Iowa Unemployment Report

Note:  If the employees at your school district are to be included in two or more different reporting units on the unemployment report, define a referenced custom field for Reporting Unit; then complete the custom field in the Employee File with the correct number (up to 4 digits) for the reporting unit where the employee works if different than the default reporting unit specified when generating the unemployment report.  If the number of the reporting unit entered for an employee (in the custom field in the Employee File) is less than 4 digits, the system will add preceding zeros to make it 4 digits when the unemployment report file is created.

  1. From the Payroll screen, select the Government Reporting menu and then Iowa Unemployment Report.

  2. At the Iowa Unemployment Report screen, click the Report Options tab and complete the information.

Note:  If the number of the reporting unit entered as the default is less than 4 digits, the system will add preceding zeros to make it 4 digits once you advance out of the field.

  1. Click the Pay Groups tab to select the pay groups to include on the unemployment report.

Note:  The pay groups defined (within the Pay Group File) to be included on the Iowa Unemployment Report are selected by default, but can be changed if needed; if changes are made here, the changes will also be reflected in the Pay Group File.

  1. Click the Taxes tab to select which tax is set up for the State Unemployment Tax and should be included on the unemployment report.

  1. If desired, click the View/Edit Data tab to view the information on the unemployment report and make changes if needed.

Tip:  To lock a column in place so that it does not move while scrolling the information in the grid, click the pushpin located to the right of the desired column heading.  Once the pushpin has been selected for a column, the pushpin will appear vertical to indicate the column is locked, and the locked column will move to the left and appear in front of all unlocked columns.  To unlock a column, click the pushpin again; the pushpin will appear horizontal to indicate a column is unlocked.  If the screen is closed and re-opened, the settings for the pushpins will go back to the defaults.

Note:  All changes will be lost once the View/Edit Data screen is closed (either by closing the option or accessing a different tab (screen)); if any changes were made, create the file at this time in order to include the desired changes.

Steps to Export Grid

Note:  The file created with the Export Grid option is not the file to submit to the state as it is not using the correct required file format/layout.

  1. The unemployment report can then be generated to paper (to keep as a hard copy) and to a file (to submit to the state via the Internet).

Printing to Paper:

Note:  If changes were made to the data on the View/Edit Data tab, the Quarterly Unemployment Report for Iowa will not reflect the changes; instead, complete the Export Grid option (noted above in Step 5) to print a report including the changes.

Steps to Print a Report

Creating a File:

Steps to Create a Report File

  1. After the unemployment report is printed and the file created, click the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the screen.