Note: Contact your bank to obtain the information needed to complete certain fields on this screen; it may be helpful to do a print screen and then take the printout to your bank for completion. The information that should be entered in each field for most organizations is listed below.
From the General Ledger screen, select the Maintenance menu and then Direct Deposit Header Records.
Note: If desired, to access the Direct Deposit Header Record File from Accounts Payable or Payroll, select the Options menu from the Accounts Payable or Payroll screen, Direct Deposit Options, and then Direct Deposit Header Records.
At the Direct Deposit Header Records screen, click the New Record button.
Note: For any field equipped with the repeat function, click the Repeat button or press the Ctrl+R keys to repeat the previous entry for the specified field. The repeat function is only available after your initial entry.
Enter a unique ID for the direct deposit header record in the Direct Deposit Header Record ID field. The ID can be alphanumeric and up to 10 characters long (no spaces).
Note: To have the system automatically assign the ID using the first 10 characters (letters and numbers only) of the description, leave the ID field blank; once the record is saved, the ID will be assigned.
Enter a description for the direct deposit header record in the Direct Deposit Header Record Description field. The description can be up to 40 characters long.
Enter a space and then the unique 9-digit routing number for the Federal Reserve bank in your area in the Immediate Destination field. The information can be alphanumeric and up to 10 characters long.
Enter a space and then the unique 9-digit routing number for your bank in the Immediate Origin field; or if using your federal ID number in place of the routing number, enter the number 1 and then the federal ID number for your organization in this field. The information can be alphanumeric and up to 10 characters long.
In the Immediate Destination Name field, enter the name of the bank for which the file is destined. In most cases, this will be the name of the Federal Reserve bank in your area. The name can be up to 23 characters long.
If the routing number of your bank was entered in the Immediate Origin field, enter the name of the bank sending the file in the Immediate Origin Name field; in most cases, this will be the name of your bank. If your federal ID number was entered in the Immediate Origin field, enter the name of your organization in the Immediate Origin Name field. The name can be up to 23 characters long.
In the Company Name field, enter the name of your organization. The name can be up to 16 characters long.
Note: Initially, the organization name as shown in the System File will appear as the default (and can be changed), but thereafter, the default will be the information last saved in this field.
Enter the number 1 and then the federal ID number for your organization (without a hyphen) in the Company Identification field. For example, if your federal ID number is 42-6039215, enter 1426039215 in this field. The information can be alphanumeric and up to 10 characters long.
Note: If the hyphen is entered for the federal ID number, then do not enter the preceding 1.
If the information entered in the Company Identification field changes depending on the module (Accounts Payable or Payroll) or checking account for which the direct deposit file is being created, select the Enable Editing on File Creation field in order to be able to edit the information as needed when creating a direct deposit file, recreating a direct deposit file, or creating a direct deposit prenotification file. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected. Typically, this field is not selected.
Enter only the first 8 digits of the 9-digit routing number for your bank in the Originating DFI Identification field. The information can be alphanumeric and up to 8 characters long.
Select the Carriage Return (Line End) field to insert a carriage return at the end of each line in the direct deposit file. A checkmark will appear in the box if the field is selected. Typically, this field should be selected.
If applicable, enter the information for the file header as required by your bank in the ACH Header Label Record field. The information can be alphanumeric and up to 94 characters long. Typically, this field is left blank.
Click the Save button.
Tip: As included in Step 1 of the Accounts Payable Direct Deposit Setup Checklist and Payroll Direct Deposit Setup Checklist, remember to tie the newly added direct deposit header record to the appropriate checking account(s).
to Change a Checking Account (Tie a Direct Deposit Header Record
to a Checking Account)