Note: In order to email the statements to customers using the Print/Email Statements option, complete the following: 1) if needed, on the From Email Addresses tab in the Email Manager option, add an email address from which the emails will be sent; 2) select the Enable Email Manager field on the General Options tab in the Email Manager option (if not already selected); 3) complete the General Information section on the General Options tab in the Email Manager option (if not already completed); 4) complete the Default From Email Address ID field in the Report Options section on the Accounts Receivable tab in the Email Manager option, if desired; 5) select the Email Statements field in the Customer File for the applicable customers; 6) enter up to three email addresses (for Business, Personal, and/or Other) in the Customer File for the applicable customers; and 7) select at least one of the usage fields (Direct Deposit, Tax Forms, or Other Communication field) for the email addresses for the customers (the usages for which email addresses to use is specified at the time the statements are emailed).
From the Accounts Receivable screen, select the Statement Cycle menu and then Print/Email Statements.
At the Print/Email Statements screen, enter the name of the statement report to print (and email, if applicable) in the Report Name field, or click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. The name of the statement report selected the last time the option was completed will appear by default but can be changed if needed.
Note: Only a report format created within the Statement Report Setup option can be entered in this field.
Enter the date to print on the statements in the Statement Date field. Use the mm/dd/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date. The date specified the last time the option was completed will appear by default. Clear the field and leave it blank to default to the current date.
Enter the month for which to generate the statements in the Processing Month field. Use the mm/yyyy format or click the down-arrow button to select the desired date. The month specified the last time the option was completed will appear by default. Clear the field and leave it blank to default to the current month (as based on the computer date).
Note: The charges (invoices) and payments posted to the month specified in this field will be included on the statements as new (current period) items and calculated as part of the balance due and the aged category of Current Balance, while outstanding items posted to a month prior are reflected in the previous balance (and balance due, if applicable) and included in the appropriate aged category (Current Balance, 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, 91-121 Days, and 121+ Days) as determined by the Aging Method field specified in the Accounts Receivable System File.
Click the Execute button.
Complete the desired report printing options.
to Complete the Report Printing Options
1) Utilize the Email Statements parameter to include or exclude the customers who are defined to have statements emailed. For example, enter False in the Email Statements parameter when printing paper copies of the statements to mail to the customers, or enter True when emailing the statements to the applicable customers.
2) Utilize the Statements to Include parameter to stipulate which statements to print or email, including those for the customers with balances on the statements, those with credit balances on the statements, or those with zero balances on the statements. For example, to not print statements with zero balances, only select Statements with Balance and Statements with Credit Balance for the Statements to Include parameter; or to print all statements including those with credit balances and zero balances, select Statements with Balance, Statements with Credit Balance, and Statements with Zero Balance (or leave the parameter blank to use the default of 'All Records Selected').
Click the appropriate button for the desired output:
To preview the statements on the screen, click the To Screen button.
To print the statements directly to the printer (as designated in the Printer Setup option), click the To Printer button.
To email the statements, click the Email button and then complete the steps below.
Tip: Statements previewed on the screen can also be emailed by clicking the Email button on the preview screen.
At the Email Report screen, select the Email Recipients Individual Pages field in order to email each customer the applicable statement. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
In the Email Address to Use section, specify the email addresses for which to email the report by selecting the desired usage fields: Direct Deposit, Other Communication, and/or Tax Forms. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
In the Send to Recipients section, select the Customers field. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected.
In the File Type section, select to email the report as a .PDF or .XLSX file attachment by selecting the Excel Spreadsheet (XLSX) field or the Portable Document Format (PDF) field. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected. The Portable Document Format (PDF) field will be selected by default.
In the Entity Selection List, select the customers for which to email their statements by clicking the box for the Selected column to the left of the desired record. A checkmark will appear in the box if the customer is selected. To select all the customers listed on the screen, click the Select All button located above the Entity Selection List. If desired, change the filters to modify the customers displayed here.
Note: If the Customer ID parameter was completed on the Report Printing Options screen, the applicable customers selected for the Customer ID parameter will be selected in the Entity Selection List by default, but can be changed as needed. If report parameters other than the Customer ID parameter were completed for the report, only the entities based on the selections for those other parameters appear in the Entity Selection List.
Click the Email button.
The Email Options screen will appear; complete the email options as needed.
to Complete the Email Options
Click the Execute button to send the emails.
Note: If the first email is unable to be sent successfully, a prompt will appear asking to continue trying to send the remaining emails; click Yes to continue sending the remaining emails, or click No to quit sending the emails at this time (and, if desired, edit the Recipients List and then resend). If an email is rejected because an incorrect email address was entered for a recipient, the rejection notice will be sent to the specified from email address.
A message will appear in the status bar on the Email Options screen once the emails have been sent.
Click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the Email Options screen.
Note: If there were one or more emails not successfully sent, the Cancel button and Retry button appear at the bottom of the Email Options screen. If desired, edit the Recipients List and then click the Retry button to try resending the emails to those recipients who did not have one sent initially; otherwise, click the Cancel button to close the Email Options screen.
After the statements are printed and/or emailed, click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the report printing options screen (only applicable if the Auto Close Report Printing Options field in the User Options option is not selected for the user).