ESSA Account Number Changes

The ESSA Account Number Changes option is used to implement changes with the account structure and account numbers in order to comply with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirements for the applicable states, effective for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.  The ESSA Account Number Changes option is only available to Missouri and Nebraska school districts, and is accessed from within the Chart of Accounts in General Ledger.  The ESSA Account Number Changes option can only be completed (executed) one time, after which it will then become disabled.

For Missouri school districts, the ESSA Account Number Changes option does the following:  adds the Source of Funds reference piece (as a required piece) to the structure for expenditure accounts (the Source of Funds File becomes available under the Reference Files option after refreshing the General Ledger screen once the ESSA Account Number Changes option is executed); adds the Source of Funds reference piece to all existing expenditure accounts using the specified default number; changes the name of the Operational Unit reference piece to be Location; expands the Location reference piece (formerly called Operational Unit) from 3 digits to 4 digits; expands the Project reference piece from 3 digits to 5 digits; makes the Project reference piece a required piece for expenditure accounts; defines the placement of the additional zeros for the newly expanded length of the Project and Location reference pieces (the zeros can be placed at the beginning or end of the original (existing) reference numbers); and allows the account structure for the revenue and expenditure accounts to be changed if desired (able to change the order of the reference pieces and whether or not the optional reference pieces are used).  The ESSA Account Number Changes option can be completed by Missouri school districts at any time as the changes will not affect the annual report for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.

For Nebraska school districts, the ESSA Account Number Changes option does the following:  makes the Building reference piece a required piece for expenditure accounts; allows the account structure for the expenditure accounts to be changed if desired (able to change the order of the reference pieces and whether or not the optional reference pieces are used); and if the Level reference piece is currently being utilized with expenditure accounts, provides a way to define the building codes to use in the expenditure accounts as based on the existing level codes.  The ESSA Account Number Changes option can be completed by Nebraska school districts at any time as the changes will not affect the annual report for the 2017-2018 fiscal year (the Building reference piece will not be included (reported) on the 2017-2018 annual report).

Note:  The ESSA Account Number Changes option is only available to users who are set up as a supervisor.  All users should be logged out of the School Accounting System when completing the ESSA Account Number Changes option.

Steps to Implement ESSA Account Number Changes for Missouri

Steps to Implement ESSA Account Number Changes for Nebraska