From the Accounts Payable screen, select the Requisitions menu and then Requisition Inquiry.
At the Requisition Inquiry screen, enter the number of the requisition for which to complete the inquiry in the Requisition Number field. If the number is not known, click the Find button to select the correct one.
The information for the specified requisition appears on the screen.
Tip: The order of the columns on the Requisition Inquiry screen can be changed by clicking on the column heading and dragging the column to the desired location. To change the order of the columns, or hide columns, so that the settings are retained for the next time the Requisition Inquiry option is accessed, use the Set Screen Preferences option. If the screen preferences are changed, the default screen preferences can be restored, if desired.
to Set Screen Preferences
to Restore Default Screen Preferences
To view additional details for a particular line item on the requisition (or purchase order or invoice), double-click the desired line. When finished, click the Cancel button to display only the information on the left side of the screen.
Note: If viewing the detail information for a line item on a requisition, click the To Screen button located to the right of the Requisition Number field to preview or reprint a copy of the requisition using the report entered in the Default Requisition Form Report field for the specified approval tree within the Requisition Options option. If viewing the detail information for a line item on a requisition or purchase order, click the Go To button located to the right of the URL field (or Bid URL field) to launch the Internet browser and display the specified website, if applicable. If viewing the detail information for a line item on a purchase order or a line item on an invoice or requisition tied to a purchase order, click the To Screen button located to the right of the Purchase Order Number field to preview or reprint a copy of the purchase order using the report entered in the Default Purchase Order Format field in the Accounts Payable System File. If viewing the detail information for a line item on an invoice or requisition tied to a purchase order, click the Go To button located to the right of the Purchase Order Number field to view the detail information for the purchase order. If viewing the detail information for a line item on an invoice that has been paid, click the To Screen button located to the right of the Check Number field to preview or reprint a copy of the check, which will include a "Copy" overlay; the To Screen button by the Check Number field is only enabled if the user has Full Access rights to the Replace/Reprint Checks option in Accounts Payable. If viewing the detail information for a line item on an invoice tracked as an asset to be added to the Fixed Asset Inventory module, click the Show Details button located to the right of the Asset field within the Invoice Header section to view the asset information. For purchase orders that have been received, if viewing the detail information for a line item on a purchase order that was tracked as an asset to be added to the Fixed Asset Inventory module, click the Show Details button located to the right of the Asset field in the Receiving Status List to view the asset information.
If desired, a line item with an outstanding balance on a posted purchase order can be cancelled.
to Cancel a Purchase Order Line Item within the Purchase Order Inquiry
Note: If a purchase order line item was cancelled, the date when it was cancelled will display in the Cancelled Date field, which appears when viewing the detail information for the line item.
If desired, the balance of a line item on a posted purchase order can be adjusted (increased or decreased).
to Adjust a Purchase Order Line Item within the Purchase Order Inquiry
If desired, to print the information for the requisition inquiry, print the Requisition Inquiry from the Reports menu.