receivable System File, and then dividing that amount by 12 to determine the late charges for the month.  If the calculated amount for late charges is less than the Minimum Amount defined in the Accounts Receivable System File (if applicable), the amount entered in the Minimum Amount field will be used as the late charges that month, prorated among all the department balances if needed, for the customer.

Tip:  If the late charges had previously been processed for the specified month for a particular customer (customer's department balance), the row will be disabled (gray) and the late charges will not be processed again for that customer (customer's department balance).  Also, if a customer has a credit (negative) balance in another department than the one for which the late charges are being calculated, a warning icon will appear in the Amount Past Due field; verify the customer's balances before continuing as a payment may have been applied to an incorrect department and thus the late charges may not need to be processed for the specified department.

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