The Quarterly 941s option in Payroll is used to generate and then print and/or electronically submit the 941 Form at the end of each quarter. The Quarterly 941s option also generates and prints the Schedule B Form if set up to do so in the Payroll System File.
Note: In order to electronically submit the 941 Form (and Schedule B Form, if applicable) to the IRS from within the Quarterly 941s option, first complete the 941 Electronic Authorized Signers/PIN Requests option to add an authorized signer and request a PIN; once the request has been accepted by the IRS, the IRS will mail the PIN to the authorized signer and the signer can be activated within the option. Only one active authorized signer can be defined for an organization; for more information, refer to the 941 Electronic Authorized Signers/PIN Requests topic.
Steps to Generate
the Quarterly 941
to Regenerate the Quarterly 941
to Edit the Quarterly 941