From the Payroll screen, select the Options menu, Leave Requests, and then Leave Request Inquiry.
Note: The Leave Request Inquiry option can also be accessed from the Options menu within the Employee File, Pay Period Entries, and Employee Absences. The Leave Requests submenu and Leave Request Inquiry option are only available to organizations that have licensed the Web Link module.
At the Leave Request Inquiry screen, enter the ID of the employee for which to complete the inquiry in the Employee ID field. If the ID is not known, click the down-arrow button or the Find button to select the correct one.
To view the leave requests for only one leave for the employee, enter the ID of the leave to view in the Leave ID field. If the ID is not known, click the down-arrow button to select the correct one. Only the leaves for which leave requests have been entered for the employee can be specified here. Leave the field blank to view the leave requests for all leaves (including FMLA leave requests not tied to a leave, if applicable) for the employee.
The leave requests for only the selected employee (and leave, if applicable) appear in the Leave Requests List, and also on the calendar located on the bottom of the screen. The leave requests are listed within the Leave Requests List in order by Start Date, with the most recent ones at the top, and the status for each leave request (Approved, Pending, Unsubmitted, Rejected, Cancelled, or Recalled) displays in the Status column. The FMLA leave requests will appear with the other leave requests, but will have the FMLA Reason column completed in the Leave Requests List and FMLA included as the description in the calendar. The leave requests (and FMLA leave requests, if applicable) for the specified number of past years and forward as designated in the Leave Request Options display on the calendar.
Note: Approved leave requests (and FMLA leave requests, if applicable) appear on the calendar in solid blue, while the pending, unsubmitted, rejected, or recalled leave requests appear in blue hashed lines. Cancelled leave requests do not show on the calendar, but are included in the Leave Requests List. The events added within the Manage Calendar option display using their designated colors.
Tip: The calendar automatically displays for the Start Date of the leave request selected (highlighted) in the Leave Requests List. Click once on a leave request in the Leave Requests List to display the calendar for that Start Date. If desired, use the month thumbnails located to the right of the calendar to toggle to different months, and then select a date within a desired month to display in the calendar or click the Today button to view today's date in the calendar. To change how the calendar is viewed (by month, week, or day), click the Month, Week, or Day tab located in the top left corner of the calendar; by default, the Month tab is selected. If desired, click the Print Calendar button to print the calendar.
To view additional details for a particular leave request, double-click the desired line in the Leave Requests List or double-click the desired item on the calendar.
The detailed information for the selected leave request will appear in the Leave Request Inquiry Detail screen (or Leave Request Inquiry Detail - FMLA screen, if applicable). When finished viewing the detailed information, click the Cancel button to close the Leave Request Inquiry Detail screen (or Leave Request Inquiry Detail - FMLA screen, if applicable).
If desired, click the Recall button to recall the leave request. Only the employee for whom the leave request was made can recall a leave request.
Note: The Recall button is only enabled if the leave request is for the employee tied to the user currently logged into the system and if the leave request has a status of Pending or Approved.
Steps to Recall a Leave Request
If desired, click the View Payroll Entry button to view the information for the Payroll entry if a leave request has been selected and brought into a batch of Employee Absences or Pay Period Entries. The Payroll Entry Search screen will then appear listing the Pay Code ID, Leave ID, Start Date, End Date, Units, Batch Description, and Posted information for the Payroll entry (or entries) tied to the selected leave request; when finished viewing the entry information, click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the screen.
Note: The View Payroll Entry button is only enabled if the leave request has a status of Approved and has been brought into a batch of Employee Absences or Pay Period Entries.
If needed, the Start Date and End Date fields can be changed if the selected leave request has a status of Approved and has been selected and brought into a batch of Employee Absences or Pay Period Entries (a posted or unposted batch); if applicable, click the Save button to save the changes and close the screen.
Note: If the date entered in the End Date field is more than 30 days from the date entered in the Start Date field, a warning icon will appear to the right of the Start Date and End Date fields; verify the dates entered are correct.
If desired, to print the information for the leave request inquiry, print the Leave Request Report or the Leave Request Status Report from the Reports menu.
Note: When printing the Leave Request Report or the Leave Request Status Report, the default Report Selection Description will be Leave Requests Only; if needed, select Leave Requests and FMLA Leave Requests as the Report Selection Description in order to print FMLA leave requests in addition to the regular leave requests.